In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1021 The Real Ten Absolute Formation (1)\r

Chapter 1021 The Real Ten Absolute Formation (1)

The sky is a golden light array, and the wind roar array spreads all over the world of the ten absolute arrays, and the other eight arrays are divided into eight directions according to the orientation of the ordinary gossip array, and they are separated from each other, but each has a connection.

Due to the south, there are countless volcanic lava filled with magma, and countless flames are raging in the south. The flames are blooming, and it is like a fiery world. It is the flame formation. If these ten unique formations can continue to evolve, this is the flame formation in the south. If the elves of fire can be born, these ten unique formations will be even more powerful.

Adjacent to Lieyang Town is the Red Sand Formation in the southwest. There is a Gobi Desert that spreads for tens of millions of miles. The sand is filled with wind and the wind is unstoppable. There is a sweltering heat in the formation, and under this scorching wind, these divine sands are even more powerful. Not to mention the rotation of the formation, stepping into it is like coming to the Flaming Mountain in the future.

And due to the west is the area where the Earth Array is located. The Earth Array has undergone great changes. There are countless strange rocks, countless thunderbolts and earth fires running through it, and there are also several abyss, from the earth lungs in the abyss. Running through, there are thunderbolts falling into the sky, thunder and fire, and hot red sand blowing from the red sand formation. Joining the thunder and fire in this sky, charming eyes, if you are a little careless, you will be caught. Heavenly thunder and earth fire and the body, the body dies and the Tao disappears.

In the northwest, there is the Heaven's Absolute Formation, which is shrouded by a mist, with various air currents vertically and horizontally, and the wind is constant.

Due to the north is Yuan Jiao's own ice formation. There are countless icebergs. Under the blessing of the wind roar, a blizzard shrouded the entire ice formation. Countless ice blades flew across the ice formation. It is the Xuanming Divine Thunder in the Frozen Array.

In the northeast direction, adjacent to the Ice Array is the Red Water Array, which is a piece of Wang Yang's Red Sea. The water in it is the essence of Sunflower Water, which has the effect of eroding bones. The help of these two arrays.

There are red snowflakes fluttering in this red water formation, and the real water in this red water formation also provokes the corrosive effect of the blood formation formation, just like weak water, it will corrode the bones and turn the flesh into blood water.

In the east is the Blood Transformation Formation. The black sand is vertical and horizontal. Under the influence of the Red Water Formation, it turns into red blood sand. There is also water vapor from the Ice Formation and the Red Water Formation. The plains and lakes here are vertical and horizontal, turning into A land of red swamps and bloody lakes-.

The blood color is like a sticky, like a place in the netherworld of blood, and a suffocating aura pervades it, covering the spiritual consciousness.

··For flowers·...0

Finally, there is a dark place in the southeast, the light is dim, the yin wind is raging, ghosts cry and wolves, and some yellow rivers can be seen. Stepping into it is like stepping into the underworld.

There is always some kind of calling sound in the ear, and this is the location of the Lost Array.

The yin wind devours the soul, and there is even a ghost howling to call the soul. If you fall into it, your soul will leave the body if you are not careful.

These ten unique formations have been connected into one, as long as there is a period of time, the remaining nine formations will slowly recover even if they are broken. This is the power of the formation of the world.

Zhou Fangyu felt the changes in the entire Ten Absolute Formation.

Then there was the induction of where Yuan Jiao is now. Since the formation method, naturally there are also formation centers. There are ten formation centers on the bright side, which are exactly where the ten formation centers of the Top Ten Arrays are located, but none of them are where Yuan Jiao is.

There is also a dark place.

Today, although the ten elite formations have changed a lot, in Zhou Fangyu's view, I am afraid that they are no less than the nine-bend Yellow River formation in Sanxiao, but the people who set up the formations have low cultivation levels, and this is the first time for the ten elite formations. In the real world, the formation has not yet been completed successfully. With Zhou Fangyu's cultivation, he can naturally find the place where Yuan Jiao is.


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