Gilgamesh is a character in the game series "Fate/staynight" and its derivative works made by Japan's TYPE-MOON company. He is the fifth king of ancient Uruk and the oldest "Hero King". He has the divinity of "two-thirds of God and one-third of man", and he is arrogant. He once thought he was an invincible tyrant. He has the prototypes of all the heroes' treasures. In the "Holy Grail War", he is mostly summoned to the world as an Archer class and appears in the world with his own name as the class.

He is a top-level character among the servants (Servants), and was set as the "strongest" in early works. He is like a "servant killer".

He has a treasure house with all the treasures in the world, and not only the prototypes of the Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm are also collected in it, but also the tricky legends are naturally owned. Ordinary Heroic Spirits are no match for this man. If he fights seriously, he will be an "invincible servant" and the war will end overnight. The reason for participating in the Holy Grail War is that in his eyes, the Holy Grail is also one of his own treasures. If others dare to peek and fight for it without his permission, it is a great disrespect to him, so they must be punished.

He is arrogant and arrogant, and he is used to calling others "bastards". He hates talking to ordinary people and once said, "What kind of king is it if you are not arrogant?" Such a character is based on his own strong strength, but because of overconfidence, he often makes mistakes of carelessness and underestimates the enemy.

As the "oldest hero king", he believes that he should have everything in the world. He often ignores the feelings of others, acts violently and cruelly. At the same time, he also has a broad mind and is open-minded and tolerant. He is straightforward and will punish ruthlessly, but he will also praise generously. He is considered a cruel tyrant, but in fact he is not a murderer. There are two criteria for his killing criteria: one is "ugly soul" and the other is "having murderous intentions towards himself".

He values ​​the essence of a person's soul and appreciates people with self-awareness. He advocates obeying his own desires and pursuing "pleasure", but he does not neglect his duties as a "king". He will recognize the "value" of people he is interested in and recognizes, and will forgive his jokes as long as they do not hurt his self-esteem, and he can also meet his shameless wishes appropriately. Although he always shows egoism in words, he often speaks thoughtful and philosophical words to people he trusts once he has a deep inner communication with them, and has his own unique insights on everything. To a certain extent, it is easy to guide other people's thoughts.

He is often very frank about his own desires, but he seems to be prone to a mentality similar to "tsundere" when it comes to the question of "whether he likes humans". He doesn't like others to see his undignified side.

As he returns to his childhood form, his personality will also improve, and he feels incomprehensible and distressed about what he did when he was an adult. And the adult form of himself also said, "If the child self could foresee that he would become an adult like me in the future, he would probably give up growing up."

The appearance is a young man with blond hair, red eyes, and a slender physique. His dress and appearance will be different in each work.

When fighting, he usually wears golden armor. The black chain-like ornaments on his waist are very similar to the pendant on his friend Enkidu's neck. There are "pairs" and "relics", but it is not very clear.

He is very tasteful in daily clothing, and has a lot of casual clothes, such as white coats (Fate/staynight Fate line), black motorcycle clothes (Fate/staynight UBW line), various styles of suits (Fate/ExtraCCC, Fate/strangefake), and original mythological costumes (Fate/EXTRACCC, Fate/hollowataraxia). But sometimes, the few best he thinks are not easy to understand.

When he materializes, he often lets his hair down.

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