The next morning.

Sean slept soundly, and when he woke up, he asked about the location of the cafeteria and went to the cafeteria.

After arriving at the cafeteria, Sean saw two"acquaintances".

One was a woman wearing a crimson women's suit and pink hair. Although she was beautiful, Sean glanced at her and she was no longer there. Another was a man wearing an open-chested vest, with white hair and a cigar in his mouth, who looked like a street urchin.

They were"Hei Kan Hina" and"White Hunter Smoker".

They looked at Sean with a sense of meaning, but had no intention of going over. After all, they didn't know each other yet.

The cafeteria was crowded early in the morning, and Sean couldn't find a seat for a while after he finished his meal.

"Come here, there are still seats here."

Hearing the voice, he turned around and saw Smoker's table. Sean didn't hesitate and went to sit next to Hina.

Although Sean looked a little cold and didn't want to be approached by strangers, he was also a good young man of the new era.

Who would want to sit with this street kid?

After sitting down and greeting each other and introducing each other's names, Sean, who didn't know what to say, just buried his head in his food.

When Sean was halfway through his meal, Smoker across from him spoke:

"You are the Sean from the East China Sea, right? I heard that you are very strong, do you want to spar with me?"

Hina tilted her head and looked at Sean,"Hina also heard from Granny Crane about you, saying that you have a bad temper, is that true?"

Hearing this, Sean looked at Hina with a frown on his face:"Don't listen to her nonsense, they are the ones who teased me, otherwise I have a good temper too."

"Hina wants to see how strong you are, can you fight with Hina too?"

"Forget it, you two are too weak, when I am in my normal state, you can't even stand steadily."

This is not bragging, because Sean is now deliberately restraining his aura, and his normal state after relaxation is that his domineering aura is always exuding.

Hearing this, Smoker was not calm. How could I not be able to stand steadily? You are kidding.

And what do you mean by not answering my question and ignoring me just now!

So he stood up and said loudly:"Don't be funny, we are both majors, and you are a few years younger than us, don't look down on us!"

"Hina was also a little angry. Although you may be strong, Hina is not weak either."

After that, Hina also stood up.

Sean did not reply, just quietly ate his breakfast.

There was silence in the cafeteria. Because they were all super stars of the navy, their words were heard.

At this time, only the sound of Sean chewing food was heard. When Smoker was about to get angry, Sean put down the plate.

He took a tissue to wipe his mouth,"Let's go, I'm going to Mr. Zephyr."

After that, he turned and walked out of the cafeteria. Hina and Smoker looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Only a group of marines were left looking at each other, and then a quarrel broke out.

"Did you hear that? That silver-haired major is so cool."

"Yes, I heard him. He said that Major Smoker and Major Hina couldn't even stand in front of him."

"They seem to have gone to the recruit training ground. Is there anyone who wants to go and take a look?"

"Let's go, let's go together. Anyway, there is no mission for now."


Just like that, a large group of soldiers from the Marine Headquarters followed behind, heading to the recruit training ground in a mighty manner.

When Sean arrived at the recruit training ground, he saw the recruits still doing physical training, and Zephyr was watching on the side.

He walked up to say hello, and when Zephyr saw the people following behind him, he asked,"What's wrong with them?"

Before Sean could answer, the hot-tempered Smoker answered,"Teacher Zephyr, he said that Hina and I were too weak, and we couldn't even stand in front of him."

"That's right, Hina is angry now, the gap can't be that big."

Zeff understood, these two people probably heard about Sean from somewhere. The two arrogant people wanted to test each other's level, because they were both the best in the navy, of course, just below the rank of major general.

When they were in the boot camp, both of them relied on the power of the devil fruit to get the first place in that session.

They probably thought that Sean was just like them, relying on the power of the devil fruit.

Thinking of this, Zephyr was happy, looked at Sean and said:"Be gentle later, you see, so many colleagues are here, if it's too easy, they will be laughed at."

Hearing his teacher's words, the street urchin Smoker was angry:"Don't show mercy, attack me with all your strength!"

Hina looked at Smoker like an idiot. Zephyr had said that, so Sean's strength was unquestionable.

She came over only because she was annoyed by what Sean said, that they were weak and couldn't even stand steadily in front of Sean, so she wanted to come over and take a look.

Sean touched his chin and said,"Okay, it won't waste much time anyway. Get ready. It will be embarrassing if you can't stand steadily."

After he finished speaking, Sean no longer restrained his aura, and his entire aura changed.

Maybe he was just a difficult person to get along with the moment before, but at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Sean seemed to have turned into a cold-blooded king who would eat people without leaving any bones.

Except for the people closest to Sean, the new recruits not far away and the old soldiers who came to watch the excitement suddenly felt as if a mountain was pressing down on their hearts.

They were so uncomfortable that they seemed to have forgotten to breathe, and finally their eyes turned white, and they fainted backwards in groups like they were harvesting wheat.

The lighter ones just rolled their eyes and fainted, while the more serious ones foamed at the mouth.

In the field, besides Sean, only Zefa was still standing.

Although Hina and Smoker did not faint, they also slumped to the ground, trembling and trying to struggle to get up. Smoker was even smoking all over, but there was nothing he could do.

Seeing so many people fainted, Sean was a little embarrassed,"Ah, sorry, I just wanted to intimidate the people who were watching the excitement, and I didn't notice the recruits.……"

""Hahahaha" Zefa laughed heartily and said,"It doesn't matter. These little devils should be baptized by the Conqueror's Haki, so that they can realize the gap between themselves and the strong.

Although I am also very strong, the cost of letting them see it is too high. It is better to use Conqueror's Haki like you. Oh, no, this should be just your momentum, and you haven't released the Conqueror's Haki yet."

Sean understood. He wanted them to see the gap. Either find an island to destroy it, or be beaten. If they are hit by Zefa with all his strength, none of them, the new recruits, can survive.

Like him, with a little momentum, they don't even need to do anything, and they will know how big the gap is.

Seeing the distracted looks of Smoker and Hina, Zefa struck while the iron was hot and said,"See, this is the gap. Let's see if you will still be complacent because you have the ability of the devil fruit."

Sean looked at Zefa with a happy face. He was a little helpless, but he also admired his mentality, so he became more determined and slaughtered the pig that attacked.

Such a hero should not have a miserable old age!

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