In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1053 Immortal Slaying Flying Knife (1)\r

Chapter 1053 Immortal Slaying Flying Knife (1)

Seeing this, Lu Ya's eyes were also cold. He didn't want to cause trouble, but it didn't mean he was afraid of trouble. The most former prince of the demon clan, he had his own arrogance. Although he was "destroyed", his identity and cultivation gave him enough confidence. .

The countless ice arrows were shot towards him, still just like Qiong Xiao's methods before, they all melted within a few meters before Lu Ya.

Yun Xiao was not surprised when he saw this. He had some understanding of the opponent's heels and feet. It seemed that the opponent was the foundation of the fire family. way to capture it.

Yun Xiao wanted to capture the opponent in front of Zhao Gongming's coffin, kill him with his own hands, and avenge his elder brother.

The two-handed tricks are moved, and one after another of the heaven and earth talisman culture appears like rays of light. Yunxiao is going to use supernatural powers. Even if she is in the realm of Da Luo under the barrier of Kyushu, it will consume a lot of money, especially if she is a newcomer. Luo.

Of course, if he dares to do this, Yun Xiao naturally has the confidence, or should say he has other means to reduce his consumption.

And the Antarctic Immortal Weng in Xiqi City shouted: "Not good, everyone quickly cast spells together.

On the other side, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, Han Zhixian and others cast spells to protect the entire Yinshang camp.

The power and range of Yunxiao's spellcasting this time is very large, and the sky is instantly pitch black, which is more raging than the previous chill.

Since he is a cultivator of the East China Sea, he must know a few real water magical powers, especially the nine-curved Yellow River array, and even less all kinds of real water.

On the other hand, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao each took out two triangular blue flags. If you think that San Xiao only has Jin Jiao Scissors and Hun Yuan Jin Dou in her hands, it would be a big mistake. They are in the East China Sea and are influenced by the characteristics of monks in such a grand atmosphere. , Sanxiao has a lot of spirit treasures in his hands.

Special is the battle aspect.

This is not at the same level as when Jiang Ziya cast a spell to freeze Qishan. When Jiang Ziya froze to death Fei Zhongyouhun and Lu Xiong and many other soldiers, it was a heavy rain first, and then a frosty air.

But that's just ordinary means.

In an instant, heavy snow floated in a radius of thousands of miles, and the ground was frozen in an instant, but a magical power was already comparable to the ice formation in the Ten Great Arrays.

"Could it be that you think that ordinary ice can hurt me, but you made a mistake." He is a golden crow, not an ordinary fire spirit. It is a delusion to try to hurt him.

Sanxiao did not use the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, but their method of fighting with the East China Sea cultivators since the East China Sea, when the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation had not been completed.

"Look at me breaking your supernatural power." Lu Ya didn't use the real sun fire, after all, this was too conspicuous, but used the six Ding Shenhuo.

The Six Ding Divine Fire is a congenital divine fire, and it will be famous in the gossip furnace of Taishang Laojun in the future.

The six fires turned into huge flames and rushed towards Sanxiao, intending to burn them directly.

Yunxiao saw that the six Ding Divine Fires were not slow or slow at all, as if they didn't care. Regarding the flame supernatural powers, they can be said to have learned a lot from 353. Among them, there is an immortal in flames, and this person's cultivation level is not high. Low.

"Two sisters, please wait and don't let him escape." Yun Xiao said to Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao.

Take out a jade vase, this jade vase is not the jade vase in the hands of Daoist Cihang, but a treasure made from heaven and earth from Haohaijie in three nights. A treasure.

Combined with Yunxiao's understanding of various real waters, this jade bottle has the infinite real water that Yunxiao usually refines, and there is an acquired spiritual treasure that continues to "grow" in it, which is just used to deal with the fire creature.

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