In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 16 This World Hides Too Much!

"Bastard, who gave you the right to stand in front of me!!!"


Boom boom boom!!!

The thunder in the sky that Enel controlled began to roar threateningly at Enel.

It seemed to be questioning Enel.

Why don't you kneel!!!

Why don't you kneel!!!


Enel's body was completely out of his control, and he knelt down to Mo Yi on the throne.

That head that seemed to be forever invincible.

It was knocked to the ground.

"It's ridiculous, the once most humble cocklebur actually became the 'god' that ruled Sky Island?"

"These eight hundred years are really interesting..."

Mo Yi's voice was not loud, but every word entered Enel's ears.

In an instant.

Enel, who was trying hard to stand up, was stunned as if struck by lightning.

The cocklebur tribe, this is a disappeared race that he had read in countless books on Sky Island.

"Who are you?!" Enel wanted to say who you are.

But facing Mo Yi, the words he said unconsciously carried a respectful title.

"Who am I?" Mo Yi's tone was a bit playful.

Then he glanced at Enel who was kneeling on the cloud and whispered.

"Don't you know who I am?"

"Of course I..." Enel's words had not been finished, and the next moment.

Countless memories appeared in his mind out of thin air.

Mo Yi's figure sat high on the golden throne.

Countless powerful and terrifying beings who made Enel feel afraid just by their breath knelt at Mo Yi's feet.

They all wore silver-white armor without exception, with a golden sun on their chests.

Their expressions were solemn and sacred, and one of the figures actually made Enel feel familiar.

"From today on, the Empire of God..."

"Establish a country!!"

Mo Yi's voice was still so cold, as if there was no trace of human emotion.

But the countless kneeling strong men below had terrifying golden lights in their eyes.

"We!! We are willing to be the vanguard of the most ancient king Gilgamesh, willing to fight through the long night for our king, and willing to die for our king in a hundred battles~!"

The roars today frightened Enel.

I saw Mo Yi in this memory.

He slowly sat up from the throne.

His eyes swept through everyone present like lightning.

In an instant, the originally noisy crowd became so quiet that it seemed that you could hear each other's heartbeats.

"I can only make you a promise..."

"Die under my command..."

"I will lead you to see the truth of this world..."


"Above all this..."

Enel's attention was completely immersed in this memory, looking at the name that Mo Yi was about to say.

Very anxious.

It seemed that something important was about to be known by himself.

But the next moment..

Click~ click~

The memory was like broken glass, completely dissipated.

"The most ancient king, His Majesty Gilgamesh." Enel spit out the name blankly.

The body knelt down again.

A blue light appeared in his two eyes, and Enel's aura continued to grow stronger.

"My king! Welcome to wake up from your deep sleep!!"

Enel's voice was completely different from before. The previous Enel's voice was full of tyranny.

But now his voice is like a wise man who is well-read.

Calm and wise.

"Why do you have to do this, Aikar, entrusting your soul power to your descendants, this method can keep you alive."

"But more likely to fall into an endless sleep."

The man Mo Yi called Aikar at this moment.

Slowly raised his head and looked at Mo Yi's face that he hadn't seen for eight hundred years. His calm eyes like stars showed a hint of excitement.

"Because I believe that one day, the king will return to this throne that belongs to you and lead us to complete the battle again..."

"You lost..." Mo Yi listened to Aikar's words and was silent for a moment.

"An era without adults is an era without hope." Aikar said respectfully.

"Hahahaha!!!!" Mo Yi suddenly burst into laughter.

The king doesn't care about the strength of his subordinates, because he is already strong enough to suppress everything, but the king cares about the attitude and will of his subordinates.

"I thought that among the four departments of the empire, the only one who would not choose to sleep was you, but I didn't expect that you would make such a decision..."

"You are right, I will fight back this time, but before that, I want to tell some old guys who is right. If the time is not right, continue to sleep..."

"When the day comes when I need you, I will naturally call you."

After hearing this, Aikar said to Mo Yi.

"The four departments of the empire, Thunder is the main killer, willing to be my king, fight for a hundred battles, and never turn back! !"

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