Stopping the car, Liu Cong was inspected by the soldiers.

Under the gesture of the old man, the group of people stopped checking the people in the car.

When Liu Cong saw this, he immediately got out of the car without any hesitation.

Because the person standing in front of Liu Cong was Mr. Xia.

"Mr. Xia, how can you wait for me outside in person!"

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Xia with an apologetic look.

Mr. Xia felt very indifferent, "Oh, Academician Liu, look at what you said!"

"When important guests come to our institute, of course I, the old man, have to receive them personally."

"Besides, I don't have anything to do right now, so I won't be delayed at all."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You should drive the car to the yard quickly. I can't wait to discuss things with you."

Mr. Xia knew that Liu Cong took the initiative to contact him and what he wanted to discuss with him must not be a simple matter.

Because they belong to a special department, they often do not show up easily.

It is precisely because of this that it is mysterious and powerful.

And if Liu Cong came to him this time, if it was a normal matter, he probably guessed that Liu Cong would not take the initiative to contact him.

In fact, Mr. Xia's guess was very correct. What Liu Cong said this time was not a small matter in itself.

It's something they've always wanted to achieve, but haven't.

After Liu Cong got off the car, Mr. Xia hurriedly led Liu Cong into the office.

"Academician Liu, since I chatted with you last time, I think of you every day and want to discuss things about the universe with you."

On the way, Mr. Xia showed great enthusiasm.

This shows that he likes Liu Cong very much.

Liu Cong saw Mr. Xia being so enthusiastic and responded with his own enthusiasm.

"Mr. Xia, to tell you the truth, I will think of you from time to time after I saw you last time."

"In order to meet you as soon as possible, why don't I come here again?" Liu Cong laughed.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Let's go in and talk!"

Mr. Xia couldn't wait to open the door of his office to Liu Cong, and then the two of them went in together.

After sitting down, Mr. Xia poured tea for Liu Cong, and then the two began to prepare for today's chat.

"Academician Liu, I'm really curious about what you wanted to tell me on the phone."

Mr. Xia showed doubts on his face.

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Xia and was silent for a moment, then said, "Mr. Xia, can the wasteland next to you be used?"

"The purpose of my coming here today is to ask you this!"

Hearing Liu Cong's question, Mr. Xia thought for a while, and then said: "The land with a radius of dozens of kilometers belongs to our research institute, of course it can be used."

"Academician Liu, what kind of needs do you have now?"

Mr. Xia looked at Liu Cong seriously, waiting for Liu Cong to give a quick answer.

Liu Cong didn't want to sell out, so he immediately said: "That's it, I plan to build an aviation research base on this open space of your research institute."

"I currently have a project that can't find an experimental base. Although there are abandoned aviation bases in other provinces for me to choose from, my experimental projects are all here. It's really troublesome to go back and forth."

"I have a big project in hand recently, which is about interstellar immigration."

When Liu Cong said this, Mr. Xia immediately interrupted Liu Cong.

"What, interstellar immigrants?"

"You mean you're going to start working on such a project?"

"Do you know how many years our research institute has been studying this interstellar immigration project?"

Hearing Liu Cong talk about interstellar immigration, Mr. Xia was so excited that he spit out his words because he was so excited.

He felt like he had found a soulmate.

Because no one has ever told me this in the past few decades.

And when he told those people about the interstellar immigration project, they also felt that Mr. Xia was wishful thinking.

"Academician Liu, I am really excited. What you just said really touched my heart."

"But I still want to hear your thoughts before I can draw a conclusion for you." Mr. Xia said.

Liu Cong nodded, and then said: "Okay! Then you can slowly listen to my explanation."

"That's right. In fact, this idea has been backlogged in my mind for a long time. The reason why I didn't mention it before was because at that time, the idea had not fully met my expectations."

"But now I feel the time has come, so I have the confidence to speak out about it."

"The reason is that I have developed the interstellar spacecraft, and if you want to build it now, you can build it now."

"So I was thinking about you last night!"

Liu Cong looked at Mr. Xia seriously.

To be honest, he had no confidence on the way here at first. Until he saw Mr. Xia's reaction just now, he knew that the probability of success in this matter was very high.

Because I learned from Mr. Xia that he had already had such a plan, it would be perfect for this space base to be built next to their research institute.

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