In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1033 The Return of Cihang's Spiritual Treasure (1)\r

Chapter 1033 The Return of Cihang's Spiritual Treasure (1)

"This formation is extremely dangerous, and now even the disciples of the saints are deeply involved in it. Although the two fellow Daoists have magical powers, they are suitable to enter this formation, so as to avoid more and more fellow Daoists being trapped." Ran Deng naturally refused.

Originally, according to his temperament, these two were human cultivators. If they entered it, if they were not able to die in the formation, they could instead use the influence of the Kyushu formation to reduce the power of this formation. It is not possible that Guangchengzi and the others would still be able to break through the formation. out.

Anyway, Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng's death will also be on the list of gods, and it's not a big deal to be conferred after death.

However, he had just tasted the "benefits" that Dinghai Divine Pearl brought to him, and now there are several Dinghai Divine Orbs in Zhao Gongming's hands, how could he allow Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng to engage in such courting behavior.

Of course, you can't say that the opponent's ability is not good. Entering the battle is courting death, and you always have to compliment it.

"It's me who didn't think about it carefully, and I would like to thank Teacher Ran Deng for blocking it!" Cao Bao thanked them. They have also gained a lot in the past two days. The advice given by them is of great benefit to their cultivation.

Now that they are in trouble, they naturally want to improve their value. It would be better if they can worship in the sage's court.

He has already sent a message back to Kunlun, but unfortunately no news has come back, but what is certain is that the few people who enter the formation should not be in any major danger. After worshipping the teachings for so many years, the temperament of Yuanshi Tianzun is still burning. Can figure out one or two.

If there is really any danger, he believes that Yuanshi Tianzun will not be indifferent.

Not to mention, at this stage, Tianzun Yuanshi really doesn't have the idea of ​​taking action. Now, the immortals have encountered difficulties, but they have not yet reached the point of no solution. Although the Ten Absolute Arrays are already in the world, they must really talk about killing. There is still a big gap between the force and the Nine-Bend Yellow River Array.

In addition, it is also easier to break than the Nine-Bend Yellow River Array, of course, this is for saints.

Now Yuanshi Tianzun is also a disciple who "tests" himself.

Although Xiqi was surrounded, it was a human race in the Great Desolation. Although the influence of the cultivators began to weaken due to the existence of the Kyushu barrier, it would never happen in a flood like a food and grass crisis.

But it was stalemate, and Wen Zhong did not dare to use the army because he was afraid of Xiqi Fang and the masters of Chanjiao.

After the disciples entered the formation, Wen Zhong could no longer contact Yuan Jiao, and he didn't know what the situation in the formation was, so he was a little worried.

It was also Yuan Jiao who was trying his best to deduce the formation, and had no time to take Wen Zhong's greetings into consideration.

Just like that, three days have passed.

Although Ran Deng was eager, he did not rush into the formation rashly. If even he was caught in the formation, it would be really troublesome. Without his deterrence, Yin Shang would be afraid to attack the city directly.

He is also waiting.

On the battlefield, a 323 awning has already been set up, and Taoist Ran Deng and Jiang Ziya, along with Huang Tianhua and Lei Zhenzi and other three generations of disciples who have not yet entered the formation, are observing the ten-supreme formation and are also waiting.

Until two figures flew from the east.

It was Daoist Cihang and Grand Master Lingbao. After they received the message, they did not rush back from Haohai Realm immediately, but searched for information about the formation in Haohai Realm, and even sent it in Haohai Realm. The place where the door communicates, communicates with many monks.

"Teacher Ran Deng, what's the situation now?" Daoist Cihang asked anxiously. He also did not expect that such a change would occur when only the last of the ten battles remained.

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