In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 37 Looks Like I Have To Work Overtime!

"Okay! It doesn't matter what happens! I just hope Impel down won't cause any trouble, otherwise!"

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, the weather, which was already very cold due to the strong wind, became even more solemn.

Sakazuki's body was boiling with terrifying heat, and the splashing water fell beside him due to the bumps, turning into waves of white steam.

The terrifying heat made Kizaru a little worried that he would burn the bottom of the boat.

Marine Three Admiral is also known as the three landlubbers. Because of the Devil Fruit, the three are hated and cursed by the sea.

Once they fall into the sea, they will completely lose all their strength and finally sink in the boundless sea.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible.

If it were an ordinary ability user, they might really need to worry about these things.

But among the three, Kuzan, known as Aokiji Admiral, is a Frozen Fruit ability user.

A monster who uses his ability to freeze the sea and ride a bicycle on it.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid that old man Kizaru would have clocked in and applied for labor subsidies long ago.

Kizaru, as always, had a wretched expression on his face and smacked his lips.

Looking at Sakazuki with a serious face, he sighed secretly in his heart.

It seems that I have to work overtime today...

"Huh!?" Sakazuki suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and stood up suddenly when he looked at the sea surface thousands of meters away.

The already crowded boat was bumped for a moment with his movements.

With the two huge waves on the sea, it almost flipped over.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Sakazuki, don't stand up casually~ Rowing is troublesome~" Kizaru spoke in the tone of an old father.

But the expression on his face was serious.

The wretched expression on weekdays disappeared completely.

"Ability user?" Kizaru's voice actually showed a bit of seriousness, and his eyes became sharp.

Kuzan also took off his eye patch.

Following the two's line of sight, I saw a figure shining with golden light standing calmly on the sea that looked like a beast.

Whether it was the violent waves or the roaring storm, they all became calm in front of the figure like a well-behaved pet.

He just appeared there, and there was a sense of existence that could not be described in words.

It was as if with his appearance.

The center of the world gathered on him.

Although they could not see his appearance because of the distance, the three Marine Admirals had already felt a kind of pressure in their hearts.

"That direction is the Gate of Justice!!!" Sakazuki looked at the target of the figure and shouted softly.

Then a terrifying high temperature broke out in his hand, as if he could not control his anger.

Even if you don't think about it, you know that the abnormality of Impel down before was caused by this guy.

Now that he appears here, doesn't it mean...

Impel down has been lost? ? ?

The faces of the three changed drastically.

Although Kizaru was lazy, he could not paddle in such a situation. A dazzling golden light appeared on his body.

As the fastest speed of light in the world, he exerted force on his feet and his figure disappeared on the wooden boat in an instant.

Look here.

Mo Yi, who left Impel down, walked on the sea with strong winds.

In Eternal Hell, ten people led by a huge battleship killed all the legends.

Although he paid a certain price, he still became Mo Yi's subordinate.

Then Mo Yi opened a terrifying space channel.

He teleported everyone to Alabasta.

But he seemed to feel something.

He did not leave directly.

Instead, he walked towards the huge gate. For some reason, looking at the strange pattern on the huge gate made him unhappy. ,

On the Gate of Justice, the two interlaced horizontal bars, each with a ball on the end.

That is the symbol of Naval Headquarters.

It is also the majesty of the World government.

Or it is the justice they uphold.

Under Mo Yi's feet, the golden holy light continued to pave a golden road on the sea.

Like a golden road hanging from the endless sky.

Mo Yi narrowed his scarlet eyes.

Looking at the Gate of Justice that was close at hand.

Slowly raised a hand.

At that moment.

Everything around seemed to be quiet, the wind stopped howling, and the sea returned to calm.

Even the rumbling thunder in the sky stopped.


A ray of light quickly appeared beside Mo Yi.

"Hey, hey, hey~ This guy, have you been kicked by light?" Kizaru's voice sounded behind Mo Yi.

There was a bit of surprise in the obscene voice.

At such a close distance, he realized how terrible the power of the man he was facing was.

Kizaru's face froze.

His body appeared on the left side of Mo Yi.

Flashes continued to appear on his feet.

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