In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 52: No. 1 In The World? What A Joke!

The originally calm sea became extremely violent with the appearance of Mo Yi.

The huge waves roared behind Mo Yi continuously, exploding like fireworks.

It seemed that the ocean was connected together, and it was honored by the appearance of Mo Yi.

Mihawk's pale yellow eyes reflected the figure of the visitor.

The noble golden armor completely wrapped Mo Yi's body.

The nearly perfect lines and mysterious patterns were vividly displayed on the armor.

Even the best masters in the world could not make such a magnificent armor.

Golden hair, scarlet eyes, with a bit of arrogance and unrestrainedness.

The oldest king, Gilgamesh, appeared in front of the world's number one swordsman.

Mo Yi's mouth corners brought a little smile, and the look in his eyes when looking at Mihawk was not as arrogant as usual.

There seemed to be a bit of appreciation in his eyes.

Mihawk looked at Mo Yi who appeared out of thin air, and his brows frowned slightly.

This kind of pressure that was almost tangible made his muscles tense unconsciously.

His right hand directly grabbed the big black knife beside him, Night.

"It's you! The mysterious swordsman who defeated Crocodile with one sword!"

Mihawk's expression suddenly changed.

He remembered the news he had seen in the newspaper not long ago.

Crocodile, who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea with him, was severely injured by a mysterious strong man in the small corner of Alabasta.

I heard that Crocodile is still bedridden.

"You are good, are you interested in becoming my subordinate!!"

Mo Yi looked at the somewhat elegant man opposite him, smiled and stretched out his hand.

Mihawk's sword intent, which seemed to be unchanging, attracted Mo Yi's attention.

He admired this guy with extreme will.

That's why he rarely sent out his invitation.

You know.

Even the group of monsters in Impel down, he didn't have the intention to subdue them.

If it weren't for those guys who came to him.

He wouldn't care about the life and death of those 'bastards'.

But Mihawk is different. He is obsessed with swords and obsessed with swords. This kind of existence itself is noble in Mo Yi's eyes.

The nobility of a person never comes from birth.

It comes from the soul.

As the king of mortals.

All these nobles should become his subordinates.

So he extended an olive branch after a long absence.


Mihawk has no idea about Mo Yi's identity.

As the world's number one swordsman.

He is an extremely proud swordsman.

Suddenly someone appeared and said that he wanted to make himself his subordinate. This is simply ridiculous.

Although Mo Yi defeated Crocodile, who was also a Shichibukai, with a sword, and his strength was strong to a certain extent, Mihawk's strength was far beyond that sand crocodile.

"Arrogant person~" Mihawk sneered.

He tightly grasped the black knife in his hand.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at Mo Yi's vital points.

The black knife in his hand was also ready for battle.

The white fur on the hat moved without wind.

The small cross on the neck also jingled.

The powerful sword energy continued to emanate from Mihawk's body.

And the admiration in Mo Yi's eyes became even stronger.

"You are good! Really good~ Become my subordinate."

Mihawk laughed in anger. No one in the world had ever spoken to him in such a tone.

And the admiration in his eyes.

It also made him almost crazy.

As the world's number one swordsman, Mihawk is proud and lonely.

In order to find the ultimate in kendo.

He wandered around.

But in the end, the only red-haired man who could match him.

But lost an arm in the weakest East Blue in the world.

Since then, Mihawk's loneliness has become even stronger.

The world's number one swordsman?

It was just a meaningless title. In order to experience the taste of failure, he could even cultivate his own enemies.

Such a swordsman, the pride in his heart is like a cloud in the sky, extraordinary.

"Haha!! Let me be your subordinate? Are you qualified!!"

The black knife in Mihawk's hand flashed suddenly.

The black sword energy instantly covered the blade.

At the same time, the left hand was placed on the handle.



The terrifying sword energy, like a volcano about to erupt, condensed on the big black knife·Ye.

Mo Yi looked at Mihawk in front of him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a playful smile appeared.

"Let's play a game, let's fight, if you lose, you can be my subordinate!"

The moment the voice fell.

The golden aura on Mo Yi's body was quickly converged.

The power like the power of heaven also began to fade away gradually.

Although the golden road under his feet has not disappeared, it seems that Mo Yi is now just like an ordinary person.

A trace of doubt flashed in Mihawk's eyes.

He didn't know what this person who appeared out of nowhere was doing.

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