In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 44 The Old Times Are Coming Back!

After that, Shanks raised his glass and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Okay!! Okay!!"

"You guys chat! Our captain asked me to buy wine!~!"

"Ah! I forgot about the coating!! Damn it!!"

In the blink of an eye, the tavern that was full just now was left with only Shanks and the silver-haired old man. Oh, yes.

There was also a proud proprietress sitting next to him.

He lit a cigarette.

He didn't care that his customers had all run away.

"Oh~ Really, I haven't gotten my wine today." The old man said half complainingly.

Then his eyes turned cold, and Shanks only felt a silver light flashing in front of him.

The hand had disappeared.

"Hahaha!! The deputy captain is still strong and healthy!" Shanks smiled brightly.

Looking at the old man, his tone was also a bit happy.

Pluton Rayleigh.

This name that once frightened countless people may have faded a little in the torrent of history.

But anyone who has experienced the Roger era will never forget this man.

The right-hand man of the Pirate King.

The vice-captain of the Roger Pirates.

The one who brought death to the enemy..


Such a person would actually condescend to mix in a tavern, hiding outside the tavern and secretly watching the three people of his captain.

Like stacking heads together.

Sniper Yasopp, vice-captain Beckman and fat man Lucky Lu, three famous people in the sea, piled up at the door without any image.

Looking at everything in the tavern in a wretched manner.

"It's the terrifying guy!" Bellman was shocked when he thought of the scene just now.

As the only first vice-captain with emperor-level strength in the Four Emperors Pirates, he actually didn't see Rayleigh's movements just now.

Although the old man's target was only the idiot captain's wine jug.


What if it was the captain's knife?

If I can take your wine jug, I can take your knife, and I can...

Take your life! ! !

"Speak~! You bastard, you won't come to me if you have nothing to do. If you find me, it's no good."

Rayleigh stretched and put the wine glass in his hand on the table.

The eyes under the glasses looked at the trainee who used to be on the ship, and he has grown into the Four Emperors today.

He couldn't help but sigh.

"Captain~" Although the Roger Pirates have been disintegrated for many years, Shanks still kept the former title and said, "The Gate of Justice of Marine has been destroyed!"

"And that person is likely to be related to the stone tablet that Captain Roger saw in Raftel that year!"

Boom boom! ! !

Awooo! !

The moment Shanks' voice fell, a terrifying Haki instantly erupted from Rayleigh's body, and the Conqueror's, which was like a substance, seemed to have turned into an angry lion behind Rayleigh.

The tyrannical momentum made the poor wine table in the tavern groan under the heavy pressure.


"Is your information accurate?" Rayleigh's voice was very serious, like the cold wind from winter.

Since Roger surrendered himself, the legend called Pluton by the world has once again shown his edge after decades.

Although the sword is rusty, it will be sharper when it encounters blood.

"It is definitely correct, and that person first appeared in Alabasta." Shanks threw the news of Mo Yi's sword-slaying Crocodile in the first World Economic News on the table in front of Rayleigh.

Looking at Mo Yi's superior expression in the newspaper, and the weapon in his hand that was made of chains and could barely be called a "sword".

His eyes fixed

His palms clasped together involuntarily.

The tyrannical power radiated from his body, as if a lion that had been sleeping for many years was awakened.

The final island in the legend of Raftel recorded all the secrets of the world, and even buried the terrifying machinery that could overthrow the World government.

And the only ones who have boarded Raftel in countless years are...

The former Roger Pirates.

He still remembers everything he saw on that island.

And the archaeologist on their ship fell to the ground and trembled as he translated the contents of the stone tablet.

Until now, he still feels cold all over.

"Is the old era coming back?" Rayleigh said this sentence softly without a conclusion.

But it changed a lot when it fell into the ears of Beckman, who has the highest IQ in the world.

His eyes rolled around a few times.

Since Pluton Rayleigh had such a big reaction, it means that the incredible story that the captain told me before is very likely true.

But on the way to Raftel, the captain and the clown-like guy were driven off.

The captain didn't know what the final truth was.

But if that kind of legend actually exists, then...

What kind of existence is the 'oldest king' who only exists in ancient stories?

I'm afraid only those who have actually set foot on the ultimate island that records the secrets of the world will know.

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