Cold sweat broke out on Candice’s forehead, and he felt a little embarrassed, but in order to save his life, he smiled awkwardly:"Ah, sir, you are joking, this is my gift to you.""

"But, no matter what you want to give me, as long as I kill you, it will still be mine, right? You are not so naive, are you?" Sean looked at the other person like a fool.

He couldn't understand why these people always said something to give you this and that in the end.

Sure enough, Candice's body froze when he heard it, but he still threatened unwillingly:

"If I can't live, they can't recover either. As long as you let me go, I will recover them."

This is pure death struggle. Not to mention the purification skills that Sean already possessed, it's nonsense for him to say that he can't recover.

He doesn't believe that his ability can be bugged like this. Anyway, he has a backup plan.

So he said impatiently to Yixiao on the side:"Go and deal with him."

After that, he sighed:"Is the standard for the world government to recruit talents so low now? Even people like this can become agents!"

Yixiao on the side couldn't wait to deal with this scum, so he slowly stepped forward.

Under the angry stares of the dark residents, he walked in front of Candice:"Scum like you, you deserve to die!"

"No, no, don't kill me!"


Just like that, in Candice's extreme fear, Yixiao pulled out his staff knife and stabbed it into the other's heart.

It's not that Candice didn't want to fight back, but he felt that he couldn't move at all, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain.

Just like that, 'Lord Candice', who had ruled Bikaru for three years, opened his eyes wide, and slowly lost his life with an unwilling look on his face.

The nearby residents, whose eyes were red as if they wanted to eat people, slowly became clear, from anger to confusion, and finally became angry again.

They were not angry that Candice was killed, but after they recovered, they realized that they had been used as slaves.

Although their previous thoughts had always been fanatical about Candice, it did not mean that they did not realize it.

Now that Candice was dead, they immediately recovered.

The mayor, a handsome old man with muscles and long white hair, also came forward at this time.

He bowed to Sean and the others and thanked them:"Thank you so much, otherwise we don't know how long we would have been enslaved by this ambitious bastard."

Sean waved his hand:"Don't be so polite, we just passed by and helped you."

"By the way, Mr. Mayor, what exactly is this research that he mentioned?"

Hearing this, the mayor sighed and said,"Well, this is a bit long to explain, why don't we just treat you well, you are the heroes of our town!"

"Yes, yes, now I also want to eat a delicious meal quickly"

"That's right, that beast enslaved us and didn't even let us have enough food, it would be too easy for him to die like this"

"How about we have a party? Let's celebrate our rebirth!"


Everyone talked about it and set the tone for the banquet, which made Sean feel the strength of the people in this world again.

When encountering such a thing, the first thing he did after recovering was not to go home to calm down, but to hold a banquet directly. He was really careless.

Finally, the whole town, those who knew cooking put the cooking tools at the door of their house, and those who didn't know cooking took out the ingredients.

They can be self-sufficient here, so there is no need to worry about the ingredients.

The whole town has become a huge"buffet restaurant", and everyone is eating and drinking happily and celebrating.

At this time, Sean and others sat together with the mayor and feasted. The chef who was responsible for cooking for them saw that his benefactor ate so diligently.

He couldn't help but feel happy and worked harder to cook to catch up with their appetite.

The mask was too troublesome and not very friendly to foodies, so Sean directly broke the mask in half, so that it would not hinder him from enjoying the food.

The banquet was held in an orderly manner. After eating and drinking, Sean asked the technical question directly. After a moment of silence

, the mayor decided to speak out because he felt that Sean and the others were different from Candice and would not hurt them.

"All of this starts with the documents left by our ancestors.……"

Listening to the mayor's story, Sean and the others understood what was going on.

It was nothing more than some concepts recorded in the literature, which could store energy, accumulate energy, and emit energy.

At first, Sean thought it was a bit like the shells on Gaya Island.

But the mayor told him that it was different. It was a converter that could convert personal energy.

Theoretically, the upper limit of its power was very, very high, and it could also be regarded as a defense system that absorbed damage.

In short, it was a conversion system with high defense and high damage. Sean always felt very familiar, but he couldn't figure out where it was familiar.

Now their research has only progressed less than one-third of the way. After all, they have lived here for so many years in a self-sufficient way, so there are no scientists to speak of.

Finally, this kinetic energy conversion system is very useful in the infinite land.

The literature records that if they can go back one day, this will be the key to unlock something.

So far, the secret of Bikaru has been revealed, but there is also a bigger mystery.

Sean suddenly realized that this is somewhat similar to the Ark Proverbs that Enelu opened when he flew to the infinite land.

Enel used his own ability as kinetic energy, but at that time he had no other functions at all.

It seems that professional things should be done by professionals, so Sean asked the mayor for a copy.

In fact, Sean has always been wondering, Vegapunk's technological means are 500 years ahead of people, what is his connection with the Future Kingdom and the Infinite Land?

All kinds of doubts linger in his mind, but there is still a long way to go, mom, you come.

Sean, who had put his mood in order, saw Yixiao coming back.

Yes, after killing Candice, Yixiao left and looked for the Thunder Fruit according to Sean's instructions.

"Did you gain anything?" Sean asked straight to the point. Yixiao said nothing, but stretched out a finger. In an instant, arcs of electricity were wrapped around the finger.


Listening to the sound of the electric arc, Sean's mouth curled up slightly.

"How is this ability? Is it powerful?"

Yixiao nodded,"It's a very powerful natural system. I feel that it won't be long before my combat power will make a qualitative leap!"

The mayor on the side watched the two talking and felt as if he had forgotten something.


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