In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 1059 Jiuqu Yellow River Formation (1)\r

Chapter 1059 Jiuqu Yellow River Formation (1)

There is no "history" like the original, first a friendly fight, and no Bi Xiao was bitten by Yang Jian's dog.

The hatred must be avenged, but this Jiang Ziya is the one who deserves the calamity this time, and is also a disciple of the teaching, and cannot be easily dealt with. Since this is the case, then he can only fight against it.

"Jiang Shang, although you are under the command of Lu Ya, but the brother who kills is also killed by his brother, I have to ask you the guilt. I have been here for a while, if you can break my battle, then give up at this time, If you can't break this formation, I don't care whether you are a conferred god or not, you should pay for my brother's life.39

After Yun Xiao finished speaking, he directly greeted everyone to leave, regardless of whether the other party would agree or not.

Anyway, she will directly arrange the formation at the "gateway" of others. If she doesn't break her formation, she doesn't need to think about helping Zhou defeat Zhou. Yunxiao is also forcing Jiang Ziya. Either he will apologize to death, or he will send this letter. The great cause of God simply does not need to continue.

It's the formation method again! The explanation and teaching side are all thinking like this. After all, they have already experienced these ten absolute formations before, even the ten absolute formations set up by Shi Tianjun, not to mention the three nights with higher cultivation levels. Law.

"Don't worry, the opponent's formations may not be as powerful as the ten best formations, and I have been comprehending the formation methods recently, which just confirms the enlightenment during this period~ Yu Ding Zhenren cheered.

When everyone heard the words, they were also thinking about it. After all, the top ten formations were already famous in ancient times.

Don't talk about teaching here.

"Could it be that Junior Sister Yunxiao is planning to set up a nine-curved Yellow River Array?" asked Our Lady of Jinling, no wonder she asked, she taught most of the disciples how to practice the formation method, and Yunxiao is one of the best among them. The Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation is famous, of course, to say that the opponent can only use this formation method is wrong.

If it is really the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, I am afraid that Chan Jiao is really unable to break the formation and can only hand over Jiang Ziya.

Well-known formations in the interception teaching include Shi Tianjun's Ten Jue Formation, Lu Yue's Plague Huang Formation, Wuyun Immortal Qiu Shou Immortal's Taiji Formation, Lingya Immortal's Liangyi Formation, and Golden Light Immortal's Four Elephants Formation.

However, it is the most powerful, and it is even praised by Tongtian as the nine-sentence Yellow River formation that is famous for three nights.

When the disciples of Intercept taught each other, there was also a fighting technique, and naturally he had experienced some of them. Yunxiao even taught other well-known formations, but the Nine-Bend Yellow River Array has not been broken until now.

Even if Duobao and several other direct disciples are still unable to break it, even if they hadn't kept their hands for three nights, they would have ended up like Twelve Golden Immortals.

It's a pity that the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation that intercepted the teaching was also a new creation and had not been practiced, but Tongtian once favored Kuan Ranxiao to preside over the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

Of course this was just thought.

Since it's a fight, naturally one can't let go of the opponent easily, and it's better to teach Chan a lesson, don't think that if you are in charge of the Conferred God Ranking, you can ignore me and other disciples. "Yun Xiao said proudly.

She already knew from Wen Zhong the time and part of the news of Chan Jiao's breaking the top ten formations. Even if they were so laborious to break the top ten formations, she naturally wouldn't take it seriously.

I also hope that the other party will have self-knowledge and let Jiang Shang take the initiative.

"Senior Sister Jin Ling and Shi Ji Shi (good king's) sister are leaving?" Yun Xiao asked.

Since there has been some "communication" this time, although I am not very satisfied, it is not necessary here.

"But I want to see the means of teaching." "The Lady of the Golden Spirit does not intend to leave, but intends to see the results.

"Although Nezha is responsible for it, and the other party is a boy in front of the Nuwa Empress, I can't say anything, but the revenge of the Taiyi Master that day must be avenged." "Shi Ji seems to plan to wait until the future.

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