Later, Liu Cong and Lieutenant General Li Hu spent nearly two hours cleaning the first and second floors.

After all, I will be living here most of the time in the next few months.

Considering that Zheng Lao was old, he was not arranged to participate in the general cleaning.

Instead, let him make the bed he will sleep on and briefly clean his room.

It wasn't until seven o'clock in the evening that Liu Cong stretched out with a broom.

"Lieutenant General Li, the cleaning is completely completed today."

"Next, let's dump this garbage and then we can each wash up and eat!"

Liu Cong pointed to a large pile of garbage on the ground, and used a broom to sweep up the dust on the side.

"Okay Liu Yuan, let's do it now!"

In this way, the two of them spent another ten minutes cleaning up all the garbage, and then took a shower separately.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Cong, Mr. Zheng, and Lieutenant General Li Hu came to the canteen and took a simple bite.

After returning to their residence in the evening, Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng discussed the follow-up aerospace engine for a while, and then went to bed separately.


The next day.

Liu Cong got up at six o'clock in the morning and found Mr. Zheng already doing morning exercises in the yard.

"Mr. Zheng, why are you so early? Why don't you sleep more!" Liu Cong came to Mr. Zheng and said.

After seeing Liu Cong coming, Mr. Zheng stopped what he was doing.


"How can I be like you young people? You really can't sleep when you are older. It is also very good to exercise."

As he spoke, Mr. Zheng also made a few gestures to Liu Cong on the spot.

"Look, how do I do this?"

At first, Liu Cong saw that Mr. Zheng’s movements looked a bit like Tai Chi, but Liu Cong didn’t understand Tai Chi at all. Let him see it, he will definitely not understand it.

However, seeing Mr. Zheng's gestures, he was so skillful.

At that moment, Liu Cong gave a thumbs up, "Mr. Zheng, your Tai Chi skills are really great!"

Mr. Zheng was stunned for a moment when he heard Liu Cong's praise.

Then he said with some embarrassment: "Academician Liu, this is Baduanjin."


"Ba Duan Jin!"

"I said why it looks so similar!"

Liu Cong was also embarrassed and at a loss, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, Mr. Zheng took the initiative to change the topic.

"Academician Liu, it is said that talents specializing in aerospace engines will land at our space launch base today."

"However, from what you said last night, they are all newly graduated master's students, and even undergraduates from 985 universities. There are very few doctoral students. Can these people be allowed?" Mr. Zheng asked with some worry. .

Seeing Mr. Zheng's worried face, Liu Cong did know what Mr. Zheng was worried about.

Logically speaking, these freshly graduated and inexperienced students should not appear in such an important institute.

However, Liu Cong was thinking more long-term.

Through observation during this period, Liu Cong found that these fresh graduates are often easier to shape and their thinking is more divergent.

It is not at all like what outsiders say, people without work experience are not qualified for high-tech research and development.

"Mr. Zheng, I know what you are worried about!"

"However, I can tell you that through my observation, the scientific research capabilities of these fresh graduates are often no worse than those of the elderly who have been working in the research institute for many years."

"The three new departments I opened at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are all fresh graduates. They tend to think more divergently and work harder than the old people." Liu Cong said seriously.

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Mr. Zheng was still a little confused, but he still nodded.

Liu Cong's words reminded him of himself when he was young.

As a newcomer at that time, if my teacher hadn't disliked me and led me to do scientific research, I probably wouldn't have reached this point now.

"Academician Liu, what you said makes sense."

"It's time for me to change my mindset when it comes to research and development. Whoever comes up with scientific research experience when they are young."

"I want to take advantage of this period of time to train a few talents in aerospace engines for our country!"

Mr. Zheng's words came into Liu Cong's mind, because he thought so too.

The weaker the place, the more it needs to pay attention to the cultivation of talents and improve the treatment of talents. Only in this way can there be a continuous influx of talents, and this aspect can be well developed.


Eight in the morning,

Liu Cong and Mr. Zheng stood outside the square, watching these groups of young faces getting off the plane one by one. There were about a hundred people in them.

Each of their faces is full of energy and positivity.

This gave Mr. Zheng a very good first impression of these newcomers.

Subsequently, under the arrangements of others, these young people who were about to enter scientific research positions all stood in the square in an orderly manner.

Everyone was very excited to see Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong.

As long as they are engaged in aerospace scientific research, everyone knows Mr. Zheng.

As long as they are engaged in scientific research, everyone knows about Liu Cong.

These two people are now top-notch existences in any country in the world.

Mr. Zheng looked at these students with sparkling eyes and took the initiative to step forward.

Seeing this, Liu Cong followed Mr. Zheng forward.

"Students, you are welcome to come, we will all be colleagues from now on!" Mr. Zheng said with a kind face.

"Welcome, welcome!"

When Mr. Zheng said this, Liu Cong also echoed.

Everyone was very excited when they saw the two of them like this.

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Liu, I finally meet you in person. You are really my idols. I really like you!"

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Liu, I really like you two so much, you are the target of my pursuit!"


For a moment, the large army that had been relatively quiet suddenly began to boil.

Mr. Zheng was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he saw how enthusiastic these young people were. "Young men, what do you like about this old man like me!"

"Academician Liu is so handsome and talented, you should like him!"

"There is Mr. Zheng there. You are also very handsome, okay!" Liu Cong said quickly.

For a time, the atmosphere outside the square was very good.

After everyone interacted for a while, Liu Cong first arranged for them to stay.

After all, it is really inconvenient for them to visit the aviation launch base with only one luggage.

After everything was simply arranged, Liu Cong took them to the workplace to briefly understand their future work.

The hundred of them are mainly divided into two groups. One works in the workshop, mainly developing and assembling aerospace engine parts.

Mr. Zheng is a hard worker, so of course Mr. Zheng will lead this group of people himself.

The other group of researchers in the aerospace building are mainly responsible for calculations and some procedural issues.

If the division of labor is clear in this way, subsequent work will not be disrupted.

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