This made Liu Cong suddenly think of a mysterious artifact that he had drawn in the system some time ago.

The system also specially introduced to Liu Cong that this disposable consumable was used to solve crimes.

Liu Cong closed his eyes and came to the inside of the system. Then he opened his system backpack and quickly discovered the Quest Artifact.

"System, I want to use the Quest Artifact now." Liu Cong said to the system.

[Okay, host, may I ask who you are using it with?]

"System, I am using it with Ma Bin and his son from Hualong Media, is that okay?" Liu Cong asked.

[Yes, please confirm the use of the product by the host]

"Confirm the use of the product."

【Ding! The product is effective after use, and the next information will be sent to you in the form of a USB flash drive]

After finishing speaking, a USB flash drive appeared out of thin air in Liu Cong's hand.

Liu Cong was overjoyed, and then he couldn't wait to use his computer to open the USB flash drive in his hand.

When you click on it, all the inappropriate videos and information about Ma Bin and his son are there, including the video where Ma Bin asked a girl to pretend to be his fan to fuck him.

Liu Cong clicked on another folder, which contained detailed evidence of tax evasion and bribery of government officials by Hualong Media Company. If any of these evidences were posted online, Hualong Company could be shut down instantly.

However, many of these videos involve pornography and violations, and the company itself is a large media company. It is difficult for Liu Cong alone to bring it down.

Liu Cong then considered Chen Qiong, but looking back it was unrealistic. After all, you were neither a member of his company nor his boyfriend, so why should he help you?

In this emergency situation, Liu Cong thought of the system again. He could handle such things as installing a high-precision workshop, and it was definitely possible to spend reputation points to buy traffic.

As a result, Liu Cong entered the system space again.

"System, I want to buy traffic."

After hearing Liu Cong's order, the system proactively opened the mall for him and found that the traffic product actually existed.

[Host, traffic is divided into two types, one is video traffic and the other is text and picture traffic. 】

[In view of the fact that the host only needs to spend 300,000 reputation points to purchase traffic for the first time, but the next purchase will increase according to the popularity of the host. The higher the popularity, the more expensive the traffic will be]

After systematic explanation, Liu Cong finally understood some truth.

After seeing that he still had 650,000 traffic, which he had just purchased for video traffic, text and picture traffic, Liu Cong was very glad that he did not use all his reputation points to buy a high-precision bearing workshop last time, otherwise he would die this time It’s warped.

"Buy one system each for video traffic and text and picture traffic."

[Good host, please tell me how to use it]

Afterwards, Liu Cong told the system all the details of how to use it.

[Okay, once the traffic is purchased, it will not be returned. Is the host sure to buy it? 】

"OK!" Liu Cong said decisively.

【Ding! Traffic purchase has taken effect]

[The system will successively launch some accounts on major platforms to increase exposure, and will not stop pushing until this matter is achieved]

Liu Cong immediately became excited when he heard the system's words. Liu Cong didn't expect that the system was so powerful and could handle anything easily, as long as you had enough reputation points.

After a day of running around, Liu Cong was a little tired and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Liu Cong slowly got up from the bed and stretched lazily.

Zhang Guimei secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Liu Cong was in pretty good shape when he got up today.

"Son, if you lose the opportunity to compete like that, you will lose it. As long as we have never done such a thing, it is not illegal."

"Didn't you upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree? Once the internship period is over, you should go back to school and study hard. You can take the postgraduate entrance examination or civil service examination in the future. Mom just wants you to be healthy." Zhang Guimei was afraid that Liu Cong would not be able to think about comfort. said.

Last night, Zhang Guimei and Liu Yang couldn't stand the disgusting comments on the Internet, let alone a student who had just stepped out of society.

Zhang Guimei was really afraid that Liu Cong would be confused and make a big mistake.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. That little bit of public opinion is nothing."

"I believe that Ji people have their own destiny." Liu Cong said to Zhang Guimei with a smile.

After hearing what Liu Cong said, Zhang Guimei was still a little worried.

"Why don't you hire the company for a few days? If it doesn't work out, just quit your job. It's more than enough to support you with my and your dad's salary." Zhang Guimei said with some worry.

But Liu Cong smiled and shook his head, and then said: "Mom, when did you have such low requirements for me? I remember you were very strict with me before."

"I'm not used to you suddenly becoming so gentle."

"Really? Why didn't I know?" Zhang Guimei asked with a guilty conscience.

Liu Cong came to Zhang Guimei and patted her shoulder briefly.

"Don't worry, my mentality has become indestructible under your beating."

"I am leaving."

Liu Cong waved to Zhang Guimei and then took the elevator downstairs.

Hualong Media,

A Ma Bin kept pacing back and forth in the office.

"Damn it, who's messing with me!"

Ma Bin hammered the table hard with his hand, and his face was already red from holding it back.

As long as he posts short videos, he will receive a lot of push notifications about himself. His story has reached the tenth spot on the TikTok hot search list, and its popularity is still rising.

The video of Ma Bin using obedient water and ecstasy herb powder and hiring people with money to slander Liu Cong has been widely circulated on the Internet.

"Why is this happening? Who is messing with me? Where did these videos come from?"

Ma Bin is now almost collapsed and keeps kicking various things in the office.

But when Ma Bin thought of Liu Cong, his head shook unconsciously.

"Impossible, how could a stinky loser like him have such strength? There must be someone else." Ma Bin said to himself while standing in the office.

But after thinking about it, Ma Bin never thought about who could do it to him, nor did he think about why the other party would get the video that he didn't even have.

Later, Ma Bin thought again and again and pointed the finger at Liu Cong.

Then he rushed out of the office without thinking.


The entrance of Kangerna Bearing Co., Ltd.,

Liu Cong was about to ride his motorcycle to the training room for training, but was stopped by Li Rui.

"What's wrong, Li Rui?" Liu Cong took off his helmet and asked.

"Boss, I believe you wouldn't do such a thing." Li Rui grabbed Liu Cong's shoulders and said worriedly.

Seeing Li Rui's worried expression, Liu Cong laughed.

"Don't worry, who am I, your boss? I'm a god, do you understand?"

After speaking, Liu Cong patted Li Rui on the shoulder and left on his motorcycle.

After arriving at the training room, Liu Cong found a deserted corner and sat down, preparing to finish the music he had not written yesterday.

Just when Liu Cong was about to start writing, Ma Bin hurried in.

Judging from his expression, he was very angry, and even Liu Cong could see a trace of despair.

Once this matter is confirmed, it means that Ma Bin has committed the crime of rape and frame-up. Just one crime of rape is enough to sentence him to several years.

"Liu Cong, tell me if it was you who did it!"

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