In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1008 Tae Ho's Departure (Part 2)\r

Chapter 1008 Tae Ho's Departure (Part 2)

Tahoe ignored the scolding of the lamp and continued to fight, and suddenly a golden light flew from the sky, turning into a golden bridge and heading towards the battlefield.

Taihao's expression was startled, he immediately retreated and flew towards the rear, lest he land on the golden bridge.

In an instant, he returned to the side of the top ten.

Looking at the user of the golden bridge, it turned out to be Guangchengzi.

Tai Chi is not unfamiliar to Tai Hao, of course, he doesn't want to get caught up in it, so he has to retreat, but it gives Ran Deng a chance to escape.

"Teacher Ran Deng, how are you?" Daoist Cihang and other disciples 11 said with concern.

Ran Deng's face turned red, and it was really embarrassing, and he was still embarrassed in front of the juniors.

On the other side, Wen Zhong was admiring Tae Ho: "Daoist friend is really good at martial arts, losing two big Luo Jinxian in a row!"

"If you want to compliment, you don't need to say more. This time I have used all my cards. The opponent actually used the treasure, and it happened that the power of the jade talisman was about to arrive. It is estimated that the opponent does not want to fight. Tae Hao feels Strength in the body.

The power of the jade talisman can still last for a stick of incense, so what should be done is almost the same. I learned from the deity that Zhao Gongming is coming soon.

Well, ready to leave.

"Could it be that the Daoist friend just used a mirage rune?" Wen Zhong couldn't help but wonder.

Wen Zhong is not like explaining the teachings of the immortals. For the sake of Yin and Shang, he often expeditions from east to west, and he has been to Haohai Realm many times.

"Well, that's right! It seems that you still have some knowledge!" Tae Ho nodded.

When Wen Zhong received Tae Ho's confirmation, his face was a little stunned, and then he smiled bitterly: "Fellow Daoist, you really are rich and powerful!

Wen Zhong also saw this mirage in the Haohai Realm. The last time I saw it was ten years ago. I remember there were nine of them. Each one requires countless innate spirit stones. Occupy an excellent cave.

"This time it's a fluke. If I don't have these jade talismans, I'm afraid I will really fall again, but I have exhausted my means, and I can't wait for you to help you. Next, you can only rely on yourself." Hao said to Wen Zhong.

Of course, his eyes were still fixed on Xiqi's direction, and the other party really returned to Xiqi City.

"This!" Wen Zhong wanted to say how to resist the opponent if the opponent made another move.

But thinking that Tae Hao didn't come to help Yin Shang, he didn't continue to talk about it. Why didn't Fellow Daoist Shen come back?

Wen Zhong looked at the top ten formations and was a little worried.

Seemingly seeing Wen Zhong's concern, Tai Hao said, "How do you think the human race resisted the slaughter of the demon race back then?" He paused for a while, attracting Wen Zhong's attention.

Cai went on to say: "In the beginning, the human race could be said to be life-changing, and there were too many high-end monks from the demon race. Although many human races had the opportunity to step into the fairyland, they still lacked the background, and many fled into the East China Sea at the beginning. terran friar.35


"If you really understand the history of the human race, then you should know that whether it was at the very beginning or during Wuzong's time, or during Fuxi's lifetime, there was something strategic to obtain from Haohaijie." Taihao pointed out.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, and I can't do any other means. It's time to take the first step. I hope you can resist the intervention of Immortal Dao on me and other human races." Tai Hao warned and flew away.

Wen Zhong didn't dare to leave a word.

I can only watch Tahoe's figure fly away, but I heard Tahoe's voice in my ears: "These ten best formations have changed, maybe you can rely on these ten best formations next, but you can enter the formation as the fabric of them. The people in the formation prepare some things for the formation.

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