"Hanbanni~" Magellan muttered the name of his subordinate.

Then his eyes changed, and his aura became even stronger. The purple poison gas that kept coming out.

Began to be gradually replaced by a strange and terrifying red.

"Poison Giant Soldier·Judgment of Hell!!!"

The blood-like red poison boiled in Magellan's body. Mo Yi looked at the sludge-like poison that kept appearing in front of him.

There was a bit of disgust in his eyes.

He tapped his feet lightly and floated back.

Almost at the same time, countless Impel down cadres quickly appeared at the entrance of the sixth floor.

"All retreat!!!!" Magellan heard the footsteps and roared.

At this moment, his voice was really as terrifying as the devil of hell.

There is one thing in common between the strong, that is, the absolutely sensitive fighting intuition.

At this moment.

Magellan made the same decision as the dead Bullet.

Go all out when you take action.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance to win the man in front of you.

The honor of the Impel down prison.

It will be protected by his life, Magellan.

His whole body was boiling with blood-red venom, which enveloped his body continuously. Then a huge poisonous demon appeared in front of Mo Yi.


The blood-red venom dripping from his body fell on the floor.

There was no corrosion at all.

But Mo Yi realized that the slate that was dripped was completely "dead".

The venom released from the skeleton giant's body was different from the purple poison released in general. This move was a special bright red poison. Any substance that came into contact with it would be infected and gradually spread to corrode everything. As long as a person came into contact with the poison, it would gradually spread until death.

"For the honor of Impel down!! Go to hell!! Invader!!!"


The terrifying poisonous gas attacked Mo Yi like the sea.

"Ah!!! Magellan!!! Damn it!!!"

"Damn it!!!!!!"

The prisoners affected by this move screamed, and the red poisonous gas quickly spread all over their bodies.

Inch by inch of flesh and blood began to rot and disappear, and finally turned into a pool of blood.

It emitted a foul smell.

Pah~ Pah~

This group of prisoners who are known as the most terrifying in the world are like white snow thrown into a furnace in front of Magellan's ultimate move.

Except for a few weak wails, there is nothing they can do.

Mo Yi faced such a terrifying move.

His face was also a bit stern, but that feeling was not as nervous and cautious as facing a great enemy.

If it was like when humans face cockroaches, that disgust turned into a feeling of unwillingness to get close.

"Dirty bastard~" Mo Yi stretched out his hand brazenly, and the King's Treasure House behind him quickly emerged.

The Sword of Hegni quickly appeared in Mo Yi's hand.

The strong breath of death continued to emanate from the sword body.

It even faintly overshadowed the blood-red terrible poison gas.

"Nirvana~" Mo Yi seemed to casually swing the Hegni Sword in his hand.

But what followed was a terrifying slash.

The black and red sword energy condensed on the Hegni Sword.



Countless evil spirits seemed to be wailing behind the sword energy.

A black demon vaguely appeared above the sword energy, with scarlet evil eyes.

Revealing a bloodthirsty light.

He fiercely slashed at the constantly surging death poison gas.


The slash became bigger and bigger. When the slash and the poison gas intertwined, the expression on Magellan's face suddenly changed.

Because he actually found out.

The poison giant soldier, the Judgment of Hell, which he used at the cost of his life, was constantly broken under Mo Yi's casual blow.

"No!!! As the warden of Impel down!! I will never allow!! Anyone to tarnish Impel down's honor!!!"

Magellan's whole body burst out with a stronger poison gas, and the scarlet poison wrapped around him also rushed towards Mo Yi.

Anyone could see that Magellan had already used up all his strength in this attack.

He even sacrificed part of his life.

The Golden Lion in the dark looked at Magellan who was desperately trying, smacked his lips, and then shook his head with some regret and said.

"Too strong! Magellan has no chance."

Although the Red Earl did not speak, he now exchanged his position with Magellan.

He tried every means, but he was powerless to find out.

If it was him facing Mo Yi at this moment, I am afraid he might not be better than Magellan.

Only by experiencing Mo Yi's power in person, you will know how terrible the terrifying power that seems to overturn the world is.


Bang! ! !

The scarlet poison that had carried all of Magellan's strength suddenly exerted its force, but...

Mo Yi's mouth curled up into a faint smile.

It was like he was mocking an ignorant ant.


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