[Healing potion can restore any trauma to the human body caused by accidents. It requires one million reputation points]

[The host currently only has 165,113 reputation points, which is not enough to purchase this medicine]

After hearing the system prompt, Liu Cong exited the system space in disappointment.

A nurse came to check the ward early the next morning, so Liu Cong was also woken up from his sleep.

Liu Cong looked at his mother who had woken up and his father who was sleeping soundly on the crib next to him. Liu Cong wanted to step forward to wake his father up but was stopped by Zhang Guimei.

In the morning, after Zhang Guimei's water was hung up, Liu Cong went out to buy breakfast. Liu Yang woke up at this time and stayed by Zhang Guimei's side.

"You little brat, why didn't you wake me up? How can you rest assured that your mother is hanging on the bed alone?"

When Liu Yang caught Liu Cong, he scolded him, while Zhang Guimei said personally: "I was the one who called him."

Hearing what Zhang Guimei said, Liu Yang, who was still very dismissive at first, immediately became extremely gentle.

"It's my fault. I'll set an alarm clock tomorrow morning. It's not like you don't know that I sleep like crazy." Liu Yang said softly to Zhang Guimei.

Seeing how close his parents were, Liu Cong even wondered if he had paid for it as a gift.

"It's time to eat." Liu Cong said softly.


After breakfast, the family of three was happily chatting about home life.

At this time, Liu Cong's phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Director Li calling. Liu Cong quickly answered the phone.

Hearing Director Li's scolding voice on the other end of the phone, Liu Cong apologized profusely.

It wasn't until Liu Cong told Director Li the reason for the matter that the voice there softened slightly.

Director Li briefly explained to Liu Cong and then hung up the phone. The finals were tonight, and Liu Cong had to rush there now.

Looking at his mother in front of him, Liu Cong didn't know how to speak for a while.

"Let's go to the finals tonight. Go ahead. Your mom has your dad here."

"He asked for ten days' leave from school. Just go to the competition. Your dad and I will cheer for you tonight." His mother said to Liu Cong with a smile.

Liu Yang, who was next to him, came over and patted Liu Cong on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Our old Liu family has produced scientists and professors, but we have never produced stars. Take advantage of it."

Facing his parents' encouragement, Liu Cong nodded heavily.

"Well, I will. Look forward to my new work tonight. You won't be disappointed."

Hearing what Liu Cong said, Zhang Guimei and Liu Yang were a little curious at this time.

"What song are you going to sing this time?" Liu Yang asked curiously.

Seeing the curious expressions on his parents' faces, Liu Cong responded with a mysterious smile.

"You will know tonight. It's getting late. I need to buy a ticket and leave quickly." Liu Cong said to his parents.

"Why don't you drive my car back? You can just drive it back for me when the time comes."

With that said, Liu Yang took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong waved his hand and said: "Forget driving, the high-speed rail is faster."

"Besides, I didn't bring my driver's license."

When Liu Yang heard what Liu Cong said, he retracted his extended hand, nodded, and said, "Okay, I understand, then you should go slower on the road."

"Well, take good care of my mother. I'll come over after the competition." Liu Cong said to Liu Yang.

When Liu Cong was about to go out and pass by bed No. 2, Qu Yingying stopped him.

"Liu Cong."

Liu Cong turned to look at Qu Yingying and said, "What's the matter?"

"Come on tonight, I'm looking forward to your new work."

Qu Yingying gave Liu Cong an encouraging look, and raised her right hand to give Liu Cong a cheering gesture.

Liu Cong couldn't help but smile when he saw Qu Yingying's uncoordinated left and right hands.

"I know, you have to cheer for me in front of the screen when the time comes." Liu Cong joked.


Twenty minutes passed,

Liu Cong took a taxi and arrived at Handan South Station. Looking at the crowds of people coming and going outside, Liu Cong thought that the Chinese New Year would be in half a month.

After swiping his ID card and passing the security check, Liu Cong successfully boarded the high-speed train.

Liu Cong's seat was on the outside. Seeing that there was no one inside, Liu Cong sat down, turned on his phone and read a novel.

Just when Liu Cong saw the highlight, a slender finger poked Liu Cong.

When Liu Cong saw this, he didn't even raise his head. He let the woman in and sat on a chair to continue reading the novel.

After a while, Liu Cong smelled a faint floral and fruity scent. This perfume was so familiar to Liu Cong, but Liu Cong couldn't remember where he had smelled it.

"Brother, I didn't expect that we would meet here." A familiar voice sounded in Liu Cong's ears.

Liu Cong suddenly looked up and saw that this woman was wearing a pair of sunglasses, a slender light yellow windbreaker, and Martin boots.

Seeing Liu Cong looking at her, the woman silently took off her sunglasses and looked at Liu Cong with a smile, her eyes still radiating electricity to Liu Cong.

The woman in front of me is Chen Qiong, the boss of Huazhong Media.

"Why are you here?" Liu Cong asked in surprise.

The woman didn't say anything, but came closer to Liu Cong and looked at him carefully.

"Tell me! Did you come to Handan this time to meet your long-distance girlfriend secretly?"

Chen Qiong looked at Liu Cong with curious eyes.

Hearing what Chen Qiong said, Liu Cong was speechless and said to Chen Qiong: "Sister, have you ever seen someone who has an online crush who doesn't wash or shave his head?"

Chen Qiong nodded when she heard what Liu Cong said.

"Well, that makes sense. Could it be that you were jumped by an immortal when you looked like this?" Chen Qiong asked again.

Liu Cong was so shocked that he almost fell off his seat when he saw Chen Qiong's weird ideas.

"Hey! Sister, can you be more normal every time you talk to me?" Liu Cong said helplessly.

Seeing Liu Cong's appearance, Chen Qiong stopped joking.

"Then what are you doing here?" Chen Qiong asked.

"Then what are you doing in Handan?" Liu Cong asked.

"I'm definitely on a business trip. Our company has just signed a contract with a tens of millions of Internet celebrities here in Handan." Chen Qiong said leisurely.

"I told you, what about you?"

Liu Cong was silent for a while and Chen Qiong felt from Liu Cong's expression that something must have happened to Liu Cong.

"You can't really be jumped by an immortal, right?" Chen Qiong asked in surprise.

"I don't have one."

Liu Cong glared at Chen Qiong, and then briefly explained to Chen Qiong why he came to Handan City.

After listening to Liu Cong's words, Chen Qiong stopped making fun of Liu Cong.

"Are you okay, Auntie?" Chen Qiong asked with some concern.

Liu Cong nodded and said calmly: "Nothing happens for the time being."

"Well, that's good. You're going to the finals tonight. If you're like this, you'd better go back and sort it out before heading to the competition site." Chen Qiong said calmly.

"Well, I know that." Liu Cong responded.

For the next twenty minutes, Liu Cong lived under Chen Qiong's teasing. When he saw that the high-speed train was approaching, Liu Cong quickly got up from his seat and walked to the door of the high-speed train.

Chen Qiong saw it and came over. She smiled and said to Liu Cong, "I asked for a live ticket tonight just for your sake. Don't let your sister down."

(In the new year, I wish you all smooth sailing, two dragons soaring, three suns prospering, peace all seasons, good harvests, good luck in six and six, seven stars shining high, wealth coming from all directions, ninety-nine concentric, perfect, everything goes well, and everything goes well. Good luck and everything goes well.)

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