
But what does lying on the floor mean?

Akainu would definitely not be so bored as to let him target him.

So, this was his own plan.

Seeing that he was being polite, he was taking advantage of me.

Sean smiled, pushed the chair away and stood up. This move made the other vice admirals nervous.

They all knew that Sean was an absolute lunatic who would only respond to soft actions and not to hard ones.

Kizaru even said,"It's okay~ We just arrived a while ago~"

Sean said nothing, walked to Akainu and took a cigar from his pocket.

Akainu didn't say anything either, just like everyone else, he looked at him silently.


The only sound in the whole conference room was the sound of a lighter.

The flames and the smoke from the cigar reflected on Sean's increasingly gloomy face.

Bastille saw Sean was so arrogant that he couldn't stand it and immediately cursed:"You are just a brigadier general. How can you disrespect your superiors like this? What do you want to do? Are you going to be expelled from the navy?"

""So what!" Sean suddenly roared.

Boom - the scarlet light in Sean's eyes flashed, and a substantial momentum burst out from his body and spread out.

The justice coat behind him moved without wind, and the air in the entire conference room seemed like a sticky liquid, making it difficult to breathe.

Even the entire conference table, walls, and floors were creaking under the pressure of this momentum, as if the entire conference room would collapse in a moment.

This was the first time that Sean released the domineering color so unscrupulously. Of course, the area was limited to the conference room.

Except for the two generals who had expected it and could still maintain a calm expression, the remaining lieutenant generals seemed to be strangled by the throat and felt a little suffocated. This was the first time they faced Sean's strength so directly, and they all broke out in cold sweat.

In their hearts, they cursed Bastille all over, knowing that this person would be soft but not hard, and still teased him.

Bastille was also trembling all over, and could no longer say any arrogant words.

Sean didn't care what they thought in their hearts, and walked slowly to Bastille:

"Who gave you the right to be bureaucratic? Where is your pride as a lieutenant general? Your master hasn't even said anything, so why are you pretending to be loyal?"


"What do you mean by"you"? What I hate most is useless people like you who have no ability and rely on flattery to get promoted. We are the navy, not a playground for you to abuse your power!

If you are so fierce, why don't you go and wipe out the pirates in the sea? Why are you being so arrogant to me? You rubbish, look at the people here, who is like you, complaining as soon as you come up?"

Kizaru stepped forward quickly to smooth things over,"It's really scary~ Such domineering, you better take back your momentum first, I'm so panicked~"

Hearing this, Sean also restrained his domineering aura.

Akainu also looked at Sean at this time:"Kid, don't be too angry, otherwise you will be the one to suffer.……"

""Oh, if you are not full of vigor, can you still be called a young man?"

After saying that, Sean narrowed his eyes, stared at Bastille and said meaningfully:"I hope this is the last time, don't think I am a cat, I didn't join the navy to see you bossing me around, don't use your bureaucracy on me, tell me how many times you have done this? Still sentenced to be kicked out of the navy? If you are sentenced to be kicked out of the navy,

I will be the first to kill you, ask your superiors if they can stop me?"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Kizaru:"We are covered with that glorious skin, using those hypocritical and polite words, but we can't cover up the rotten darkness and desires under the fur"

"I will take action when the pirates come. You can talk about the rest of the meeting slowly."

Sean said and walked out of the office. He knew very well that these people might really be righteous.

But their actions have caused more and more people to distrust the navy. He sighed in his heart. It seems that status is really important. What about the world where fists speak?

Maybe... the fists are not big enough.

After Sean left the office for a while, everyone resumed the conversation.

"I didn't expect that he really has a bad temper like the rumors say."

"Yeah, that guy Bastille, why do you have to tease him?"

"Humph, Admiral Sakaski, this man is not worthy of being a navy officer, he actually dares to intimidate his superiors!"Bastille said with an indignant look on his face.

Hearing this, Akainu's face darkened,"He even dared to hit me, who do you think you are? Will you be responsible for arresting him after he leaves the navy? If you dare to issue a military order, I will submit the proposal.

It's really nonsense. It seems that the kid can't say anything. At that time, we have to rectify the style of work within the navy."


At noon

, even though the weather in the sea area of G5 branch was often weird and unpredictable.

But at this time, the sky was also thundering and lightning, and the thick dark clouds flashed with lightning from time to time.

The naval fortress, which was already full of solemnity, added a sense of oppression.

Many navy even began to write suicide notes silently.

Not long after, the soldiers on the observation tower saw shadowy black spots in the distance.

He took a deep breath and roared with all his might:"The pirates are coming!!!!"

A stone startled a thousand waves. In an instant, the officers and soldiers in the office building area rushed to the port at a speed that was difficult to measure with the naked eye.

Sean was among them. He squinted and looked. After a while, he gradually saw the pirate ships clearly.

Moby Dick-Whitebeard

Queen's Chant——BIG·MON

Redfors - Red Hair

Even Sean saw a ship with a strange beast on the bow but with six horns.

There is no doubt that it is Kaido's ship.

In addition, there are many pirate groups that Sean has not seen in the original work.

"Humph, you came just in time. Today, I will make sure these pirate scums are buried in the sea."

Akainu said, moving his wrist.

Sean was also a little speechless. Akainu was so awesome that he didn't even look at the opponent's lineup and wanted them to be buried in the sea.

Sean was also a little troubled. He was not afraid of fighting, but he was afraid of destroying the G5 fortress.

If that happened, he would probably be the base commander who took office the fastest and resigned the fastest. He wanted to go directly to the headquarters to bring Aokiji over, but Aokiji was with Sengoku and the others.

Sean has not left a mark on the new power ship.

Alas, life is not easy, Sean sighed~

Just when the soldiers next to him were frightened, a cry of surprise made them excited.

"Look, it's our headquarters' ship! Support is coming!"

"On the bow is Marshal Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp"

"Ah… Admiral Aokiji is here too!"

Upon hearing this, Sean quickly turned around and saw that all three of them were here.

This time, the battlefield finally didn't need to destroy their base.

Sean was so happy that he almost jumped up, but fortunately he suppressed his emotions. After all, his character couldn't collapse. If you think about it carefully, Aokiji's ability is much more useful than Akainu's destructive madness.

Creation is harder than destruction, isn't it?


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