Chris joined us a few moments after I walked off

He didn't have anything more to say which was great. It wasnt my fault he didn't want to believe me...

Anyways, we went up to the second floor hallway, checking the doors one by one

"You're sure you heard someone from here?" Jill asked skeptically

"Yes, I'm very sure"

One of the doors suddenly caught my eye

'I'm pretty sure...'

*Knock Knock*

I put my ear against the door, listening for any noises on the inside



I shook my head "This is the one" I handed Jill my shotgun and backed up to the wall


The door flew straight off the hinges hitting the ground below


Jill and Chris were shocked again

'That door was locked!!'

I ignored them and walked in the revealed hallway

Immediately I was hit by the smell of rotting flesh

'Shit! I better not be late...'

I ran through the hall, looking everywhere, until I finally found something

"Rebecca!!" I ran up to her unconscious body

Beside her was a rotting corpse, not one of the Bravo team members

From the wounds on his body, it looks like he was attacked by the Yawn like the member in Canon

"Rebecca, Can you hear me?" I shook her a few times


A small yet noticeable groan escaped her mouth, making me sigh in relief

"Is that Rebecca? What happened to her?"" Jill ran in after me

I shook my head "No clue. Looks like she was attacked but I don't see any surface wounds on her body..."

Jill took her from my hands "We'll bring her to the Safe house beside the dining room"

I nodded "Be careful. I'll look around to see what killed this guy..." I pointed to the rotting corpse

They nodded and left the room, leaving me alone

I sighed "Looks like I'm going to have to face that snake..."

Befire leaving however, I searched the body, I found the radio that the Bravo member gave in Canon

'You plant this here, Necro?'

[Nope. The radio is just supposed to be there, I couldn't change it if i tried]

I shrugged and got up, heading for my destination

I eventually stopped in front of a spider Web covered door, around the corner from the hallway I found Rebecca in

'Let's do this...'


The inside of the room was filled with Spiderwebs, which was strange because there was a snake in here but whatever..


From the support beams up above, a string of drool suddenly fell onto the wooden floor below, accompanied by a loud creak of the rotting wood

I looked up and was met by the sight of a 20 meter long snake, at least as thick as 6 feet and a mouth to match that

"Why would you bring me here Necro..."


I rolled away from a lightning fast bite, taking out a chunk of wood from where I was standing

"Holy shit..."

The Yawn turned back around to face me and glared

I matched it with equal intensity, getting into a Muay Thai stance

"Bring it.."


The spot below me was destroyed, but I was already up in the air falling on top of the Yawn

"You're the one who wanted to eat me"

"I'm just returning the courtesy"

By the end of that sentence, it's whole back was in shambles

Pieces of scales and flesh littered the floor, along with a fair few gallons of blood..


It's head went flailing in the air, swinging around for a moment before it collapsed to the ground, still

I hopped off its back and grunted

"Now then..."

Heading towards the back, I looked for the last death mask


My expression fell at that noise

Turning around, I saw the snake looking at me with a hateful glare, it's back was visibly healing from its exposure to the T-Virus

I ġrȯȧnėd and looked around for anything to use

In the corner was a barrel filled with various firepokers

I grinned "Perfect"


The spot I was standing in was once again torn into pieces, the snake letting the wood in its mouth fall to the ground

I reached the firepokers and pulled one out

It was a basic, pointy metal stick

I looked back at the snake "Perfect.."



I jumped into the air, poker pointed downwards at the Snakes head in the ground


It pierced straight into the Snakes forehead, coming right out the bottom of its mouth and pinning it to the ground

The body wriggled for a second before it fell dead

I sighed in relief, panting a little in exhaustion

"Please don't come back..."

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