In Resident Evil, But It's Slightly Different...?

Chapter 29 - Laboratories and Information

You know

I used to really like Puzzle games. Mazes and Labyrinths were my favorite really

You wanna know why they aren't my favorite anymore?

Caves... These Goddamn caves...

"Jack! I think I found something!"

Oh I think I love you Jill

Running up ahead to where she had gone, I was met with an odd sight

Like some sort of Fallout Vault - Metal pathways and stone cave ways met up only a few feet away in a strange combination of man-made and Naturally Occuring

"This should lead to some sort of Laboratory, right? Where they were making all of these things?" Jill asked me in a shaky whisper. She must still be shaken up

"I think so.. The only way we'll find out is by going in, huh?"

She cracked a small grin and nodded as we began making our way into the metal corridors

It didn't last long as we came across a metal bulkhead door with a label glowing a faint yellow right above it

'East Wing Labs'

"Guess you were right.." I muttered, yanking on the door

It swung open as if it were made of Paper, nearly smacking me upside my own head


"Are you Ok?!"

I rubbed my nose - where the door managed to get a brief hit in - and nodded "Fine, just a little surprised"

Seems as though the snake did a little more than change my eyes up a bit. I'm gonna have to learn how to control my own strength again

Shuffling our way inside brought us into a room that looked like a Lobby area where chairs and desks lined the square shaped room around us. A reception desk was eerily quiet as we looked around

"Reception.. Why the hell would you ever need that in a place like this?" Jill made a sarcastic quip

I smirked and we continued our way down our path - a hallway to the left side of the room where we ȧssumed all of the operations took place

A correct ȧssumption as we came across the X-Ray room

"Who the hell is this Ada...? A researcher?"

Jill's nose scrunched up in thought at the letter left on the computer of the room. Of course - I already knew about her identity. Ada Wong - 'Secret Agent Extraordinaire' and lover of Leon Kennedy - Edgy Badass of RE4 and slightly RE2

"'I want you to activate the Sel..' Self Destruct!! Jack, we have a way to get rid of all of this!"

I nodded and handed her my radio

"Take this and contact Rebecca, or Chris if he's awake by now. Tell them to find their way here as soon as possible. Hopefully that maze wont give them too much trouble. If we can blow this place sky high then we need everyone together"

Jill looked into my eyes for a moment in hesitation. Obviously she wanted to come with me

"Look, someone is going to need to be here to guide them out of here and the only two people who can do that is me or you" I reasoned

Another moment passed in hesitation before the S.T.A.R.S agent nodded - reluctantly

"Fine, I'll do it. But you better damn well believe that I'm sprinting after your ȧss as soon as they get here"

"Oh! Kinky~"

I dodged a swat from the woman with a laugh and ran off, leaving her there with a slight blush

"Don't make me shoot you in the foot!"

I'm getting fed up with wandering old leaky lab halls, to be honest

"Archives..? Bingo"

I had been wandering the labs looking for some place where these guys kept all of their research - hoping to find out a little bit more about the T-Virus, or at least find out some weaknesses to take out those infected

No way in hell was I going to find a Cure. Wesker would not be that stupid to develop a cure for his precious little super weapon

Of course, I didn't find that in here. Only classifications for the different infected species, which I already knew most of them. Except for the Shark. Apparently its codename is 'Neptune'

Real original


"Mr. Jack.. I suppose it's lucky for me to find you here. I don't suppose you'll come with me quietly? Won't you?"

Aaaand I'm fuċkėd aren't I?

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