At this time, someone in the main control room said something.

"The surface temperature here must be around a hundred degrees!"

Before Liu Cong could speak, the artificial intelligence started speaking.

[A hundred degrees, you are kidding me, buddy]

[The surface temperature here will be hot as soon as you go down there]

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard the artificial intelligence say this.

"Academician Liu, our artificial intelligence is really smart!" Academician Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

"How many degrees?" asked the person who originally said this sentence.

[The current temperature here ranges from 380 to 460 degrees. It’s not really hot yet, otherwise the temperature here can soar to over 500 degrees by then. 】

The words of artificial intelligence completely silenced the person who just said the words "A Hundred Degrees".

He also didn't expect that the temperature difference between the satellites not far from Blue Star would be so large.

"It seems that my idea just now was conservative. I shouldn't be so conservative!"

After everyone heard what he said, bursts of laughter came from the main control room.

After this incident, everyone seemed to be less nervous than before, and everyone's mentality slowly relaxed.

By this time, the spacecraft had arrived on the back side of the moon.

The difference between this side and the previous one is that it is not as bright as the front. This one is in darkness, but some places are still slightly glowing.

What Liu Cong and the others are going to is the place that shines slightly.

The boundary between white light and black light in this area is also the most suitable place for landing.

[Everyone, please note that the interstellar mining vehicle is about to start landing. Please return to your position to prevent unnecessary harm to everyone during the landing]

Everyone was very obedient when they heard what the artificial intelligence said, so they all returned to their seats and fastened their seat belts.

[In ten seconds, we will land on the moon's surface]






When the artificial intelligence counted to one, the interstellar mining machine that was originally suspended in the universe began to fall instantly.

This sudden drop made Liu Cong feel a slight sense of weightlessness, but it only lasted for a second or two and quickly disappeared.

The reason is that the gravity system on the spacecraft prevents such a feeling of weightlessness.

Everyone stared at the huge transparent space glass in front, watching the interstellar mining vehicle getting closer and closer to the moon's ground.

At this time, they could already clearly see the terrain of the moon.

Different from Blue Star, the ground here is all gray, and the overall color is darker.

A minute later, the interstellar mining vehicle completely stopped on the lunar surface.

When everyone saw the interstellar mining vehicle landing smoothly, they couldn't help but cheer.

Liu Cong's mood at this time was extremely exciting.

He never thought in his life that one day he would come to space in this way.

The purpose of Liu Cong's visit this time was, firstly, to search for and mine gray metal, and secondly, to set foot on the moon and plant a bright flag on the moon's surface.

He wanted to prove to everyone that after decades, China and the others were here.

They have done things that no other country can do now, and they have gone to places that no other country can go now.

"Zhou Yang, please take down the fixed flag on your left. We will go down immediately."

"Wang Meng, bring the cryogenic camera with you and record the whole process."

"Li Qiang, you are responsible..."


At this time, Liu Cong began to assign tasks to everyone.

Soon, they will step into the land that their ancestors have wanted to step into for thousands of years.

Mr. Zheng and Academician Zhang were standing on both sides of Liu Cong in space suits. Their breathing became rapid the moment Liu Cong finished talking about landing.

"Mr. Zheng, Academician Zhang, we are ready to start landing."

With that said, Liu Cong shouted directly to the artificial intelligence.

"Jingjing, please open the hatch and send us down."

"Remember, don't start the mining mode yet, wait until we come back." Liu Cong ordered to the artificial intelligence.

[Okay master, Jingjing will be here waiting for your return]

With that said, the hatch in front of Liu Cong was opened.

Then, just like at the beginning, Liu Cong and the others went down first, and then all the seven people behind them followed.

Not long after, when Liu Cong stepped into this strange land.

The most profound feeling given to him was not visual, but sensory.

The difference from the interstellar mining vehicle is that the gravity has changed.

At this moment, Liu Cong could clearly feel that his feet were as soft as stepping on marshmallows.

And his body can feel light and floating, and he may float at any time.

"Academician Liu, it turns out that the gravity on the moon is so small!"

"I didn't feel anything when they talked about it before, but I didn't feel the mystery until I came up to experience it. But it's really comfortable." Academician Zhang on the side said.

Mr. Zheng seemed a little calm.

"I seem to have experienced this similar gravity once before, but that was five or six years ago. This feeling is indeed very wonderful."

After Liu Cong heard the two people's feelings, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After everyone experienced this gravity, they turned their attention to the surrounding scenery.

The place where Liu Cong and the others landed was more like a small basin.

They were surrounded on all sides by gray mountains, and there was no life around them.

In such a vacuum and an environment of minus 50 or 60 degrees, not even a mouse can survive, let alone other creatures.

Looking at this scene, Liu Cong couldn't help but feel that the moon he saw on Blue Star was just the reflection of sunlight.

The real moon has no light, and the entire planet may be all one color.

The reason why the other side is reflective is because the moon has been exposed to high temperatures from the sun for a long time, and some metals with low melting points on the surface melt directly, and then gradually become bright and flat. This way, when the moon is illuminated by sunlight, people feel that the moon itself is luminescent.

At this time, Liu Cong squatted down and naturally grabbed a handful of soil at his feet.

This thing that was previously regarded as a treasure by various countries has now become easily accessible to Liu Cong.

After Liu Cong grabbed the soil, he focused all his attention on it.

He discovered that there was not only soil in this soil, but also some other metals.

The most important thing is iron.

About half of this handful of soil is black metal iron that has not been oxidized.

