However, at this point, the evidence is very sufficient.

Even if Academician Bohr doesn't believe it, there's nothing he can do, because the facts are right in front of him, and no matter what assumptions he makes, he can't change the current situation.

"Academician Bohr, please calm down."

"I asked someone to confirm the fact that China developed a nanometer lithography machine and chip from the beginning. It is indeed true."

"The matter has come to this, and the best thing we can do now is to think of a reasonable way to solve this problem."

"And while I was chatting with my friend, I got a piece of news that was very useful to us."

"Then the developer of this lithography machine is Liu Cong, the winner of the Noel Prize in China."

A young man sitting in the corner told everything he knew in the conference room.

When Academician Bohr heard this familiar name, he frowned.

"Are you talking about Liu Cong, who was listed as a special assassination target by our country, the young man who developed controllable nuclear fusion and many high technologies?" Academician Bohr asked.

The young man nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

"According to the information sent back by our embassy there, his status in China has reached an unprecedented height. If we don't eradicate this person named Liu Cong in time, the consequences will be disastrous."

The young man had a serious look on his face, because he knew that the assassination of Liu Cong was urgent.

But in fact, the assassination and the arrest in the Cow Country made China more strict than before in protecting Liu Cong.

Many times when Liu Cong goes out, he is secretly followed by many people, including many snipers on standby in the surrounding buildings, just to prevent such a thing from happening to Liu Cong again.

If this is the case, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

"Then the most critical thing for us now is to eradicate this young man named Liu Cong."

"Does General Smith know about this now?" Academician Bohr glanced at everyone in the conference room with his peripheral vision.

"Report to Academician Boer, General Smith knows about this matter."

"But I heard General Smith say that he currently has no better way to deal with this kind of thing."

"Currently, China has protected Liu Cong very well. Now it seems that there is no such opportunity to carry out our assassination plan. Or we did not pay attention to this matter at that time."

"If we had arrested Liu Cong directly at that time, there would be nothing like this now."

The middle-aged man beside Academician Bohr said.

Only a few high-level people in the United States know about Liu Cong's situation.

To these people, he was the same as a powerful enemy, but they had nothing to do against Liu Congzhen now.

Academician Bohr let out a long sigh when he heard this.

“Then there’s nothing we can do now.

"Our research and development progress still needs to continue. Although they have developed one-nanometer technology, our two-nanometer technology is not bad. We still need to use this kind of chip in many fields."

"It really doesn't work. We still have those people above. I believe that in order to deal with China, they will not just let them continue to develop." Academician Bohr said.


In another office,

At this time, General Smith was pacing back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the expression on his face, he seemed to be very anxious.

At this time, a young soldier knocked on the door and came in.

After seeing the young soldier come in, Smith focused all his attention on him.

"How is it? Is there any progress on the Chinese side?" General Smith asked anxiously.

"Report to the general, there is still no news there."

"Learning from last time, they protected Liu Cong so well. It is impossible for people with our skin color to get close to Liu Cong, let alone carry out any assassination plan."

"And now, China has a strict crackdown on spies. No matter you are yellow, black or white, as long as you are a foreigner, they will start to strictly interrogate you."

"As long as something is wrong at all, you will be sent back to the country immediately without giving you a reason to explain."

Speaking of this, General Smith was completely silent.

Faced with this kind of countermeasure, he doesn't know what to do now.

After all, with the last plan to destroy the country, China is now not on ordinary defense against their country, and China will no longer believe anything they say.

Just when General Smith was at a loss, the young noncommissioned officer on the side gave General Smith a profound inspiration.

"Although those of us with white skin can't get close, those with yellow skin can!"

General Smith was a little confused when he heard what the young man said.

"I don't understand what you said. Can you make it clearer?" General Smith said.

"It's like this. Although we can't do it, it doesn't mean that Japan can't do it."

"General, you know that they have never been friendly to China. They even hope that China can be destroyed more than us."

"If we ask them to cooperate, they will definitely agree."

"Judging from the current situation, they have many more informants in China than we do."

"After all, they can speak Chinese language, go to school in China, and have Chinese friends. In any case, it will be easier for them to get close to Liu Cong than people like us."

After hearing the young sergeant's explanation, General Smith understood all the truth instantly.

"What you said is very correct. Sometimes my mind is easily confused at critical moments like this. When you wake up like this, I become enlightened in an instant."

"I'll call them right away. I think they are very happy to help. After all, they have assassinated Liu Cong before, and I don't know what their purpose is."



Japan, high-rise.

At this time, when they learned that China had developed a one-nanometer chip, their discomfort was no less than that of the United States.

When it comes to who dislikes China the most, I would say first in my childhood, but no one really dares to say second.

"We must think of a plan now. Last time our plan was not implemented successfully. No matter what method we come up with this time, we must succeed, otherwise we will not have a good life in the future."

"When China truly rises, we will definitely be the first to be wiped out."

"Now China has caught up with the United States in many aspects, just because of a scientist named Liu Cong."

A middle-aged man, standing on the podium in the conference room, directly put Liu Cong's photo on the big screen, and it was also a very handsome photo.

This can fascinate some middle-aged women in the conference room.

In Japan, there are very few boys who look so masculine. It is normal for women to look at such handsome photos of Liu Cong more than once.

However, everyone soon stopped paying attention to Liu Cong’s appearance, and instead lamented his age.

Because he is really too young, only twenty-three years old.

If this were placed in Japan, a 23-year-old young man might still be a graduate student. They have never met anyone who became an academician at the age of 23 and developed so many high technologies.

Suddenly everyone's expression turned bad, because this matter was directly related to the survival of their entire nation.

Nothing was good about their childhood, except for one advantage, which was that they had a particularly strong sense of crisis, which may be related to the place where they lived since childhood.

If it were someone else who would have a small earthquake every three days, a big earthquake every five days, and a tsunami from time to time, you could also develop such a keen sense of crisis.

"Then what should we do now, Mr. Jingtian!" said a middle-aged man in the conference room.

Hearing the middle-aged man's question, Jingtian, who was standing in front of the conference room, had no idea what to do.

"I don't know how to do it. It's too difficult for us to assassinate Liu Cong at the moment. There's no way to do it. We can't let all of us be exposed. Then there will be no hope for us."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Jingtian, who originally wanted to continue talking, was suddenly stunned, and then said to the door: "Please come in!"

The next second, a young man came in from outside.

At this time, he hurriedly came to Jingtian, and then whispered something in his ear.

After Jingtian heard this, he immediately terminated the meeting.

"I'm sorry, I have a very important call to answer now. Please wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

"When we got back, our meeting continued."

With that said, Jingtian walked out in a hurry.

At this point, there was a burst of noise in the conference room.

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