In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 111: Crazy Battle of Gods (Part 2)! 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

After Zhou Fangyu entered his own domain.

Not as Zhang Bo imagined, he thought he could sit back and relax.

he knows.

In this world, there are many ways to invade other gods' domains.

Otherwise, when fighting between gods, or when fighting between gods and demons.

Wouldn't it be possible to hide in the realm of the gods and sit back and relax.

Therefore, the moment he entered his own realm.

Just adjust the time flow rate to 100 times that of the main world.

In this way, the outside world 1 minute.

It is equivalent to 100 minutes in God's Domain.

It can make the players and monsters in God's Domain calmly prepare to resist the invasion.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangyu merged his soul into the two temples.

These two temples have guardian spirits - Dijiang and Houtu.

As two ancient gods.

Even if only the body is left, it is not something that a child god can deal with.

As long as he hides here, Uncle Zhang can't do anything about him.

If the other party really dares to break in.

Naturally, Di Jiang and Hou Tu took care of him.

It is a pity that the bodies of these two great gods can only protect the temple at present.

Unable to move freely within the Dominion.

Otherwise, Zhou Fangyu doesn't have to hide.

Directly let that child god die without a burial place.

After Zhou Fangyu hid his soul.

Immediately spread out part of the consciousness.

Possessed on the bodies of Dijiang and Houtu.

One mind and two uses.

Controlling Di Jiang and Hou Tu, suspended above the temple, borrowing the infinite divine power in these two bodies.

Directly in the minds of all Earth players and demon clans in God's Domain, a prompt was issued:

"The Prehistoric God Realm, today there are foreign demons invading, and the God Realm race is at stake!

"The Lord of the Great Desolation has ordered—

The demon clan, the human clan, the witch clan, and the nether clan, regardless of their status, regardless of their strength, are all ready to fight against external demons and fight. "

"After slaughtering all the foreign demons, all ethnic groups can be rewarded for their merits and get rich rewards!

The prompts of Dijiang and Houtu appeared three times.

In the entire Divine Realm, from the Netherworld to the 577 Heaven and Earth, and then to the two sacred mountains of the Monster Race.

Instantly boiled.

Countless Earth players rushed out of the city with excited faces.

They all believed that this was a big event involving all servers.

Listen to the content of Dijiang and Houtu dialects.

When foreign demons invade, all the gods, regardless of race, must participate in defending against foreign enemies.

More importantly, after killing these external demons.

They also get huge rewards.

This is for those rookie players who have been greedy, but have no chance to participate in the dungeon activities.

Simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As for those old players who have participated in the copy.

More excited now.

They were not able to participate in the copy of the "Ten Thousand Worlds Martial Arts Conference" this time.

I used to feel very frustrated and distressed.

did not expect.

They didn't participate in the dungeon event, but the official "God's Domain" added a large-scale event for them to invade.

This official is simply too sweet.

See old players level up slowing down.

This is another bonus!

As for the demon clan on the sacred mountain of the demon clan, they were even more excited at this time.

This was the first time after they were born that they could fight for God the Father.

Demonstrate their determination to defend the Dominion to the death.

Therefore, the demon clan could not wait for the external demon to appear immediately.

So that they can exorcise the demons!

As for Zhou Fangyu, he was equally excited and excited at this time.

God battle.

He had only seen it in textbooks before.

The two gods fought in each other's dominions.

But it's not the same as playing a small game in the city.

That is the real act of using all the power of God's Domain to put the opponent to death.

But with great danger.

The battle of gods is also the fastest way for gods to increase their strength and improve their own god's realm strength.

Why do you say so.

Yes (bbdj) because the rewards of war of gods are too great.

After the gods of both sides are in the other's divine domain, they kill each other's spirits and destroy the core of the other's divine domain.

In theory, you can get everything in the opponent's realm.

Even the surviving Divine Realm races.

Both can use divine power to forcibly clear the soul and memory of the other's divine domain race.

Let the other party's God Realm race become your own God Realm Race.

In other words, it can make the opponent's god's realm strength.

All turned into his own strength overnight.

In the face of such a terrifying way to increase strength.

If there is no control of the legal and violent institutions of the two empires of the East and the West.

I am afraid that most of the gods will become bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, murderers, executioners of gods.

But today.

However, Zhou Fangyu encountered a battle of the gods during the demigod period.

It was extremely dangerous for him.

But it was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Less than ten minutes.

The players in God's Domain were divided into two groups, and they were assembled outside Fengdu City and Shenzhou City respectively.

The demon clan all gathered on the holy mountain of the sun.

Always ready to strike!

Just after they had assembled, less than 5 minutes later.

In the sky of the gods.

Suddenly there was a terrifying thunderbolt.

Infinite blue liquid suddenly appeared above the sky!

A huge crack was torn out in the sky of the Great Desolate God's Domain.

Then, a terrifying black divine power appeared in the crack.

These divine powers rushed into the Divine Realm with two figures.

With the appearance of these two figures.

The cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger.

Behind the crack, an incomparably huge and terrifying world appeared.

That world is all made up of dark forests.