It's not so much dirt as it is a handful of metal mixture.

Liu Cong studied carefully for a while and found that there was no trace of gray metal in the soil, so Liu Cong immediately guessed that gray metal might not be everywhere on the moon.

After everyone saw Liu Cong's actions, they all imitated him and squatted down, then grabbed a handful of soil and put it in front of them to check.

They looked at it carefully for a while, and it was more like they had opened the door to a new world.

"Academician Liu, the soil on the moon is not soil. It is a mixture of metals. We have really found a treasure. We no longer have to worry about insufficient metal."

Mr. Zheng was very happy when he saw this scene.

Originally, many resources on Blue Star were limited, and once they were mined, they could no longer be regenerated.

But it's different in the universe. There are endless resources in the universe. These resources can be used by humans for tens of trillions of years. They can be said to be endless.

It is for this reason that Liu Cong is so eager to explore space.

With these resources, China no longer has to worry about insufficient resources.

By that time, China can use these resources to create large quantities of weapons and advanced equipment. The more resources it has, the faster it will develop, and other countries will never be able to catch up.

"Yes, Mr. Zheng."

"In the short term, we don't have to consider the issue of resources, but our ambitions cannot stop at this small moon. Our goal is the solar system and galaxies outside the solar system."

Liu Cong threw away the soil in his hand, then patted the dust on his hands, and looked at Mr. Zheng who was still holding the soil in his hand with a serious face.

Mr. Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Yes, our ambition cannot stop here."

"With this moon landing, I believe in your idea more than you do."

With this discovery, Mr. Zheng's mentality has undergone a 180-degree change. Things that he originally thought would take many years to develop have been moved forward by decades or even hundreds of years.

He now believes that there is nothing impossible under the leadership of Liu Cong.

"Yes, I believe we will land on Red Star, Blue Star, and Purple Star in the near future."

"At this rate, it will not be impossible for us to immigrate to other planets in the future." Academician Zhang said excitedly.

Everyone behind them was equally excited after hearing the conversation between Liu Cong and the others.

They also hope to see such development in China in their lifetime.

Afterwards, Liu Cong waved to everyone and continued walking forward.

Finally, he walked to a relatively high place and listened, then waved to Zhou Yang.

"Give me the flag in your hand. The camera will record the whole process."

When talking about this, everyone was very excited.

The expression on everyone's face has changed obviously, but everyone can't see each other clearly through the spacesuit.

Liu Cong took the flag, found a relatively soft land, and inserted the flag into it.

The bright flag did not float like a blue star, but drooped down.

Because there is no wind at all on the moon, the flag will not just flutter in the wind.

It is in this way that true authenticity can be reflected.

When the flag was raised, everyone felt inexplicably excited.

Even Liu Cong, who is usually not very moved, had tears in his eyes when he saw this scene.

Although he is an individual, he is also a whole. This is an honor that belongs to China.

In fact, everyone felt the same as Liu Cong when they saw this scene.

Most people at the scene cried, including Mr. Zheng.

"Oh, when did I, an old man, become so worthless? I haven't shed tears in years, but why are my tears out of control? I can't stop them at all," Mr. Zheng said.

When Academician Zhang on the side heard what his teacher said, he also said: "Teacher, I am too, and my tears can't stop flowing."

"We witnessed history!"



A few minutes later, after everyone had collected themselves, Liu Cong led a large force to continue exploring the terrain in this small basin.

Liu Cong was walking, and then he noticed something shiny in front of him.

He walked over immediately.

With excitement, I walked over and took a look, and it turned out to be a piece of gold.

This huge piece of gold is as tall as two or three people like Liu Cong, and weighs several hundred kilograms at least.

This is now going to be moved to the earth, and Liu Cong will become a billionaire immediately.

Of course, Liu Cong doesn't need the gold to be a billionaire.

"I'll give it to you, it's such a big piece of gold."

"No, I have to take a piece back and bring it to my wife."

Behind Liu Cong, someone said excitedly.

Seeing the first person like this, the rest of the people rushed forward to mine gold.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cong didn't stop him. After all, it was a rare visit.

And with the interstellar mining vehicle, the price of gold will definitely be driven down in the future.

There is very little gold on Blue Star, but there is a lot of gold on other planets. Even the moon doesn’t know how much gold is in it.

"Academician Zhang, why don't you go get some and take it home to your wife?" Liu Cong asked.

There is no woman who doesn’t love gold. After all, there are ready-made and free advantages, so don’t take advantage of them.

Academician Zhang hesitated. After all, he was not a person who loved money.

But when he thought of his wife, he still hesitated.

"Go on, why do I have a stupid student like you who only knows how to do research all day long and doesn't even care about his wife at home?"

"Now I finally have an opportunity to show my courtesy. If you still don't take advantage of it, are you stupid?"

After Mr. Zheng's reprimand, Academician Zhang immediately became smart and followed the large army to mine gold.

Mr. Zheng and Liu Cong were standing here. Seeing everyone so happy, they also laughed.

"There are so many treasures on this moon. There are precious metal objects everywhere."

"If all this were moved to the earth, then gold would become worthless!" Mr. Zheng sighed.

"Yes, by then gold will no longer be Blue Star's hard power currency. Maybe the next metal will take its place."



Soon after, everyone came back holding a lot of gold.

If it weren't for the fact that they could only get so little, these people would probably have wanted to just use sacks to hold the gold.

"Is this true?"

"Yes, this is enough to make a lot of jewelry." Mr. Zheng saw that his student was interested and showed a satisfied smile.

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