In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 39 The King’S Treasury Shatters The Gate Of Justice!

Everything seemed to become a crystal clear world in front of Kuzan.

It was like returning to the terrifying era of cold and glaciers.

And the terrifying icy breath rushed towards Mo Yi.


The icy breath that seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world.

The moment it encountered the golden holy light shining on Mo Yi, it began to fade away.

Mo Yi never looked at them from beginning to end.

But Aokiji was stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

His Ice Age, can't even touch this man's body?

Kizaru on the side was also secretly shocked.

Having worked with Kuzan for so many years, he knew how terrifying Kuzan's Ice Age was.

"What a disgusting building." Mo Yi murmured softly.

The terrifying space behind him gradually revealed.

A golden pentagram array was constantly outlined behind him.

On it, countless mysterious and extraordinary words were constantly writing something on it.

Even the greatest scholar in the world would find it difficult to translate even a fraction of this text.

Waves of terrifying auras continued to gather on the pentagram.

It was like a volcano about to erupt.

Once it erupted, it would be a terrifying force that would overturn the world.

"The King's Treasure House~"

Mo Yi's voice became sacred and dignified.

The pentagram behind him became more and more dazzling, and finally even the entire world seemed to be dyed golden.

"Damn it!!!"

Aokiji's body seemed to be imprisoned by some terrible force. Even if he tried his best, he couldn't move his body.

It seemed that the surrounding space was imprisoned, turning into an invisible shackle that bound him in place, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

The Gate of Justice in front of him was the face of Marine. Once it was damaged.

The consequences, Kuzan couldn't imagine.

Uncle Kizaru beside him also suffered the same treatment as Aokiji, but compared with Aokiji's anxiety, his expression was like that of a constipated uncle.

Even if he wanted to put on an anxious expression, with his wretched face, there was really no way to make people feel anxious.


Bang! ! ! !

Buzz buzz buzz~

From the pentagram behind Mo Yi, a series of terrifying treasures gradually emerged.

The next moment.

The world seemed to fall into a golden ocean.

Countless golden lights and shadows burst out from the pentagram.

It was as if all the anger was vented, like a volcanic eruption.

The terrifying power like the power of heaven blasted towards the Gate of Justice.

From the golden torrent, Kizaru saw many terrifying weapons that he couldn't name, but were extremely powerful.

Feeling the power above, he couldn't help but shudder.

It was a terrible monster. If such an attack hit me.

Kizaru almost didn't dare to think further, and his triangular eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying force instantly hit the Gate of Justice.

The gate that represents the Marine government's honor and dignity for a hundred years.

The sacred gate that symbolizes the world's nobility and justice.

It was like a thin tissue in front of the king's anger.



It didn't even last for a second, and it disappeared on the spot as if it was evaporated.

Under the dumbfounded eyes of Aokiji and Kizaru, the Gate of Justice completely dissipated in the world.

It was as if it had never appeared.

"Garbage~" Mo Yi's voice sounded lightly, and then Aokiji and the others realized that their bodies could move again.


Mo Yi's body began to continuously emerge with golden fragments, flickering around Mo Yi like fireflies.

The next moment.

Mo Yi's body was like the yellow sand on the seashore, blown by a breeze.

It broke into golden rays and disappeared in front of the two.

The two looked at each other and felt bitter.

How can I explain to the Marshal that the Gate of Justice is "gone"...


Sengoku sat in the office restlessly, his two calloused hands kept crossing, and the blue veins on his hands popped out one by one.

The pair of wise eyes were a little uneasy.

Although there was no reason, Sengoku's intuition that was almost like a premonition had saved him countless lives.

But today this feeling of uneasiness was particularly strong.

Even when facing the former sea overlord Rocks Pirate, Sengoku had never felt so uneasy.

His fingers began to knock back and forth on the table.

He didn't even realize that he had knocked a bullet-sized hole on the desk because of excessive force.

Garp on the sofa saw his old friend who was so uneasy.

For the sake of his own head, he rarely went to eat senbei.

Instead, he picked his nose out of boredom.

He showed a standard MonkeyD family idiot face.

He looked at Sengoku and said.

"Sengoku, don't worry so much. Are Kuzan and the others there? Even if there is any problem, it will be solved."

"What's more~"

Bang! ! !

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