In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 12: King...Walks On The Sea!

Eight hundred years ago, Mo Yi could not restrain his breath before the degree of compatibility reached 100%. Therefore, when many prisoners who did not know the truth approached him rashly, they would be instantly turned into scum by his terrifying power. This is also one of the reasons why he was called a tyrant. But now the degree of compatibility between Mo Yi and Gilgamesh has reached 100%. He can completely master the power of the king at will. "I want a glass..." Mo Yi sat in front of the proprietress and stared at the wine list in front of him. Then he said. "I want a glass of dark beer." "Ah! This guest wants the cheapest dark beer, which is five Baileys~" The proprietress couldn't believe her ears. This elegant young man with a noble aura in front of him actually wanted a glass of dark beer that only the lowest pirates would drink. "Yes~" Mo Yi was not interested in talking nonsense with her. With a flick of his finger, a pigeon egg-sized gold was thrown directly in front of the proprietress. The proprietress's expression turned into a burst of ecstasy, and she quickly grabbed the gold at a speed that was completely inconsistent with her bloated figure.

And she took a fierce bite with her yellow teeth, and then shook her fat body contentedly to the back kitchen.

She decided to give the freshest dark beer to this inexplicable noble brother.

Mo Yi looked at the dark beer in front of him, and there was a bit of nostalgia in his eyes. All the wines in this world that people can imagine or can't imagine.

They all existed in the wine pool and meat forest of the Empire of God that Mo Yi got. There will always be a day when you get tired of delicious food, and there will always be a day when you get tired of drinking fragrant wine.

In front of Mo Yi's eyes, a short but muscular guy appeared in a trance.

He knelt in front of Mo Yi and knocked his head on the ground.

He spoke to himself in a tone that Mo Yi had never heard before.

"Great king! Wine is a delicious thing that should not only be enjoyed by us. One day, I will let people all over the world drink this kind of wine."

"Hegni, your wish sounds interesting."

"Hahaha!!! My king, I have thought about it. If I really do it one day, the name of that kind of wine will be."

"Dark beer!"

Time flies, and it's been a dream for eight hundred years.

When I woke up again, everything had changed.

"Hegni, you idiot, even if you try your best to let people in the world drink what you think is delicious, what can it do?"


"Hey, hey, hey!!! Can't you hear me talking to you!!!" The yellow-haired pirate stood beside Mo Yi with an indignant look on his face.

Mo Yi ignored him, but frowned at the dark beer that overflowed because of the other party's fist hitting the table.

"Stinky boy!!! Your cloak is nice! Lend it to me to see how it works!!!"

The yellow-haired pirate greedily licked the corner of his mouth, with a red light like a jackal in his eyes.

In his eyes, Mo Yi was simply a fat sheep that came to his door.

"Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!! How can there be such a handsome man in this world!!"

Suddenly behind the yellow-haired pirate.

Two girls in revealing clothes screamed at Mo Yi's almost perfect face.

Ignoring the pirates on the side.

Twisting his waist exaggeratedly.

"This guy from the outer sea, haven't you been greeted by a beautiful girl?"

"That's right! Don't be so cold! We sisters still mind having a wonderful night with you!"

The two passed through the pirates and stretched out their hands to hug Mo Yi.

But. ,

The next moment, it seemed that a pair of invisible big hands strangled the two necks.

Mo Yi glanced at the two women coldly.

"No woman has ever been able to stand on the same line with me. You don't even have the qualifications to be my maids~"

As soon as the voice fell, the two women flew out of thin air and were thrown into the corner.

"Can~ ability users!!!" Seeing that Mo Yi didn't even move his hands, he beat the sisters away.

The yellow-haired pirate couldn't help but scream.

But seeing that Mo Yi didn't even pay attention to him. ,

He couldn't help but feel a burst of rage, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Hey! Brat!! Don't look down on me!! Laozi is also a capable person!!

Dun dun dun dun!!

After saying that, his legs suddenly turned into a pair of springs and kept bouncing on the ground.

"Laozi is a bouncing man who ate the spring fruit. If you don't want to suffer, hand over the cloak!"

"Hahaha!!! Brother! I advise you to be more honest and give him the cloak! After all, if your life is gone, no matter how good the treasure is, it's useless! Isn't it??" The companion of the yellow-haired pirate is a pirate wearing white fur.

At this moment, he hugged the two girls, holding a machete in his hand, and looked at the cloak behind Mo Yi with a ferocious look.

The two have now been completely swallowed by their inner greed.

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