Liu Cong saw that the principal, who was still aloof at first, felt a little awkward when he saw his low posture.

"Principal, just call me classmate Liu Cong from now on. Vice-principal is too high-profile." Liu Cong whispered to Deng Chao.

"Then~how can it be done?"

"Vice Colonel Liu, you are kidding!"

Deng Chao's voice was so loud that all the teachers around him heard it, and some teachers had taught Liu Cong's class before.

Teacher Tang on the side was filled with disbelief when he saw that the principal was so polite to the students he had led and called Liu Cong the vice principal.

He even suspected that Liu Cong and their principal were playing a double act, which was the same feeling among the teachers present today.

A few months ago, my school was still the worst junior college in Beiping. It was the kind of school that was not satisfied with the recruitment every year.

How could I be promoted from Beiping Vocational and Technical College to Beiping University of Technology in just a few months? This feeling is really unreal.

But when everyone saw the six shining golden characters written on the marble at the door, they had to admit this reality.

Deng Chao looked at Liu Cong with a smile on his face and said, "Vice Colonel Liu, are you satisfied? These six words are very impressive."

Faced with what Deng Chao said, Liu Cong had to admit it.

"Indeed, Principal Zhu's handwriting is good."

Liu Cong gave a thumbs up in the direction of the school's name stone.

"Principal Zhu usually doesn't inscribe casually. Last time, Principal Zhu wrote these words just for your sake."

As soon as Deng Chao finished speaking, two red flag cars came from behind. Since Liu Cong was facing the road, he saw them directly.

Deng Chao saw Liu Cong's attentive expression and followed Liu Cong's gaze and looked back.

At this time, the car had parked in the parking space at the school gate, and seven or eight people got out of the two red flag cars.

When Deng Chao saw the president of Huaqing University coming towards him, he was so excited that he could not speak.

Principal Zhu saw Liu Cong and Deng Chao standing next to the school's name stone, so he led the teachers from Huaqing University and slowly walked towards them.

"Principal Deng, classmate Liu Cong, we are not late." Principal Zhu said with a kind smile.

"No, no, no, we haven't started yet. Principal, you have always been my idol. I didn't expect you to come here in person today..."

This was Deng Chao's first meeting with a person of the level of the president of Huaqing University. He really never thought that he would have the opportunity to talk to a person of such a level in his lifetime.

"Haha, Principal Deng, don't be nervous, just treat me as an ordinary friend."

"Actually, I have wanted to come to your school for a long time, but I have never had the time. Today coincides with the holiday, so I followed these teachers from our school to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

When Principal Zhu was talking to Principal Deng, he didn't put on any airs, just like chatting with an ordinary friend.

"Principal, you are welcome to take the time to come to my alma mater to cut the ribbon today." Liu Cong said with a smile.

Compared to Deng Chao, Liu Cong acted much more relaxed, as if it was just a conversation between old friends.

"Classmate Liu Cong, how long has it been since you were promoted from a student to vice principal, but I still think it's easy to call you classmate Liu Cong." Principal Zhu said to Liu Cong.

Liu Cong still thinks that the title "Classmate Liu" is better, but some people just don't believe in evil and insist on calling him Vice Principal Liu.

Liu Cong has always been a low-key person, but he is always forced to show off passively, so what can he do?

"Deputy or not, I actually feel that this title suits me better." Liu Cong unconsciously touched the tip of his nose.

"Are you Liu Cong?"

A young female teacher came to Liu Cong's side. She looked at Liu Cong eagerly, completely unaware that Deng Chao next to her was winking at her.

When Liu Cong saw Deng Chao like this, he signaled that it was okay. President Zhu and everyone at Huaqing University saw this scene and did not say anything. Instead, they were curious about what the female teacher would say to Liu Cong next.

"Yes, who are you? It seems that we have never met before."

After getting Liu Cong's reply, the female teacher rushed forward excitedly. Liu Cong actually wanted to hide away. Looking at the posture of the female teacher in front of him, if he dodged by himself, she would definitely fall onto the concrete floor.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this extraordinary scene. The female teacher who was less than thirty years old in front of them looked like a teacher.

"Liu Cong! I am your fan. I like the songs you sing so much."

at this time,

The eyes of the entire audience were focused on Liu Cong, and everyone was shocked. What kind of charm did Liu Cong have in front of them, and he was made the vice principal by Principal Deng Chao.

What’s even weirder now is that there are actually fans.

Liu Cong gently pushed the female teacher in front of him away, but the female teacher in front of him couldn't help but move closer to Liu Cong. If Liu Cong hadn't been so strong, the teacher would probably still be clinging to him.

Liu Cong thought: "Are all fans so crazy now?"

Deng Chao, who couldn't figure out what was going on, saw the teacher in his school like this, and immediately walked forward, looking at the female teacher in front of him seriously.

"Wang Ling, how dignified are you!"

"This is the vice president of our school. What are you doing? What kind of fan is there but not a fan?" the principal angrily said in a low voice. If he hadn't seen the president of Huaqing University next to him, he would have become angry.

At this time, a teacher in the crowd seemed to recognize Liu Cong.

"Isn't this the champion of "Chinese Good Songs"? How come he became the vice principal of our school?"

The people nearby who didn't understand saw someone saying this, so they picked up their mobile phones and searched for Liu Cong.

If you don’t search, you won’t know. If you search, you will be shocked.

Sure enough, Liu Cong searched the introduction on the encyclopedia and introduced Liu Cong as a singer. Deng Chao, who didn't know what he really wanted, also picked up his mobile phone and started searching.

Deng Chao was shocked when he got the result.

"This! When did you become a singer?"

Principal Zhu next to him was curious about what was going on, and then he moved to the screen of his mobile phone to take a look.

"Classmate Liu Cong, I didn't expect that!"

"Your achievements in scientific research are top-notch. I didn't expect you to be proficient in music. You are so talented and it is really unfair to stay in a junior college."

In the square, thirty teachers stood and watched the conversation between these people. Twenty minutes had passed since the ribbon-cutting time. The school leaders and teachers waiting in the square could no longer wait.

In this way, at nine fifty-five minutes, Liu Cong and others ended the conversation.

Then, Deng Chao slowly walked to the center of the school name stone.

"First of all, the person next to me is my idol. He came specially for the ribbon-cutting ceremony today."

"Moreover, the six characters on the school's name stone were handwritten by the plainly dressed old man in front of me. He is the president of Huaqing University, Zhu Zixiao."

As soon as Deng Chao said this, the teachers nearby were in an uproar. The people below did not need to be introduced by Deng Chao. The teachers all knew that they were teachers from Huaqing University.

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