The Mediterranean man stared at the screen in disbelief, the cigar in his hand letting it slip from his clothes.

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

"How could a second-rate bearing company develop high-precision bearings? This must be the introduction of foreign capital." The man said in disbelief.

"Mr. Lin, it's not good." A young man in work clothes broke in and gasped.

"What's going on? You're so panicked. Can you calm down for such a big man?" Mr. Lin said calmly.

"Mr. Lin, just now, Tianzheng Electric has terminated the contract with us." The young man said hurriedly.

"What? Are you sure?" Mr. Lin sat up from his seat immediately, his words a little hasty.

"Mr. Lin, their company called us just now and said that they would no longer cooperate with us and that they had found a better bearing manufacturer." The young man said.

Later, the young man reported to Mr. Lin the specific contents of the conversation on the phone. After listening to Mr. Lin, he became completely uneasy.

"You mean they're working with Conner?"

Mr. Lin's voice instantly rose a few degrees, and his face was already red from holding back.

"Okay, Li Zhihua, if you play this trick with me, I won't let you succeed."

"I want to see who can have the last laugh." After saying this, Mr. Lin revealed an evil smile.


"Hello, Mr. Li, can you tell us how long it took your company to develop high-precision bearings and how much money it cost."

"Mr. Li, last time there was a rumor that your company was about to go bankrupt, is it related to the fact that bearing research and development consumed a lot of money?"


Suddenly all the questions came flooding in. Li Zhihua couldn't help but smile helplessly when he saw such a passionate scene.

"I'm sorry, the above already involves the secrets of our company, and I don't have the right to tell you."

"Because these things are all handled by our general manager, so I'm sorry."

Li Zhijun bowed deeply to the crowd with an apologetic expression.

"Mr. Li, can you tell us the name of your company's general manager? Can he come out to meet us now?" reporter Xiaona asked.

Li Zhihua still shook his head.

"Sorry, our general manager said we can't reveal any information about him, so I still have no comment."

In this way, this interview with major media ended hastily.

The advent of high-precision bearings has attracted widespread attention from people across the country. Li Zhihua never imagined that his company would go from being a manufacturer that was about to go bankrupt to being known to people across the country.

In the past few days, the phone calls for orders have been overwhelming.

At Kangerna Co., Ltd., two heavy-duty trucks were parked at the door of the No. 1 workshop, and many workers were constantly transporting goods to them.

"Master Liu, our company will take away this batch of goods."

The person talking to Liu Cong was Boss Wang, the deputy general manager of Tianzheng Electric Company.

"Well, take it away."

"For the time being, our company has only opened one production workshop, so we can only supply so much goods. We will be able to supply more goods when it opens later."

"However, according to our previous agreement, we will give you a 20% discount." Liu Cong smiled and said to Boss Wang in front of him.

"Master Liu, how can this be possible? Your company also needs to make money."

"And our company has also benefited from your success. As long as our company can use the high-precision bearings of Mr. Liu's company, the service life of our company's machines will be increased by at least five times."

Speaking of this, Boss Wang's eyes became hot.

"Boss Wang, a gentleman's words are hard to follow."

"Since you chose to believe in me, I, Liu Cong, will not let you down."

"Your company will always be our partner from now on." Liu Cong said with a smile to Boss Wang.

It was precisely because of Liu Cong's words that Boss Wang believed even more that the young man in front of him was the young master of the Liu family.

Businessmen are all about profits, especially in some manufacturing industries. After excluding costs and other things, you can only earn a few cents per item. They all win based on quantity.

Liu Cong's level of arrogance didn't look like someone who was short of money. The more Boss Wang looked at Liu Cong in front of him, the more he respected him.

Soon all the bearings were installed on the car. Boss Wang looked at Liu Cong and seemed to have thought of something.

"Master Liu, there is something I want to tell you."

"You should pay special attention to what's going on at Kant these days. Your company is gradually declining and their company is considered a mastermind." Boss Wang said cautiously in Liu Cong's ear.

Liu Cong frowned when he heard what Boss Wang said, and then asked: "Boss Wang, I don't quite understand what you said. Can you make it clearer?"

"Li Zhihua, didn't he tell you about this?" Boss Wang asked.

"No, he just told me that the company's capital chain was broken and there were no suppliers to cooperate with. I don't know anything else," Liu Cong said.

"That's right. Kangde Company poached many research teams and marketing personnel from your company with huge sums of money. This is also the reason why your company declined later..."

Boss Wang then told everything about what happened, and Liu Cong was frightened when he heard it.

"Sure enough, the shopping mall is like a battlefield. It seems that we may not have such smooth sailing in the future." Liu Cong couldn't help but sigh.

After Liu Cong said goodbye to Boss Wang, he called Li Zhihua to his office and asked him about the origin of the matter.

"Boss, I'm not telling you that the key thing is that it's too complicated."

"The feud between us and Kant is no longer just a day or two. We have been at odds with each other since our fathers' generation, and it continues to this day."

"It's just that later on, that guy Lin Feng used some unfair means, but in the final analysis, it's still my problem."

When Li Zhihua said this, there was some annoyance in his eyes.

Seeing Li Zhihua's decline in front of him, Liu Cong comforted him: "Since it's over, don't think too much about it. It will get better slowly."

"Moreover, we now have mastered the core technology and applied for a patent. How can they fight with us?"

"I'm not afraid even if he poaches my team. They have all signed confidentiality agreements and will not be easily bought away with huge sums of money."

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Li Zhihua had to admire the wisdom and courage of the young man in front of him who was about twenty years younger than him.

"Dong dong dong~~"

There was a knock on the door.

Before Liu Cong could say to invite this person in, he barged in. The person who came was none other than Li Rui, the current security captain of the company.

"Dad, boss, you are both here." Li Rui said hurriedly.

"What's the matter? What's so urgent?" Li Zhihua said to his son.

"It's like this. There is someone outside who claims to be the dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering of Aurora University. He is now in front of our company, and there are four or five young people behind him." Li Rui said to Liu Cong and Li Zhihua.

"What? What are the people from Aurora University doing here?"

"It's almost a thousand kilometers from Shanglu City to Beiping City." Li Zhihua was confused after hearing this.

"Let's go and have a look."

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