Wang Dachun and Shen Teng next to them were dumbfounded. They never thought that their roommate Liu Cong would have such great power.

When Wang Dachun recalled that he once had a conflict with Liu Cong and almost had a fight, he shuddered in his heart.

"Quick! Call the police." Zhou Lei said while lying on the ground in pain, covering half of his face.

At this time, half of his face was swollen due to Liu Cong's slap just now, and there was a trace of blood flowing down his cheek.

Zhu Rong next to him saw this and immediately dialed 110 in a panic.

"Brother Cong, let's run. If we don't run, the police will come."

Shen Teng looked at Liu Cong in panic, while Wang Dachun next to him was pulling Liu Cong to prepare to escape.

Seeing this, Zhou Lei, who was lying on the ground, struggled to stand up.

"Don't let him run away." Zhou Lei shouted loudly.

Liu Cong looked at Zhou Lei in front of him and smiled slightly, and then said: "Who said I was going to run away? I'm still waiting for you to take off my legs."

Liu Cong approached Zhou Lei as he spoke. When Zhou Lei saw Liu Cong coming, he stepped back unconsciously. This was because he was afraid from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't come over here, I'm telling you, do you know who my dad is?"

At this time, Zhou Lei said the most cowardly words in the toughest tone.

"Security! Security! Come on!"

After hearing what Zhou Lei said, the security guards on the side did not dare to take action because they had seen Liu Cong's strength just now and they were afraid that they would end up like Zhou Lei.

Zhou Lei saw some despair in his eyes when he saw that the security guards ignored him.

"Brother, don't hit people in the face."

"How much do you want? Is ten million enough?"

Zhou Lei looked at Liu Cong in panic. Seeing that Liu Cong didn't respond, Zhou Lei said again: "Twenty million, twenty million! I will give you 20 million, how about letting this matter be over?"

Facing Zhou Lei's conditions, Liu Cong snorted coldly, stepped forward and pointed at Zhou Lei's head and said, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"You've already called the police, but you still want to seduce me with money?"

Zhou Lei looked at Liu Cong's increasingly cold eyes and said fearfully: "My dad is one of the four major businessmen in East China, you can't touch me!"

Zhou Lei saw Liu Cong's face getting closer and closer to his own. He was extremely scared, fearing that Liu Cong would slap him again, which would disfigure him and prevent him from chasing Chen Qiong in the future.

"So that's it. It's indeed quite powerful."

Liu Cong deliberately pretended to be scared, and Zhou Lei became frightened when he saw that moving his father out was effective.

"Now you know you are afraid, even if you kneel down and admit your mistake to me now."

"I insist on sending you to prison for a few years through my connections. I want to see if Chen Qiong still likes someone who has been in prison."

Zhou Lei folded his hands on his chest and laughed wildly.

I don't know if Liu Cong's attack just now was too strong, but Zhou Lei's mouth turned crooked when he smiled.

It had been more than ten minutes since Liu Cong finished drinking the potion, and the effect of the potion had long since worn off.

However, the other party still did not dare to act rashly. Passers-by wanted to pick up their mobile phones to take pictures, but they were chased away by the security guards around Zhou Lei.

Soon after, a group of heavily armed policemen in police uniforms arrived.

"Who called the police just now!" the leading policeman, about thirty-five years old, said to Liu Cong and others.


Zhou Lei seemed to have found a life-saving straw at this time. He covered half of his face that was swollen and was as big as a stone and walked towards the police.

The leading policeman was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

"What's going on? Why was your face beaten like this?"

"Uncle policeman, he was the one who hit me. He slapped me and sent me flying away." Zhou Lei pointed at Liu Cong and said aggrievedly.

"A slap in the face?"

The leading police officer looked at Zhou Lei with disbelief. He had never seen a person with such strength that he could slap people away.

"Uncle policeman, if you don't believe it, ask the people present, they all saw it."

After hearing Zhou Lei's words, everyone nodded in unison.

The police still didn't believe it, so they said to everyone: "Everyone related to this mass brawl should come with us to the police station and make a record."

In this way, everyone got into the police car together with the police. Even Wang Dachun and Shen Teng were not spared.

After arriving at the police station, after some investigation, the police realized that Zhou Lei's identity and background were so vast.

While the police were still dictating to Liu Cong, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged man in his fifties walked in from the outside.

"Chief, why are you here?" the policeman who made the confession exclaimed.

The middle-aged man ignored the policeman next to him, walked straight to Liu Cong, and said calmly: "You are Liu Cong, right?"

As soon as Liu Cong heard the examiner calling the middle-aged man in front of him the director, he knew that this time things might not be as simple as he thought.

Liu Cong looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said calmly: "Yes, I am."

The middle-aged man who got the accurate information shouted directly outside, and then two young policemen came in and handcuffed Liu Cong directly.

"Let's go, young man, you are unlucky this time, please be more careful next time."

When the director said this, Liu Cong already knew the general context of the matter.

Zhou Lei must have used his personal connections to make the director personally come down to arrest the person.

"Director, where are you taking me?" Liu Cong asked.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If you hurt someone, of course you will be sent to jail." The middle-aged man said with a big belly and a half-smile.

Liu Cong was a little helpless at this time, but he didn't panic.

If Liu Cong were an ordinary person and had no interpersonal relationships, he might really be caught and imprisoned for a few years.

However, Liu Cong is not an ordinary person now.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing. Our Public Security Bureau has released your two friends."

Liu Cong was slightly relieved when he heard what the director said. After all, this matter had nothing to do with the two of them.

"That's good, wherever you want to take me, let's go now."

Liu Cong behaved surprisingly calmly, which surprised the director for a moment.

He is also a policeman. Over the years, he has seen countless prisoners, but he has rarely seen such a calm one.

If he hadn't gone through Liu Cong's criminal record just now, he would have really thought that Liu Cong was a habitual criminal.

It was precisely because Liu Cong was an ordinary person that he came to arrest him directly.

"Director, you took their money, right?"

Liu Cong's casual words made the director's back tense.

Then he turned around and looked at Liu Cong unkindly.

"Young man, do you know where this is and who I am?"

"Spreading rumors and defamation is punishable by punishment."

The director's tone was full of threats, seemingly hinting to Liu Cong that as long as he keeps talking, he will look good on you.

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