No matter what dreams or wishes he had, when he decided to attack Mo Yi, he was destined to be one of the piles of bones under Mo Yi's feet. That's all. Mo Yi didn't even look at him. Instead, he set his eyes on the ruins he had destroyed. "A sensible guy." The voice was a little satisfied. Then the toes pointed to the ground again. Boom! ! ! ! A terrifying force broke out. Under Mo Yi's feet, a dark hole suddenly appeared, and countless ominous and terrifying auras continued to spread. Mo Yi's body continued to fall in the ominous. Finally, he disappeared without a trace. In the ruins, Golden Lion, who had lost his legs, was held down by the shoulders of the lonely red, who was considered noble by the world, and fell to the ground. The Red Earl also bowed to the ground like a subject. , ... Darkness was boiling like a tide under Mo Yi's feet. It was a nightmare that would make ordinary people feel terrified from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at it.

Or maybe the fear of darkness was engraved in the blood of human beings since the day they were born.

In an era without fire and light, darkness represented death and unpredictable danger.

And this thick darkness that was constantly eroding the surroundings like blood was like the claws of evil spirits from hell.



This darkness that had condensed into substance was roaring with the power to pull people into nightmares.

Around Mo Yi, the huge and holy golden light separated the darkness with endless resentment and anger.

But even so.

Mo Yi could still sense the terrifying power bred in this darkness.



Mountains of corpses and seas of blood~

The disgusting stench almost penetrated Mo Yi's terrifying power.

As Mo Yi's body continued to fall in the darkness, the feeling began to fade away.

Instead, there was an endless loneliness.

The endless loneliness from death.

In this boundless darkness, it was as if a killing demon from ancient times was holding his killing weapon, staring at the enemy who stepped into his territory with a ferocious look.


The terrifying murderous aura emanated from the black Uzumaki to the sixth layer of Eternal Hell.

These arrogant criminals on the sixth layer have been shocked by Mo Yi's actions for the countless times.

Their eyes have been a little tired of the shock because of their previous actions.

Now in the hearts of these guys, it is not surprising that Mo Yi does anything.

He can beat Bullet to death with one punch.

Even the noble Red Earl has to bow down in front of him. The existence of such a man is a miracle.

"Old man~ Who is he!!" Although Golden Lion Shiki lost his legs, his aura is still as strong as a lion.

Red Count Barrorick Redfield seemed to have not heard Golden Lion's question.

His brows kept twisting together, and the pair of eyes full of wisdom and elegance were no longer noble as before.

The lonely Red was in the sixth layer of Marine Impel down, Eternal Hell.

He had been imprisoned for decades but still did not change his nobleness.

At the moment when Mo Yi was covered by golden light, the ancient legend in the family also rang in his ears.

"He is..."

"A legend..."

Barrorick Redfield's voice was trembling and astonished.

But more of it was.


For the few strong men who could stand at the same height as Barrorick Redfield, Golden Lion Shiki heard the fear in his old opponent's voice.

"What kind of monster is this guy who can make the old thing so scared? It doesn't matter who it is!"

Golden Lion sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"As long as it can cause trouble to these hypocritical Marines, it doesn't matter who it is."

The tyrannical murderous aura constantly outlined a strange picture in the darkness.

It slowly emerged in front of Mo Yi.

And Mo Yi's mouth also had a slight smile.

Old buddy, you are still so "cute" after hundreds of years.

On the picture, a strange black long sword was bound by countless black chains on an altar.

The reason why it is called strange.

Because there are sharp thorns on both sides of the sword body.

A few strands of black murderous aura flashed on the black blade from time to time.

If someone picks up this long sword, once it is used improperly, he will become the undead under the sword of this long sword.

If it is used carelessly, it will backfire on its master~

This is~

The ominous sword!!

Under the altar, dozens of humans who can't see their faces in black priest clothes kneel on the ground, facing the ominous sword.

They kept repeating certain spells.

As their chanting became louder, the black chains bound to the ominous sword emitted a stronger aura.

The ominous aura on the long sword became increasingly dim.

Mo Yi could even sense some smugness from those black priests.

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