After the awards were given, people in the venue also left one after another. Only a few people were still packing their things and getting ready to go.

"Handsome guy, can you give me your WeChat ID?"

A girl's voice came from behind Liu Cong. Liu Cong turned around and saw that it was Zhu Gang's teammate.

Liu Cong was also very puzzled. He looked at the frustrated Zhu Gang next to him, and then said: "Sorry, I don't have the habit of adding other people's girlfriends."

After speaking, Liu Cong took apart the car in his hand and prepared to put it into the box.

"I think you may have misunderstood. He and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend, we are just ordinary teammates." The girl tried her best to explain.

But Liu Congming saw the two holding hands walking out of the cafeteria door at noon. Liu Cong, who had always been conservative, couldn't handle the girl's words.

"Sorry about this classmate, I don't have the habit of adding strangers."

Liu Cong glanced at Zhu Gang next to him, and tried his best to smile. Maybe he could only help him so far.

Liu Cong admired him from the bottom of his heart, but his character made Liu Cong dislike him very much, but there was no deep hatred.

"Teacher Tang, let's go back."

Then Liu Cong and Teacher Tang carried their things and left without looking back.

After leaving the gym, it was almost dark outside. Liu Cong took out his rice phone and looked at it. It was already 6:10.

"This classmate, stay."

A man's strong voice came from behind Liu Cong.

Liu Cong turned around and saw that it was the teacher from before.

"Teacher, do you have anything else you need to explain?" Liu Cong said politely.

Teacher Liu nodded politely to Teacher Tang next to him, and then looked at Liu Cong.

"Classmate Liu Cong, are you interested in studying in our school from junior college to bachelor's degree?"

Teacher Liu's words made Liu Cong a little embarrassed for a while.

"It doesn't matter, let's add WeChat first. When the time comes, if you want to come to our school to study from junior college to bachelor's degree, just tell me." Teacher Liu said to Liu Cong with a smile.

Liu Cong then took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat without hesitation.

"Teacher, should I scan you or you scan me?"

"I'll scan you."

In this way, the two successfully added WeChat.

On the way back, Teacher Tang kept praising Liu Cong and said that Liu Cong was the best junior college student he had ever seen.

Since there are many people getting off work at this time of night, the ten-kilometer journey took more than forty minutes.

When we arrived at school, it was already 7:30 in the evening. Teacher Tang originally wanted to invite Liu Cong to dinner, but Liu Cong gave a reason and refused.

Liu Cong did not go back to the dormitory immediately. Instead, he went to eat first and then went to the laboratory.

Because Liu Cong still has one very important thing to do.

After returning to the laboratory, Liu Cong sat blankly at the computer.

"How do I send this email to the tutor at Huaqing University?" he said with a sad look on his face.

Just when he was confused, Liu Cong thought of his father who was a professor at Yenching University.

Liu Cong looked at the word "father" in his address book but did not dial it out for a long time.

Although Liu Cong is very close to home, he has not been back since school started and rarely talks to his parents. On the one hand, his parents are usually busy, and on the other hand, Liu Cong does not want to listen to his parents' nagging.

Liu Cong mustered up the courage to dial his father's phone number. After a while, a mature man's voice came over the phone.

"Liu Cong, what's the matter with your phone call today?"

Liu Cong was stunned and didn't speak. He didn't know what to say when facing his father Liu Cong.

"Hey! Can you hear me?"

Facing his father's questioning again, Liu Cong quickly responded simply.


"Are you running out of living expenses? I'll transfer my phone to you right now." My father asked with great concern.

"No, dad, I called today just to ask you something."

The person on the other side was silent for a while after hearing Liu Cong's words, and then asked: "What's the matter? Tell me."

"Dad, do you have the email address of the tutor at Huaqing University School of Information Science and Technology?" Liu Cong asked.

My father's question came over the phone.

"Why do you, a junior college student, want Hua Qing's tutor's email address?"

Of course Liu Cong couldn't tell his father his true purpose at this time. He couldn't say that he had picked up materials produced by a photolithography machine for nothing.

"Dad, I won first place in the National Vocational Skills Competition today. I have a chance to compete with the top three in the undergraduate group."

"I think Huaqing University can definitely get the top three in the undergraduate group, so I want to consult with their tutors."

Although this reason is far-fetched, it finally makes sense. When his father Liu Yang heard that his son had won first place in the competition and could advance to a bachelor's degree without taking the exam, the other end of the phone couldn't hide his excitement.

"Okay, I'll go ask for you. If you ask, I will send you the instructor's email address via WeChat."

"By the way, you haven't been back for several months. Your mother often tells me she misses you during dinner. It's not like you don't know her stubborn temper. Every time she has a conflict with me, no matter whether it's right or wrong, it's me who coaxes her away. she."

"Just give in to her. You really plan to be like your mother for the rest of your life. She is also doing it for your own good."

This sentence "for your own good" contains many parents' expectations for their children, but do they really care about their children's feelings?

Regarding this, Liu Cong couldn't guess what his mother was really thinking.

"I know, I'll be back when I'm done with school stuff during this period."

Then the two briefly chatted for a few words and then hung up the phone.

"Hey, Guimei, I have some good news for you."

Liu Yang dialed Zhang Guimei's phone with a smile on his face.

"You can't talk about anything when you go home. I have other things to do here, so I'm hanging up."

A middle-aged woman's voice came from the phone.

"No, it's about my son."

"Son?" After hearing what Liu Yang said, Zhang Guimei also asked with concern.

"Yeah, that guy Liu Cong won first place in the junior college group of the National Skills Competition this time, and he can advance to bachelor's degree without taking the exam, which has given us a lot of face."

When it comes to upgrading from junior college to bachelor's degree, this is a stubborn problem in Zhang Guimei's heart. If Liu Cong hadn't taken the junior college entrance examination, the relationship between mother and son would not be so tense now.

"I know, I'll be right back."

After saying this, Zhang Guimei hung up the phone decisively.


"Ding dong."

Liu Cong's WeChat message rang. When he opened WeChat, Liu Cong saw the message his father sent him.

"Huaqing University, School of Information Science and Technology, tutor Ma Bokun." Liu Cong read the information provided by his father on WeChat.

After copying and pasting on his mobile phone, Liu Cong sent the email number to the computer via his mobile phone.

Then Liu Cong sent the lithography machine information to the mailbox of Ma Bokun, a tutor at Huaqing University.

And I also made some remarks at the back of the document.

"I am a junior college student, and I have specially provided valuable photolithography machine information to your school for the purpose of upgrading from junior college to bachelor's degree. My contact information is..."


Huaqing University.

Electronic Information Technology Laboratory, Huaqing University.

Instructor Ma Bokun received an email on his computer, which contained information on the manufacturing of photolithography machines.

At first, Instructor Ma Bokun thought it was a spam. After all, it was almost impossible to get this kind of thing out by one person.

Out of curiosity, Instructor Ma Bokun clicked on the file in his mailbox, but the sight of it made him uneasy.

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