In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 25: The Legend Of The Sea Is Nothing But An Ant!

"Bastard! Are you talking to me again?"

Mo Yi's scarlet eyes were full of mockery, and the look he gave Bullet was cold and emotionless.

That look was like looking at an ant.

Bullet suddenly felt a little uneasy.

But the dignity of a strong man made him unwilling to give up his face.

Bullet's eyes were wide open, like an angry beast.

Although his body was tightly bound by seastone, he continued to struggle and shouted at Mo Yi.

"Boy! Who are you calling a bastard~!!! If I could get out, you would have become a dead spirit under my feet now!!"

Bullet's expression was ferocious like Prajna, crawling out of the Hell Complex.

Two big hands kept scratching blood marks on the ground, and the muscles on his arms began to swell continuously.

Obviously, Bullet, who had completely lost his strength under the seastone, seemed to ignore the curse of the sea.

His body was filled with explosive power, and veins on his arms were beating continuously.

Crack~ Crack~

The bones of his body kept making creepy sounds.

In this extremely quiet Eternal Hell.

The sound of bones rubbing together was like a devil constantly pulling out the bones of a sinner.

"Hehe~ Is that so? You are really an ant who doesn't know what to do!"

Mo Yi shook his head helplessly.

A finger grew out, and terrifying golden holy light kept appearing on the fingertips.

At that moment.

As the golden light descended into the darkness, Mo Yi's body exuded a terrifying power like a god.

His golden hair looked so noble in the golden light.



The surrounding space kept making unbearable cries under the powerful force.

Bullet's eyes trembled suddenly.

Such a terrifying power was the only one he had ever seen in his life, and that power seemed to overturn the world.

Golden Lion and the Red Earl also looked at each other.

Both of them realized in an instant that Mo Yi in front of them was far stronger than the other.

Obviously Bullet also realized this.


Even so, Bullet was confident that as long as he could regain his freedom, he could fight against the little devil in front of him with terrifying power.

In battle, strength is not everything. Sometimes, skills are the key to surpass everything.

Bullet was confident that his world-class fighting skills were enough to fight against this man with golden light.

Mo Yi seemed to see what Bullet was thinking.

A disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His fingers moved slightly, and the next moment.

A huge golden light suddenly burst out.

In an instant, everything in front of him was submerged, and the three people including Bullet were covered by this terrifying golden wave.


"Warden!!!!" A terrified jailer ran towards Magellan frantically. His steps were very flustered, and he staggered a little with every step.

It seemed that there was a terrifying beast chasing him behind him.

"Be careful!!!" Magellan's huge body appeared beside the jailer who almost fell at an extremely exaggerated speed.

He stopped the jailer with a chair in his hand.

His whole body was full of poison.

If he used his hands to help him, I'm afraid the jailer would be turned into a pool of poisonous water on the spot.

"Don't worry, talk slowly!!" Influenced by Magellan's calmness.

The panicked jailer took a few deep breaths of air, and then he came to his senses.

"Report! Warden Magellan, the surveillance shows that in the sixth floor of Eternal Hell1, a man suddenly appeared out of thin air. It is suspected that the terrifying momentum before was all emitted by him."

"And! A golden light came out of his body. Now all the surveillance has lost its effect. The sixth floor has completely lost its target!!"

The jailer reported everything that happened to Magellan as quickly as reading the name of a dish.

Magellan's expression instantly became very serious.

A powerful momentum emanated from Magellan's body.

At this moment, the warden, who had a somewhat funny temperament, finally showed his fangs, like a dragon.

His whole body was constantly boiling with purple aura, but in order to take care of the jailer around him, he forcibly restrained the surging power.

"Notify all available forces in the prison to go to the sixth floor. In addition, is Shiryu of Rain also patrolling the sixth floor?"

"Yes! Warden, Lord Shiryu is patrolling the sixth floor, and the other lords have also rushed to the sixth floor!"

Hearing the words of the jailer, Magellan's face looked better.

The air around him, which had been a little condensed, became smooth again.

"You should have a good rest!" Magellan walked out the door without looking back, without even looking at the jailer.

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