In Pirate: Beginning, You Play As Gilgamesh!

Chapter 56 The Existence That Governs Everything Is About To Revive!

I think as a human being you should have the right to know everything, you did a good job. "

Mo Yi's words made Morgans a little confused for a moment.

This tone is exactly what a king would say when talking to his subjects.


Did he just call himself lonely?

Is he a king?

But what kind of country would have such a terrifying king?


Morgans' eyes suddenly widened a lot, the channel for spreading news, that is, this person does not know the existence of news.

And he once thought of establishing an organization similar to a news newspaper.

He suddenly thought of what one of his predecessors said to him.

The theory of newspapers first appeared eight hundred years ago. Legend has it that there was a king who ruled the entire land.

Once proposed an idea similar to newspapers, but for some reason, the king disappeared under the endless waves of history.

And all this has always been heard by Morgans as a fun thing.

But now he has a vague sense of it.

It seems that he is going to know something great.

To know the real big news!!

A man with terrifying power, dressed in ancient clothes, and speaking Vice Admiral regards all the people in the world as his own people, and speaks to him as if he were a wise monarch.

Could it be that such an existence is possible! ! ! !

The legendary emperor is resurrected? ?

Morgans couldn't believe this crazy idea in his heart.


Mo Yi looked at this silly goose with a satisfied look.

Why be a king if you are not arrogant? Why be a king if you don't let people live and work in peace?

Although Gilgamesh is a tyrant, he is also a wise king.

More importantly.

His next plan is inseparable from the news about this silly goose.

"You are~" Morgans felt that the pressure on him was relieved a little.

But he didn't dare to be disrespectful at all, and asked tremblingly.

He also glanced at Mo Yi's face from time to time with his peripheral vision.

He was afraid that he would offend this gentleman by saying something wrong.

"You should call me king!!!" " Mo Yi said lightly.

But for some reason, Morgans' knees suddenly softened.

He fell to his knees.

The president of World News Agency.

The boss of the dark world.

One of the five giants of the underground underworld.

Morgans is a man of steel!!! He kneels when he is told to!!!

Mo Yi was speechless when he saw Morgans's actions. It seemed that he had done nothing.

Are birds so sensible now?

Mihawk's eyes even revealed a bit of disdain.

Although he is now Mo Yi's subordinate, he keeps his promise and doesn't think there is anything wrong.

But what is Morgans' expression?

It's like a pet that has been fed. The flattery on his face made Mihawk really unbearable.

So he closed his eyes and rested his eyes.

But his ears were perched high.

He was also very curious about Mo Yi's identity.

Morgans is of course happy now. He now has a feeling that he seems to have a thigh!

And maybe it's the kind that can be compared with World The big boss of the government arm wrestling.

In the past few days, the World government has been investigating him more and more frequently.

Morgans has been restless for a long time. Now such a thick thigh appears. If I don’t hold it tightly, I will really be a fool.

“King!!!” Morgans shouted loudly, and knelt down to Mo Yi in a strange posture that he didn’t know where he learned from.

It looked very strange.

Mo Yi shook his head very indifferently.

Although he has a bit of no moral integrity, he has seen all kinds of people (birds) in the long years.

“Still smart, notify it.”

“The existence that once ruled the heavens of all races is about to wake up, and the soul that led all the resistance in the world will also break the seal. There is still hope in this era, but let the world be prepared. ”

“Be prepared for a real battle~”

Suddenly a strong wind blew, howling like a demon.

It seemed as if something was stopping Mo Yi from saying the next words.


Morgans’ eyes suddenly widened, revealing a bit of fear.

Mihawk also opened his eyes, and the pair of pale yellow eyes that did not fluctuate even in defeat could not help showing shock and astonishment.


Calm Belt.

The most terrifying sea area in the New World.

It is the burial place of ships and the hunting paradise of Sea Kings.

It is called the Death Zone, and also called Monster Paradise.

Under this sea area, there are huge Sea Kings that humans cannot imagine.

A demon octopus with tentacles hundreds of meters long can cause the ocean to explode with its big mouth. Uzumaki's death goldfish.

A terrifying starfish that can create a storm with a slight turn.

The most terrifying thing is that these terrifying monsters are actually social animals.

As long as a ship appears in this sea area, it will be attacked endlessly by them until it dies and sinks completely.


Today in this death zone that terrifies countless people.

A fishing boat that looks a bit dilapidated is floating quietly on the Calm Belt.

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