In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 46 None Of This Is Easy!

Being looked at like this by a Four Emperor, no matter who it is, it would be uncomfortable.

"Ah? You actually came back to see me! How strange! Mmmmm~" Sherlock· Linlin· took out a small cake from somewhere.

It is not quite appropriate to call it a small cake. The cake, which is as big as a small tree, is indeed a huge thing in the eyes of normal people, but in Linlin's hands, it looks very petite, and even looks a bit pitiful.

"Katakuri, just say whatever you want! I think the purpose of my coming is the same as mine!" Kaido's voice was very loud, but Katakuri was Linlin's son and subordinate after all.

He still looked at his mother inquiringly.

"Mmmmm! Say it! It doesn't matter, but Kaido, if you can't give me a perfect explanation~ Mmmmm, stay here today!!!" After the voice fell, Sherlock· Linlin laughed.

But a burst of murderous intent continued to emerge from that huge body.

The little sun Apollo behind her turned into a hideous appearance, and a raging fire burned on his body.

The white cloud Zeus also instantly turned into a dark cloud, with thunders constantly flowing in the dark cloud.

There is an unwritten rule among the Four Emperors. Entering each other's territory rashly.

It can be regarded as...

Declaration of war! ! ! ! !

Katakuri looked at Kaido, who was sitting opposite his mother, unmoved by the violent evil spirit and even drank, and sighed.

He spoke.

"Mom~ We in Marine..."


Naval Headquarters


In the sacred meeting room representing the highest power

The Five Elders sat on the high seats with solemn faces.

Marshal Sengoku.

Three Marine Admirals.

Hero Garp, Vice Admiral Crane.

All the core figures of Marine gathered together.

These people are not only the highest power in Marine, but also the real top leaders of the entire World government to a certain extent.

The solemn atmosphere was pressed in the room, and the whole meeting room fell into silence for a long time.

It was like a mountain pressing down on everyone's heart.


Great shame!!!

Everyone found it hard to accept what happened not long ago, even the always frivolous Garp put away his usual playful smile.

Staring at an ice sculpture with a gloomy face.

In front of Kuzan, an ice sculpture more than one person tall, emitting a chilly air, was cast in the middle of the conference room.

The ice sculpture said that the person had a nearly perfect appearance, with a bit of arrogance and indifference in his eyes.

The chill emitted by this lifelike ice sculpture not only wandered in the room.

It also left an indelible impression in everyone's heart.

Everyone sat in this conference room for an unknown period of time, except for Kuzan who condensed this ice sculpture.

No one in the whole room spoke.

But on the desk of the Five Elders, people kept sending in information, which kept piling up.

Like a small mountain.

Everything was too shocking.

The Gate of Justice was destroyed, and Impel down was breached.

Most of the bodies of the prisoners on the sixth floor were left in Eternal Hell.

But the ten most dangerous people disappeared silently.

For example, Golden Lion, Red Earl, huge battleship, King of Evil Government...

Warden Magellan was beheaded by a sword, and his head fell to the ground.

He died with his eyes open.

The rest of the Impel down cadres were shocked and fainted. After waking up.

Like frightened chickens, they couldn't help but scream when they saw something golden.

It can be said.

The world's largest prison, Impel down, has now become an empty shell.

All the cadres that Marine had worked so hard to train were eliminated.

The prison system collapsed completely.

If it weren't for CP0's timely blockade of the news, I'm afraid Impel down would have become a laughing stock of the world.

"Are you going to issue a wanted order?"

Sengoku's voice was serious and cold, and the anger in his eyes was suppressed fiercely.

As the head of Marine, he couldn't lose his composure.

But as a soldier, he could not accept what Mo Yi did.

The Gate of Destruction, killing the warden, destroying Impel down, releasing nightmare-level criminals.

These atrocities one after another.

It undoubtedly tore Marine's face to pieces.

It also destroyed the dignity of the World government.

"No~ Sengoku, this matter is not as simple as you think." Among the Five Elders, No. 1 slowly raised his eyes.

Moved his eyes away from a document on his hand.

Looking at the ice sculpture in the shape of Mo Yi.


The already solemn atmosphere became even more breathless.

"Remember the stone tablet with the historical text that Impel down sent not long ago."

Hearing No. 1's words, Sengoku and Garp seemed to have a sudden inspiration and looked at each other.

They both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes.

The only difference between the two was that.

Sengoku was surprised that the powerful Five Elders would actually notice that matter.

And Garp was shocked and stunned with a bit of palpitations.

"The oldest king, Gilgamesh. This name may not be unfamiliar to some of you." Number One stood up.

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