In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1000 Burning Lamp Heart Demon (2)\r

Chapter 1000 Burning Lamp Heart Demon (2)

How could the lantern only attack once, the Qiankun ruler in his hand was waving at will, and the ruler shadows came from all directions, all of which were the means of reaching the end of the world.

"Crack!" Tae Ho used the spear as protection, and the spear in his hand also turned into a spear shadow and intersected with the Qiankun ruler, trying to block the attack of the burning lamp, but how could pure martial arts be an opponent of supernatural powers.

And this is the supernatural power of space.

Accidentally, Tae Ho was hit a few times on his back.

The words "Knock Down" in white and red appeared on Tahoe's back. Although this ruler was great, it wasn't enough to really hurt Tahoe.

"Come again!" Tae Ho became more and more brave, and even flew towards the burning lamp, this is to fight with him.

"Small Jier!" For Tahoe, who was coming straight in, he didn't pay attention to the burning lamp at all. A spirit lamp appeared, it was the Ling 300 coffin lamp, and a gray flame emanated from the coffin lamp. .

Turned into a sea of ​​fire to block Tahoe in front of him.

It seemed that Tai Hao didn't see the ghost fire, so he rushed in, and instantly a burst of heat burned his Dharma body. This ghost fire was still facing Tai Hao's ray of consciousness that belonged to Zhou Fangyu. annihilation.

This method should be regarded as vicious. Once hit by this trick, if there is no special method, ordinary monks will not be able to die easily, and I am afraid that even Primordial Spirit True Spirit will not be able to escape.

Sure enough, it is the way of silence that belongs to the burning lamp.

However, since Taihao dared to break through, he was not afraid. Jiuzhuan Yuangong continued to operate, and with the help of the burning power of this ghost fire, he continued to refine his body.

(bbea) "It's really daring, how dare you do this." The situation in the sea of ​​​​fire is naturally clear, and when he discovers that the other party dares to practice under his own supernatural powers, he also praises Tae Hao.

Tai Hao's body is Zhou Fangyu's body, which is made by Zhou Fangyu with three lights and divine water, and has a body refined by chaotic divine fire. It has both the way of creation and the way of refining tools that Zhou Fangyu has comprehended. .

Since it has been transformed into a "living soul", there is naturally a further possibility that he can continue to practice, and Taihao is practicing the evolution of Zhou Fangyu's nine-turn Yuangong, and his martial arts cultivation is constantly rising.

It is naturally impossible for Daoist Burning Lamp to make a wedding dress for the other party. With a single stroke of the Qiankun ruler, an attack similar to Dimension Slash hit Taihao.

"Hey!" Tae Ho's shoulder was immediately cut with a wound.

Failing to completely resist the attack of the burning lamp, the blood flowed and was directly evaporated by the ghost fire, in which the meaning of annihilation in the ghost fire turned into a black mist and wanted to invade from Tahoe's wound.

But after all, he has practiced the 9th-turn Yuan Gong. Although it is not the so-called rebirth from a drop of blood, his physical recovery is also extremely strong, and the wounds heal quickly.

But it took a lot of effort.

Tai Hao directly took out a medicine bottle, no matter how many medicinal pills were in it, he was just suffocating.

It is a medicine that has three points of poison. This saying has been circulated in the Great Desolation. Although the medicine is good, it is not advisable to eat too much. Unless it is made with innate spiritual things, training the physical body consumes a lot of energy. .

There was a continuous attack from the burning lamp, and every now and then a wound would be pulled out on Tae Ho's body.

After taking a lot of medicinal herbs, a mana force continuously emerged from the dantian. As the meridians passed through the acupoints in the body, it turned into a cool cool and poured into the body, and the medicinal power was continuously absorbed by the body.

There is also external damage, every moment is reborn, every moment is injured, the power of Jiuzhuan Yuangong begins to gather in each orifice, and the physical quality is constantly improving.

After a hundred hits, the light-burning attack did not leave Taihao's body with blood dripping wounds. It can be said that in such a short period of time, Taihao's physical body has been greatly increased.

"How is that possible!" Ran Deng also thought it was inconceivable, could the other party be so talented, and he could still be like this under such circumstances.

At the same time, there is also a bit of jealousy in his heart, why is the other party so talented, and he has to be so wasted in the realm of Daluo.

A murderous intent appeared in Ran Deng's eyes, and the Qiankun ruler in his hand was tightly gripped. Such a few short attacks did not consume a large amount of Ran Deng, and even only contributed a third of the force.

Since the other party dares to hinder and go against the power of heaven, then he will kill the other party again, and he will not be able to say anything compared to other human races.

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