In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1044: Tai Chi Diagram Showing Power (2)\r

Chapter 1044: Tai Chi Diagram Showing Power (2)

Not to mention Wen Zhong's defeat and Zhao Gongming's impending return.

"Who are you and why are you blocking our way?" Fang Yu said with a defensive look holding the Demon Sword.

Jiujianxian and the others also took out their magic weapons and looked carefully at the person in front of them to avoid a sudden attack by the other party.

"You waited from Fuxi City." It was a young Taoist who stopped them. If you look closely, isn't it Zhou Fangyu's incarnation of Taihao?

"So what?" Lin Yueru said bluntly.

Being blocked like this, they must have resentment, but because they were afraid of Taihao's cultivation, they didn't dare to make trouble.

"So are you planning to go to Xiqi?" Tae Ho asked, but he was basically sure of their destination.

I was worried that they would be involved in the conferred gods, but I didn't expect that they really went to the "center of the catastrophe". Zhou Fangyu knew it, and naturally dispatched this incarnation to stop them.

Fang Yu and others came out together to experience this time, from Shennong City to Fuxi City, and this time they also met the saintess of Fuxi City. Although they felt familiar, they could not recognize each other. After all, they did not have previous lives. memory.

Rumors that Emperor Xin had blasphemed Nuwa were circulating in Fuxi City, and then there were news from time to time that King Zhou had murdered Zhongliang and even his own children.

Immediately afterwards, he learned that Xiqi had turned against Yin Shang.

Linger, a descendant of Nuwa, and Fang Yu and others' sense of justice are naturally dissatisfied with King Zhou's actions, and they heard that Xiqi was surrounded by Taishi Wen, and there was dangerous news, so they naturally rushed to Xiqi. go.

One is dissatisfaction with King Zhou, and the other is the wise man of Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo.

Fang Yu and Jiu Jianxian were not stupid, so when they heard Tae Ho ask, there must be some other reason.

Jiujianxian asked tentatively: "Daoist asks like this, is it because of Xiqi's relationship to stop us~'?"

Tai Hao didn't intend to make a fool of himself, but nodded and said: "It is true, but this is a matter of replacing the emperor of the human race, but I still want to persuade you not to participate in the replacement of the emperor of the human race. 35


"You can see why the human monks in Shennong City and Fuxi City are dissatisfied with Di Xin, and still do not intervene in this matter. That is because monks are not allowed to intervene in the affairs of human emperors." "Any merman".

"It's okay to play in the world, but you can't participate in court affairs." Tae Ho warned, and then left directly.

"What should I do?" Lin Yueru was a little confused about the situation.

It is also because they have not eliminated their existence as "heroes" in the world of fairy swords.

And everyone looked at Ling'er. After all, their origin was because King Zhou dared to blaspheme Nuwa's mother.

"Now that I have been walking along the way, King Zhou is incompetent, and Chaoge has set up many tortures. We can go here to relieve Xiqi. Ling'er thought about it and decided to go to Xiqi.

"But that person's warning just now?" Fairy Shuiyue had some scruples.

"We can just relieve Xiqi.

In Linger's view, there is still a big gap between Xiqi Fang and Yin Shang, and now it takes time, and Yin Shang cannot take Xiqi down.

Alright! As the bottom cultivator Xiaobai, Linger and the others are not clear about the involvement between Shang and Zhou.

After Fang Yu and others left, Tae Ho's figure reappeared in place.

It's not good for his external incarnation to forcibly take action to keep them.

"...At their speed, I'm afraid they just hit the Nine Curves Yellow River Array.

At this time, Zhao Gongming had already returned, and had played against Chan Jiao and others again.

Jin Jiao Scissors are two dragons, harvesting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, receiving the essence of the sun and moon, rising in the air, folded up and down, auspicious clouds protecting the body, their heads are like scissors, and their tails are like strands. Two gates.

This golden Jiaojian is extremely (alright) powerful. It was made by the Jiaotong Tianjiao slaying the two dragons of the Great Luo Jinxian in the East China Sea.

Under the golden jiaojiao, no one was a rival to the teaching, not even burning the lamp, and even the mount was cut in half.

But I didn't expect that this would be considered a divine weapon that could not fall, and that it was directly cut in half, and a divine soul headed towards the Conferred God Stage.

Zhao Gongming was so powerful, and naturally he returned to the original track. Lu Ya took out the book of seven arrows with nails and handed it over to Jiang Ziya for use.

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