Countless terrifying night monsters howled in the dark forest.

It emits terrifying sound waves that make the scalp tingle.

It even spread to the Great Desolate God Realm.

Previously, an old player who had experienced the battle of life and death in God's Domain.

see this scene.

We know that the wonder of the sky is the process of connecting two different time and space together.

It's just that last time they went to another time and space to fight.

And now, it is other time and space that invaded into their Divine Realm.

They are just defensive operations.

Then, in the Prehistoric God's Domain, all players paid attention.

The Divine Realm on the opposite side squeezed down a little bit.

In the end, it was completely linked with the Great Desolate God Domain.


I saw countless terrifying black beasts.

rushed out from the realm of the gods over there.

Counting it, it is estimated that there are as many as 100,000.

Moreover, the strength of these beasts is very powerful.

The lowest is also Gao Wu Da Perfection.

Most of them are beasts of the first and middle stages of the Immortal Martial Realm.

at this time.

In the temples of Fengdu City and Shenzhou City.

Suddenly, two incomparably vast divine might appeared.

An extremely familiar and majestic voice, overwhelming the sky, rushed into the ears of every player and every demon clan in God's Domain:

"I, the master of the prehistoric realm, the master of the god's realm, the god Hongjun, now order all races in the god's realm to start the battle of gods in an all-round way, and make sure to wipe out the invading demons.

Hearing this voice, a touch of madness and fanaticism appeared on the faces of countless demon races:

"Follow the word of the Father!

at the same time.

Players who have been waiting impatiently.

It is also under the leadership of the organization of the presidents of major guilds.

The powerful beasts who flew down in the sky frantically roared.

"Slaying monsters and blasting equipment, killing monsters and blasting experience, killing monsters to get military merit!

"Don't fight with me, or don't blame me for killing people."

"Leave the BOSS to me in a while, my Taoist magic weapon is already hungry and thirsty!"

"Don't steal the lines of our warriors. Be careful I won't be a meat shield for you for a while! 35

"Haha, you're not right, I'm going to find the players of the Wu clan. They are also very meaty!"

"Go away, our witch clan also has long-range attacks, so we don't use them as meat shields for you cultivators!

The players were laughing and playing, venting their excitement.

On one side, it was like looking at countless gold ingots and beautiful women.

Look at the "invading demons" from far and near in the sky!

At this time, the shouts of the demon clan spread from the holy mountain to the whole prehistoric land!

"God battle, never die!

The whole world of God's Domain reverberated.

The players heard it, where are they willing to show weakness.

2.1 million people immediately roared in unison:

"Fight to the death!

"Fight to the death!

"Fight to the death! 55

The frenzied emotions instantly ignited the entire Prehistoric God Realm.

In the face of an incomparably powerful enemy, in the Great Desolate God Realm, there is not a single race or person who has the slightest fear.

Everyone is like a war madman, madly, frantically, and excitedly looking forward to the arrival of the enemy.

as the lord of the gods.

Zhou Fangyu who was invaded into his own territory.

Of course not to be outdone at this time.

At this time, he doesn't cherish the divine crystal anymore.

Crazy began to mobilize all the divine crystals in his divine domain.

Use the best power you can.

Facing the two figures who had just invaded their own divine domain, they burst out.

Just this.

Zhou Fangyu used 220,000 Divine Crystals.

If it weren't for his divine soul, it could only withstand such a large amount of energy at the moment.

It is estimated that he will also increase the consumption of divine crystals.

Soon, under the urging of Zhou Fangyu, a terrifying ten-color storm appeared.

Wind, thunder, electricity, poison, ice, water, fire, wood, gold, time...

Ten terrifying powers of the Shaman Law.

In the tornado formed by the power of the nether, they merged together.

They charged towards Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie, who had just entered the realm of the gods.

Terrible storm force.

Even hundreds of Uncle Zhang's god-level beasts not far away.

All flew out.

At this time, Zhang Bo and Wu Weilie had just entered Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

Haven't waited to observe the situation of this God's Domain.

They found that a terrifying storm had already rushed towards them.

At this point, the two were unavoidable.

Can only resist.

Of course, Wu Weilie, who has already descended to the first-level demigod, must not be able to withstand it.

Only Zhang Bo came alone.

Looking at the terrifying storm of the power of law.

Even if it is a middle-level god of the child god, Zhang Bo does not dare to take it lightly.

I saw him grit his teeth and mobilize the power of 150,000 divine crystals.

His unique supernatural power burst out.

Arrow of Dark Shadows.

In the sky.

A terrifying dark-black divine arrow appeared instantly and continued to expand.

Not waiting for the opposite Ten-color storm to strike.

The arrow disappeared in a flash.

Straight to the core of the ten-color storm.

Two terrifying forces collided.

A terrifying energy shock wave swept across the entire Prehistoric God Realm in an instant.

a time.

Whether it is the race of Zhang Bo's God Realm, or the race of Zhou Fangyu's Honghuang God Realm.

All turned their attention to the collision of these two terrifying energies.

Because this energy fight will directly represent the strength of the two gods.

It will also affect the morale of the respective Dominion races.

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