As Mr. Zheng pressed the start button, the controllable nuclear fusion reaction device in front of Liu Cong also began to react.

As light slowly emanates from the reaction device, it means that the tokamak device has officially started working.

At this moment, everyone's expressions became nervous involuntarily.

"Academician Liu, do you think we can succeed?"

Mr. Zheng, who has always been very confident in this project, also raised such a question at this time.

"It will succeed, it will definitely succeed, just like you just said." Liu Cong said with a smile.

Academician Zhang stood aside and was extremely nervous, fearing that something might go wrong.

But he still firmly believed in his heart that this project would be successful.

"Yes, we will definitely succeed, we cannot fail!"

Mr. Zheng let out a low groan, his eyes full of determination.



Five seconds have passed,

The tokamak device has been fully warmed up.

At this time, as long as Mr. Zheng presses another start button, the aerospace engine of the interstellar mining vehicle will start working immediately.

"Academician Liu, I'm starting."

Mr. Zheng looked at Liu Cong and then at his student, Academician Zhang Bin.

"Let's get started, Mr. Zheng. I think everyone can't wait. Let's witness the results of our research and development in the past few months!" Liu Cong took a deep breath and said.


Mr. Zheng didn't hesitate at all and pressed the start button directly.

The moment Mr. Zheng pressed the button, the huge aerospace engine roared.

Although the sound was not too loud, people still couldn't help but cover their ears.

As the aerospace engine started, everyone's hearts became nervous. No one knew what would happen in the next second.

Ten seconds later, the aerospace engine was still running steadily, and the engine's tail injector was also working stably.

The heat wave caused by the aerospace engine directly made everyone who was originally relatively cold have the urge to take off their clothes.

Liu Cong was wearing a cotton-padded jacket and felt sweat coming out of his back.

"Oh, it's really hot!"

With that said, Mr. Zheng began to take off the cotton-padded jacket he was wearing.

Mr. Zheng was said to be hot, but Liu Cong suspected that a large part of the reason was because Mr. Zheng was too nervous.

This is also the first time Mr. Zheng has been exposed to such a large project. Although he is very confident in his R\u0026D capabilities, this involves an area that he has never been involved in before. It would be false to say that he is not nervous.

"Yeah, it's really hot!"

Seeing Mr. Zheng taking off his clothes, Liu Cong and Academician Zhang also took off their own clothes.

After everyone saw it, they also followed suit.

After everyone takes off their clothes, the real show is yet to come.

While everyone is waiting, the aerospace engines have all been warmed up.

At this moment, it has truly entered the stage of formal testing.

Next to the aerospace engine, there is a huge display screen, which displays the specific thrust of the aerospace engine.

Looking at the soaring numbers on the screen, everyone felt even more nervous. Some people even clenched their fists involuntarily and gritted their teeth while watching the test.

This is their hard work over the past few months. If it really fails, their efforts over the past few months will be in vain. These researchers definitely don't want to see this scene.

"20 tons!"

"60 tons!"

"80 tons!"



These rows of shocking figures were displayed on the big screen. Every time it went up to a stage, everyone's hearts became suspended.

"Everyone, quickly retreat to both sides, the launch pad is dangerous!"

Mr. Zheng loudly directed everyone to evacuate to both sides. If such a huge thing breaks away from the launcher due to instability, the damage caused will be huge.

It can even threaten the lives of those present.

Everyone also listened to Mr. Zheng's words and evacuated to both sides.

Liu Cong and Academician Zhang were not idle either. They also followed Mr. Zheng and evacuated together.

In just ten seconds, both sides of the square were filled with people, and seat C was definitely reserved for the three academicians.

At this moment, the maximum injection power of the aerospace engine has reached 200 tons, which is close to half of the 400 tons.

In the past, Mr. Zheng would have never dared to imagine this.

What kind of aerospace engine can have such a large thrust? Not even a rocket.

However, Mr. Zheng really witnessed such a miracle today.

"Two hundred tons, Academician Liu."

Academician Zhang pointed at the big screen excitedly and clenched his fists tighter.

At this time, Mr. Zheng, who had been a little nervous just now, had no expression on his face. His eyes were fixed on the big screen, and he even stopped communicating with Liu Cong.

"230 tons!" Mr. Zheng said expressionlessly.

"250 tons!"




"360 tons!"

When the number was reported, Mr. Zheng's voice was obviously much higher pitched than before.

"Come on, we're getting close!"

Mr. Zheng's originally expressionless face also became more joyful.

"380 tons!"

"I'm so fucked!"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted loudly.

Then, there was another loud voice.

"400 tons, we actually exceeded 400 tons!!"

"Oh my god, this is incredible."

Although the numbers were still jumping on the big screen, everyone could no longer hold back their excitement.

However, the more this time comes, the more Mr. Zheng needs to keep a calm attitude.

"There is still room for further improvement, and the launcher can still hold on!"

"A little higher!" Mr. Zheng said in a high-pitched voice.

In fact, the data at this time had reached 430 tons. Just as it was heading towards 440, Mr. Zheng pressed the pause button.

The aircraft engine, which was originally running at high speed, gradually stopped.

Liu Cong could deeply feel that Mr. Zheng's hands were shaking involuntarily.

"Academician Liu! It's quite cold today. I just stopped and I feel so cold."

"Sure enough, I, an old man, can't beat you young people, antifreeze!"

With that said, Mr. Zheng put on his clothes with a smile on his face.

When Liu Cong and Academician Zhang saw Mr. Zheng's reaction, they understood it tacitly.

"I blame the cold too. You're not the only one who feels cold. We all feel cold."

With that said, Liu Cong also put on his cotton-padded jacket.

When everyone saw this, they also put it on.

"It's successful, we've succeeded, that's great, Academician Liu!" Mr. Zheng said excitedly.

"Yeah, we succeeded."

"And all of this is inseparable from the efforts of you, Academician Zhang, and all the scientific researchers behind the scenes. This honor belongs to all of us!"

Liu Cong also smiled at this time.

He was no less excited than Mr. Zheng at this moment. Liu Cong had read this information from beginning to end and personally participated in the research and development of it.

In the past two months, Liu Cong, like everyone else, has been staying in this aviation base, spending most of his time doing scientific research with Mr. Zheng.

Now that he has achieved such a result, Liu Cong is of course very happy.

Moreover, the success of this project means that Liu Cong will successfully send interstellar mining vehicles to the moon, to the solar system, and to places outside the solar system in the near future.

This shows that we now have the capital to mine in space, which is undoubtedly a very exciting thing.

"Academician Liu, since we succeeded this time, we can install this engine on the interstellar mining vehicle next."

"At present, we have everything ready. Now there is only one chip left to complete. After completion, all our projects will be completed!"

As Mr. Zheng spoke, he rubbed his hands and exhaled hot breath from his mouth.

"Yes, we can do the assembly work of the aero-engine now, and the rest is a matter of chips."

"But don't worry, Mr. Zheng, I have inquired about that place in advance. That is to say, their chips will be completed in the next two days. By then, all the chips can be sent to our space launch base, and we will assemble the chips." After that, our interstellar mining vehicle can officially embark on his interstellar voyage." Liu Cong said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm really a bit like the seventh generation now!"

When Mr. Zheng heard what Liu Cong said, his eyes became intense.



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