In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 31 Naval Headquarters Three Admirals Are Out!

The poison gas behind him pushed his body forward like a booster.


"I understand." Sakazuki stood up and looked at Sengoku and nodded seriously.

"I will go check on Impel down myself."

After that, he fiddled with his gloves, and his expression was meticulous.

He exuded a volcanic aura.

As one of the faces of Marine, Impel down must not be allowed to fail.

His voice was a bit fierce, and the atmosphere in the room became more solemn.

"No! The three of you go together, Impel down must not make any mistakes!!" Sengoku's voice was still so solemn and dignified.

There was a sense of rejection in his tone.

As a Marine marshal, even if it was an Admiral.

No one could disobey his decision.

This time, Borsalino, who was called 'Kizaru Admiral', put down his legs in surprise.

There was also a bit of surprise on his slightly wretched face.

"Shall we go together, three of us?"

You know, three Marine Admirals acting at the same time, this is probably something that will only happen when pirates of the Four Emperors level attack the Naval Headquarters.

The title and strength of the Marine Admiral itself is a deterrent.

Each person has the strength to resist an elite force.

And now Sengoku actually sent three people out at the same time.

This is simply not in line with Sengoku's title of 'The Resourceful General'.

You know, if the three of them go out at this moment, once the Naval Headquarters is attacked by the enemy.

Unpredictable situations may occur.

Although the probability of such a thing is less than one in ten thousand, Sengoku, who has always been known for his rigor.

There is absolutely no possibility of such a situation.

"Hahaha! I will leave the Naval Headquarters to you, you can go with peace of mind!"

The door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and an old man with a head full of silver hair walked in with a box of senbei in his hand.


"Stop making trouble, go back to where you should go."

Mo Yi looked at the Hegni Sword that kept circling around him and whispered softly.

Then a golden space rose up behind him.

The King's Treasure House opened.

The Hegni Sword reluctantly made a sword sound in Mo Yi's hand.

Buzz buzz buzz~

Then countless black strange auras rushed on the sword body.

It quickly rushed into the King's Treasure House.



As the Hegni Sword disappeared, the surrounding space began to collapse continuously.

This layer of space was originally created by Mo Yi's space ability users to place the Hegni Sword.

Now Mo Yi took away the Hegni Sword.

It naturally lost its meaning.

Feeling the surrounding space collapsing layer by layer, Mo Yi's body flashed with golden light.

Instantly appeared in the sixth layer of Eternal Hell in Impel down.

"Uh~~ This is..."

Han Bani held the trident in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Looking at the prison in front of him that had been completely destroyed, Bullet, who had fallen to the ground and seemed to have completely lost his vital signs.

There was only deep shock in his eyes.


Han Barney couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He knew Bullet's strength very well.

He vaguely remembered the day when Bullet was imprisoned.

That terrifying aura like a prehistoric beast is still remembered by Han Barney.

He didn't expect to see this guy again after so many years.

He turned out to be a corpse.

He looked like he passed away peacefully... bullshit!!!

All the bones in his body were broken, and there was no good skin on his body.

The bones were almost broken into dregs!! Is this really Bullet who claimed to be the strongest man in the world?

Is this really a mistake? ? ?

This is the guy sent in by Marshal Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp, two legends.

Just when Han Barney was shocked and speechless.

He suddenly felt sensitively that a strange breath appeared behind him.

"Are you looking for me?"

In an instant...

It was as if the endless cold wind in the winter instantly froze Han Barney's body.

There was no emotion in that voice, only arrogance and indifference.

Mo Yi's voice was still so indifferent and cold.

"Han Barney!! Be careful!!!" Magellan, who came late, couldn't help but shouting when he saw the strange man behind his subordinates.

The thick purple poison gas in his hand began to condense in the air, and a terrifying dragon quickly emerged.

"Poison dragon!!!"


The huge poison dragon formed by the poison mist roared and rushed towards Mo Yi, wherever the poison gas passed.

Even the Impel down floor, which was said to be indestructible, was corroded with small holes.

It made a 'hissing' corrosion sound.

It made people feel a little scared.

"Hehehe~ Magellan is really a capable guy. It's true that he has the strength of an Admiral."

"Hahahaha!!! King of Arrogance, you're going to die here today!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

In the darkness, countless criminals on the sixth floor laughed hideously.

It made people feel uneasy.

It made the already dark Eternal Hell even more gloomy.

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