In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1042 Yuan Jiao and Tai Chi Diagram (2)\r

Chapter 1042 Yuan Jiao and Tai Chi Diagram (2)

You have to fight before you die.

A mouthful of blood was continuously sprayed on the array.

"Not good! Please turn around, baby!" Lu Ya was immediately aware of the accident, and immediately used the Sword of Immortal Slaying to cut Yuan Jiao in two, leaving only the true spirit protected by something.

This is also in the conferred gods, otherwise, under that flying knife, Yuan Jiao's "three or four zero" is afraid that the true spirit will not survive.

At the moment when Yuan Jiao Zhenling flew to Fengshentai, he also made a last resort against the map.

Since he was dead, he couldn't let them take this formation, lest they spy on their Ten Heavenly Sovereign's formation, so it might as well be a last resort.

The array diagram brightened, and it turned out that another crack appeared on the array diagram. This was a sign that it was about to be broken.

At the same time, the entire world of the formation is also shaking, the ground cracks and landslides, and the space is broken, as if it is the end of the world.

With the sound of "Boom!", the entire formation world began to fall apart.

This is not the end, the earth fire feng shui emerges together.

The omen of the world's destruction, although this is just a world of formations, not a real world.

With the opportunity of breaking the formation chart, he will forcibly shatter this world of formation. Yuan Jiao hopes that this broken world can avenge him and his fellow Taoists.

When the immortals of Chanjiao saw such a scene, they were also stunned, and did not expect the other party to be so decisive.

The earth fire and feng shui emerged, and the whole world was going to die. If they couldn't find a way to fight, they would probably face this shattered world directly. This is impossible for Daluo Jinxian to resist, and Daluo Jinxian may not be able to do nothing at all.

"Quick, the exit is there!" Yun Zhongzi pointed to the east, and there was indeed a space channel that appeared thousands of miles away in the east.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Neutron could only see a red light flashing, and he did not enter the space channel within a moment.

And there was one less person in the field, no need to ask, it was Lu Ya.

The distance of the technique of rainbow transformation is just trivial, after all, even the golden head of Hunyuan can escape.

The Antarctic Immortal Weng is in trouble, but he can use the golden light method to pass directly.

But other people consume a lot of mana in order to break the formation, so flying past, I am afraid there is not enough time..

Do you have to resist the force of this world's destruction by yourself?

They didn't say anything about Lu Ya.

Of course, Guangchengzi and the others won't die, at most they will be on the list, but Yuanshi Tianzun told them what the result of being on the list would be from the very beginning, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Not only can the cultivation base not be saved, but it must be controlled by others. Although it is also immortal, it is definitely not as good as Fang Yu, the immortal way.

"Everyone, hurry up, let's inject mana into Uncle's Taiji map together." Chi Jing took out the Taiji map, but he hadn't returned it yet. The last time he scared Tahoe away, this time it had such a big effect.

4.0 and Lu Ya has already left, this Tai Chi map is even more stress-free.

"Is this the number of days!" Tongtian just sighed as he watched Chanjiao's immortals use the power of Taijitu to form the ten best formations.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun did not think of it, but it was a spiritual treasure lent by his senior brother, and it has played a role many times.


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