While they were performing a heartwarming scene, Sean suddenly had a better idea.

This idea can form a closed loop with his undercover plan.

But all this has to wait for Doflamingo.

Then he said to Rosinante:"Let's find a place to talk."

After that, he took the lead and walked in front, and Rosinante and the other followed Sean's footsteps.

The direction Sean was going was the port where the Don Quixote family's ship was docked.

Yes, he had already sensed that if nothing unexpected happened, the navy would come to hunt them down soon.

In this situation, it is better not to meet the navy.

As Sean walked, he marked several places on the road with his mental power.

Not long after, Rosinante saw the pirate ship docked at the port, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at Sean with some unpleasantness.

"Why did you bring us here?……"

"Don't worry," Sean waved his hand,"I guess you don't want to kill Doflamingo, but you don't have the ability to send him to prison. It just so happens that I have something to talk to him about."

"This inherently evil guy should either be killed or turned into a tool for good use. What do you think?"

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"We'll talk about it later, that arrogant guy is coming."

There was a group of people standing by the port not far away, and they were also looking in the direction of Rocinante.

Sean was a little surprised. It seemed that although Doflamingo was arrogant at this time, he at least had a good posture.

He was wearing a dark red suit and his iconic pink fur coat.

To be honest, the upright figure and the three-meter height made Sean a little envious.

Mingge at this period was still tall, rich and handsome, far from the later image of moccasins and tights, and the coolest image of a spirited young man.

Sean decided to beat him until he had a hunchback. Although his spirited young man image was arrogant, at least he had a hunchback.

On the other side, the people of the Don Quixote family were also discussing the three people in the distance.

"Dover, it seems your brother has found help. He really betrayed you.……"

Trebol, with a runny nose, said to Doflamingo with an ugly face.

Doflamingo, who was already furious, had veins popping out on his forehead,"Ah... From today on, you are my only family."

"Don't worry! We will never betray you!"

"Dover, you are our king. Your talent will make you the best sooner or later."

"Little Lord……"

Doflamingo smiled, but the people of the Don Quixote family did not feel happy at all.

It was because the person who betrayed their young master was the only relative.

"I want to see what he relies on to dare to betray me, his brother. Let’s go!"

The cadres followed closely behind him. Sean watched from a distance and couldn't help but sigh that this was also a villain with special charm.

This posture was definitely a standard villain. The subordinates behind him followed closely, which made his heroic aura even more prominent.

Unfortunately... this is reality, and such a person is not worthy of his appreciation.

At the same time, he thought of his only trusted subordinate, Clo, that damn thing, I really don't know whether it is good or bad to accept him.

A person with an IQ comparable to Ben Beckman, but with a pitifully small vision, either detained or imprisoned.

After being released, he didn't think about the factional struggles, but stared at the pirate forces that beat him up every day, using insidious means to provoke a fight.

Following behind him didn't make me look handsome and powerful, but instead lowered my style and made me look stupid. The more

I thought about it, the angrier I got. I must give this fake gentleman a good beating when I go back.

Soon, Doflamingo came in front of the few people.

He took out a pistol and pointed it directly at Rosinante, completely ignoring Sean on the side.

"Krason, why did you stop me! Betray me!"

Rosinante protected Luo behind him, lit a cigarette, and said slowly:"Because you are wrong, I don't want to see you go wrong."

Hearing this, Doflamingo became more and more annoyed:"Do you really think I won't kill you? Are you taking advantage of my identity as my brother to do whatever you want to me?"

"I just think you shouldn't go on, you will fall into the abyss if you go on like this!"

Sean couldn't help but sigh as he listened to the conversation between the two. Perspective really determines attitude.

When watching the anime, Rosinante was completely a decoration when he was undercover, but he was the leader of the Red Heart Army codenamed Krason.

He was also very tolerant of him. No matter how bad Doflamingo was, he never hurt him.

The story of Rosinante and Luo also touched many people. If Ace is a gentle brother.

Then Rosinante is called the kindest person, but when he felt it at the scene, why did he feel a breath of tea in the tea of the Madonna?

When Doflamingo heard what Rosinante said, he was so angry that he laughed and asked,"What is right and what is wrong? Did we do anything wrong when we were young? Have you forgotten what we have experienced?"

"Then why did you kill your father?"

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Doflamingo was playing with the gun on his phone."It wasn't that stupid guy. Why did you and I suffer like that? My mother died because of that."

"Shouldn't he be killed? Why did we do something wrong when we were young that we should be bullied by those ants?"

"I have to climb up again step by step. Do you know what Don Quixote means? The last name of one of the 20 creators!"

"But I am not talking about returning to the Holy Land now. Even Dressrosa, which has belonged to our country for 800 years, I have to plan carefully. Who do you think is to blame?"

At the end, Doflamingo's face was gloomy, and the vague murderous intention made Rosinante know clearly that his brother wanted to kill him!

"You have killed your father. You cannot continue. Otherwise, you will be���I turned back." Rosinante said with a complicated expression.

Sean felt the atmosphere of the two people at the scene, and felt that Rosinante was indeed kind, but a little bit exaggerated.

Fortunately, he was an orphan, otherwise he had such a brother. It would be bad if thunder struck.

Of course, thinking this way, I, Xiao, am also a double standard dog. Such Rosinante is in the same camp with me.

With his overly kind character, as long as he is persuaded, he will never betray me even if he dies.

Well, it's really nice, let Xiaoduo and Xiaolu love and kill each other for a while.

Don't disturb them for now, and then pull Luo to his side.

Rosinante saw Sean pull Luo away, although he was a little confused, but he didn't have time to think about it.

No matter what purpose the cloaked man brought himself to the door, he had no choice.

Because he knew that Doflamingo wanted to kill him, Luo was undoubtedly safe with Sean.

So he made up his mind, turned his head and smiled at Sean in a cloak:"Luo... I leave it to you"


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