A double upload for you guys bc I love you


"Through that waterfall? Really?"

"Look, we either wait for those reptile things to come back, or you get a little bit wet. Its not that cold"

Ok, maybe its a little freezing, but its not that bad...

Jill backpedaled a bit before doing a running start into the tunnel


"See? Not that bad?"

"Shut up"

Rebecca stared at the two of us on the other side for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking through

Aaaaand now she's soaking wet with that shirt


"Let's get a move on"

The tunnel here was small, only leading to a ladder at the end of it. Of which, the ladder led right on town to a mine shaft

Kinda looked like a tunnel with a bunch of gross black goop but who am I to judge

*Thwip Thwip Thwip*

"Water seems to be leaking down here.. Watch out for any sort of loose rocks up above"

The girls nodded as Jill slung my arm around her shoulder again. My torso was healed from that snake bite but my head wasn't so walking is still a small problem along with balance

'Necro, you there?'

Hmph, still missing

"Over here!"

Rebecca pointed to a metal shaft pulley system. Kinda like an elevator, without the elevator

To its left was a small power system. A sterling generator? Or maybe a crank?

"Rebecca! That generator over there, Open its hatch and pull the thing inside out!"




What the hell was he doing here?!

We ran around the corner to discover him bleeding on the ground, slumped over his gun. Rebecca immediately tried rushing over to help him before I pulled her back



The operative looked up into my eyes

"Doubl..e cro..sser.."

He tried to stand up, his gun pointing at me. The two were looking worriedly at the situation, wondering what would happen

"Enrico.. what are you doing?"



A shot from around the corner, completely in my blind spot. I already knew it was either Barry or Wesker however..

"Enrico, hang in there buddy"

He was shot right above the heart. With the amount of blood he was already losing coupled with that wound, he wouldn't live


"Enrico?! Enrico, stay with me!"

Rebecca was already in hysterics. Enrico and I weren't close in the office, seeing as how he was just one of the security guards as well as our technician but Rebecca and him had a really close relationship...

"Hey, we need to get going. Chris is still waiting on us"

The medic didn't respond. Even when I picked her up, she didn't try and walk or anything.


Double damnit

"That sounded like it was from in front of us..."

"Yeah.. Let's keep going"

The noises kept torturing us at every twist and turn of the tunnel, making us question whether they were behind us or in front. That was until we opened one door

"What the fuċk.."

There was a horde of them, all just in a pile in the middle of the room like a colony of bees or ants. There were eggs along the ground like a scene out of Alien or something


"Shut the door, shut it!"




The things made a dent in the steel bulkhead door like it was nothing

"We need to go back, now, down this hall"

It's gotten down to the point where Jill and Rebecca don't need to question me anymore. Especially Rebecca for now just because of the state that she's in

It didn't take long, eventually we were back to the ladder we came down on, met with the sight of Chris, covered almost head to toe in blood. It was hard to tell what was his and what wasn't

"You're ok!"

Jill let me go to inspect him. He had cuts all up and down his body and looked a little pale under the coat of blood

"Hey, Ji..ll"

"Rebecca, hey.. Listen to me"

It wasn't obvious but she nodded a bit

"Look after Chris here, please? I can trust you to do that, right?"

Another small nod


"Jill, come on. Chris will be fine with Rebecca. We need to find a way out of here"

"Right.. Lets go"


[Co..m.... Ja..ck! Jack! Are you there?]

'Necro? You're back?'

[Oh damn, this is bad. Ok, listen, that snake did something to you that was NOT supposed to happen. I ȧssume you saw your eyes?]

'Yeah, they're all slitted and stuff, like a snake, why?'

[Right, well, that's not supposed to ever happen. The snake was mutated or something and it injected something that literally changed your genetic structure, more than that mutation serum I give you for giving me heads. Realistically speaking, you probably shouldn't even be alive right now with how fuċkėd up your genetic structure is right now]

'Wait, was that why you couldn't contact me?'

[No, that was the head injury, dumbass. Listen, I need to go for now but watch out for anything that could mess up your body even more]

Great. Now I gotta do a no damage run

..I think I already failed though

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