In the blink of an eye, time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone on the interstellar mining vehicle is ready.

Everyone saw that the time for them to go into space was getting closer and closer, and everyone's face was more or less filled with excited smiles.

"Academician Liu, our interstellar mining vehicle will be launched into space in three minutes. I am really excited right now."

A researcher from the space launch base on the side took the initiative to run up to Liu Cong and said.

"Yeah, we're all excited right now!"

Afterwards, everyone behind him also said in unison.

Liu Cong can understand everyone's current mood, because Liu Cong is in the same mood as them and is also very excited.

It was also his first time in space and his first time on the moon.

It's just that he can't show that much excitement, because he is the leader here and he must remain calm at all times.

"Everyone, please calm down and stay in your position, because we are about to start."

"At the beginning, we may be a little unsteady under the gravity. Everyone returns to their respective seats and fastens their seat belts!"

When everyone heard what Liu Cong said, they immediately followed Liu Cong's instructions and returned to their seats to prepare for the final launch.

"Academician Liu, I just checked the various indices on the interstellar mining vehicle, and everything showed normal."

"The fuel in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor is also full, and there is no problem." Academician Zhang walked to Liu Cong and reported to Liu Cong the specific conditions in the interstellar spacecraft,

Mr. Zheng was still checking the equipment on the other side. Then he turned to look at Liu Cong, and then shook his head at Liu Cong.

"Academician Liu, I have also checked here. There are no problems. We can leave at any time."



The time came to 9:29 in the morning, less than an hour before Liu Congding's launch time.

At this time, the main control room was particularly quiet, so quiet that you could hear everyone's heartbeats.

And those people below, in order to prevent the interstellar mining vehicle from being interfered with when it took off for the first time, they also took the initiative to withdraw from the safety cordon of the interstellar mining vehicle.

On top of the interstellar mining vehicle, Liu Cong and the others were all ready, and the next step was to prepare to enter space together.

Liu Cong sat in the driving position of the main control room and looked at the rows of instruments in front of him.

Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang were sitting in the co-pilot's seat not far from Liu Cong, and their hands were not idle.

"Academician Liu, I checked again. At present, all functions of the interstellar mining vehicle are normal, and we can prepare for launch at any time." Academician Zhang said.

"There is no problem on my side, everything is normal." Mr. Zheng also said confidently.

"Okay, I don't have any problems here, then let's get ready to leave!"

With that said, Liu Cong pressed the button in front of him without hesitation.

The next second, the originally dark main control room suddenly became brightly lit.

Immediately afterwards, the big interstellar mining vehicle was started smoothly, and then it made a rumbling sound.

This was Liu Cong's first time to start the interstellar mining machine. Everyone became even more excited after hearing such a roar similar to that of a locomotive.

"Academician Liu, it's started, it's started!" Mr. Zheng said excitedly.

Liu Cong nodded, "Mr. Zheng, Academician Zhang, it's done. I'm going to turn on the automatic cruise system."

When the interstellar mining vehicle was designed, it was not manual. It completely relied on the 1,500 one-nanometer chips on the interstellar mining vehicle.

The system on the interstellar mining vehicle is also very intelligent. It can independently determine the cruising track without relying on manual control.

Such a system is more advanced than any system on aerospace equipment, because when writing this system, Liu Cong abandoned traditional programming codes and instead used alien code technology.

The formulas used are not based on the formulas that originally existed on Blue Star, but improved formulas.

It can be said that this system and this algorithm are more powerful than any smart device on Blue Star.

When Liu Cong was asked to press the autonomous cruise button, a little man appeared on the screen in front of him.

"Dear master, may I ask where your goal is now? Xiaojing will chart a route for you now."

The sweet and cute voice instantly resounded throughout the main control room, and no one could tell that it was the voice of a robot.

Liu Cong pinched his throat and said seriously: "Our goal is the moon."

After finishing speaking, the robot on the screen in front of Liu Cong immediately responded.

"Okay, Master."

"A completed plan has been prepared for you."

"The total distance from Blue Star to the moon is 320,000 kilometers, and it takes 22 minutes to walk. It is estimated that we will land on the back of the moon in 22 minutes."

"Because the temperature on the far side of the moon is now about minus 56 degrees, it is the most suitable place for us to land on the entire moon. Moreover, where there are abundant metal resources, it is very conducive for us to mine resources."

The sweet voice rang in people's ears again, and this time it was everyone's turn to be shocked.

They thought that artificial intelligence was just artificial intelligence, but they never thought that artificial intelligence could be so intelligent.

This simply subverts everyone's understanding.

"This artificial intelligence is great! It can measure everything!" Mr. Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

"This is nothing, this is just the tip of my iceberg. You will know my more powerful abilities later."

Mr. Zheng was even more incredible when he heard that artificial intelligence could actually take the initiative to talk to him.

"I'll be a good boy!"

"Okay!" Mr. Zheng sighed.

"Mr. Zheng, my name is not Guaiguai, my name is Jingjing."

Artificial intelligence's speech made everyone at the scene laugh unconsciously.

"Hey, it's really smart!" Mr. Zheng sighed.

"Yes, teacher, when we were writing the code, we had such a language setting, so of course he is smart." Academician Zhang said.

[Everyone, please fasten your seat belts, the interstellar mining vehicle has been warmed up, and we will start setting off]

【Start countdown】








【Set off】

When the artificial intelligence shouted to start, the next second people felt a huge push behind them.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a little dizzy.

The reason is that during the ascent of the interstellar mining vehicle, the gravity system has not been formally adjusted and balanced.

Just when Liu Cong's eyes glowed golden, this feeling slowly disappeared.

The reason is that the gravity system in this interstellar mining vehicle works.

"Oh, I feel much better now. I thought I was anemic just now, but it was so dark in front of me!" said Academician Zhang.

"Yeah, I had the same feeling just now. The gravity system should be working now."

Mr. Zheng touched his forehead somewhat uncomfortably, and then breathed a long sigh of relief.

[Master, I have adjusted the gravity range for you to the most suitable gravity range for you, and now I will start to officially accelerate]

As soon as the artificial intelligence finished speaking, Liu Cong saw on his screen that the interstellar mining machine, which originally had a speed of five kilometers per second, had increased to twenty kilometers per second.

And as the altitude rises, this speed continues to increase.

In the end, the speed of the entire interstellar mining vehicle stabilized at 65 kilometers per second.

Although everyone knew this speed before, they couldn't help but sigh after seeing the real speed.

This is really too shocking for everyone.

With such speed, he can fly directly out of the solar system to mine, as long as Liu Cong is willing now.

After a minute or two, everyone was in space.

This is also the first time that everyone has been to space in their lifetime. Normally, these are the jobs of astronauts.

What they never expected was that as a scientific researcher, they would have the opportunity to come and take a look in this life.

If this were done before, it would be 100% impossible.

Liu Cong looked forward through the glass of the interstellar mining truck, feeling very excited.

The dazzling galaxy, which could usually only be seen with an astronomical telescope, was now clearly visible in Liu Cong's eyes. He was really shocked after seeing such a landscape.

"This is really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful galaxy!" Mr. Zheng sighed.

Everyone had the same idea as Mr. Zheng. They had never seen the galaxy so clearly at such a close distance.

At this moment, there was no difference between the moon and what Liu Cong and the others saw on Blue Star. The only difference was that there was no cloud cover.

As the distance gradually approached, the moon that Liu Cong and the others saw became bigger and bigger. This feeling gave everyone a very unreal feeling.

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