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Chapter 494 Discussing with Mr. Zheng about the interstellar mining vehicle

Until the moment he took off his hood,

Everyone could clearly see that handsome and handsome face.

The young driver's face was red and smiling.

Everyone knew from his facial expression that he was very excited at this time.

The fighter pilot only learned his name and basic information after Liu Cong's questioning.

The fighter pilot's name is Li Qing. He is 23 years old and is a top student at Beihang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Later, after many layers of selection, he became a real fighter pilot.

In fact, Li Qing had only been flying a fighter for just one year.

This is his first time to fly this second-generation Qinglong fighter jet. He used to simulate it in the simulation warehouse. He tried it today and he felt refreshed.

This kind of experience is enough to make him brag for a lifetime.

No matter which space base he goes to in the future, that will definitely be his first choice.

After all, there is currently only one person in China who has flown a second-generation Qinglong fighter jet. What an honor this is.

Li Qing didn't go anywhere the first time he got off the fighter jet, and walked directly in the direction of Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong.

He walked up to Mr. Zheng first and turned to Liu Cong with a smile.

"Hello, Academician Liu!"

"I've wanted to see you for a long time, and I'm very excited to see you today."

Afterwards, Liu Cong and Li Qing exchanged pleasantries and shook hands.

After the two of them finished speaking, Li Qing's expression changed from a smile to a serious one.

"Mr. Zheng, I have completed the task you gave me!"

"Thank you for your cultivation!"

With that said, Li Qing bowed deeply to Mr. Zheng.

"Hey, hey, Xiao Li, what are you doing!"

"I'm not helping you. I will only promote you when I see that you are very suitable for this candidate. If you want to thank you, just thank yourself for your hard work over the years!"

"If you hadn't been training in the flight room every day, I really wouldn't have met you!" Mr. Zheng said.

"No matter what, I still want to thank you in person!"

"You are usually so busy that I don't get to see you at all, so I can only take this opportunity to thank you!" Li Qing said with a grateful face.

"Okay, why don't you thank me!"

"Our purpose is to serve the people!"

Mr. Zheng patted Li Qing's shoulder solemnly with a smile on his face.

Li Qing also laughed when he saw this scene.



Half an hour later,

Some things on the scene are probably over, and there is no need for Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong to stay here anymore.

The current weather is not cool even for him. Most of the time, the surface temperature is over 30 degrees. If he stands outdoors for a long time, not only Mr. Zheng can't stand it, but Liu Cong can't stand it either.

In this way, Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng returned to Mr. Zheng's office.

After the two sat down, Mr. Zheng took the teapot on the table and poured Liu Cong a cup of herbal tea.

"Academician Liu, I won't be polite to you anymore."

"The weather was so hot just now, let's drink some herbal tea to relieve the heat!"

Liu Cong took the herbal tea with a smile and said, "It's okay, I just like drinking herbal tea!"

With that said, he directly picked up the herbal tea on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Mr. Zheng also imitated Liu Cong's way of drinking tea and drank all the herbal tea in the cup.

After the two finished drinking, they put down their teacups and smiled knowingly.

"Academician Liu, I have lived for eighty years. It can be said that today is the happiest time for me. I have never been so happy as today."

"Even when the last generation Qinglong fighter jet was tested, I didn't go to the site to check it out. Instead, I went directly to Peking for a meeting!"

"The meaning this time is really different!"

"Soon, we will have ten, a hundred, or a thousand second-generation Qinglong fighters."

"By then, no country will have as powerful an air force as ours!" Mr. Zheng said with longing.

"Mr. Zheng, this day will come sooner or later!"

"No, this day has come!"

Liu Cong said with firm eyes and full of confidence.

"Academician Liu, you are right, the day we have been looking forward to has actually arrived!"

"It won't be long before we become even stronger. By then, if the United States dares to bully us again, we will fight back directly!!"

However, Mr. Zheng said that Liu Cong will realize this plan sooner or later.

Only a handful of people know about the US plan last time.

Including Mr. Zheng, they were all completely unaware.

Of course, if such a thing was said, not many people would believe it.

Who would believe that the United States can destroy the whole world by itself?

If Liu Cong didn't have definite evidence, he wouldn't believe it himself.

"Mr. Zheng, since you have finished your work here, I would like you to agree to a request of mine. Is it possible?" Liu Cong asked,

While talking, Mr. Zheng took the initiative to pour a cup of herbal tea for Liu Cong. Liu Cong took the herbal tea and drank it in one gulp.

"Academician Liu, are you talking about your interstellar mining vehicle?"

"My student Zhang Bin told me about this, but I was so busy during that time that I didn't have time to take care of so many things!"

"Now that I'm done with this matter, I want to hear your specific plan!"

Mr. Zheng looked at Liu Cong expectantly.

With the last cooperation, Mr. Zheng's trust in Liu Cong has been greatly improved.

"Mr. Zheng, it's like this. I want to ask you to work as an engineer for the main engine of the interstellar mining vehicle at our space launch base!"

"After all, no one in China has your authority in aviation engines!" Liu Cong said.

"Academician Liu, I still haven't figured out what kind of existence this interstellar mining vehicle is. Is it going to the moon for mining?" Mr. Zheng asked.

It's useless to explain too much now. After all, it involves too many things and I can't explain it clearly in a short while.

Therefore, Liu Cong can only focus on the key points.

"That's pretty much it. Our first stop is indeed the moon!"

After Zheng Laoting heard this, he nodded as he should.

"Well, actually our country also has such a plan, and I think it can be realized."

"What about the follow-up?" Mr. Zheng asked.

"The follow-up is to leave the moon and go to other planets for mining!"

"Currently, our biggest technical difficulty is the engine part and chip part of the interstellar mining vehicle. Once these two parts are solved, our goal can be fully achieved!!"

"The main thing is that we now have the drawings of the engine, but we just can't build it!"

"We can't solve a lot of the professional knowledge involved here. Maybe you have to take action yourself!" Liu Cong said.

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