In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 124: A Woman Who Makes People Want to Conquer 【Subscribe, Customize】\r

Zhou Fangyu waited for a long time and found that no one jumped out to trouble him.

Only then did I let go of my heart, knowing that there should be no immortal jumping.

He carefully walked to the beautiful woman on the ground.

The water from the nozzle sputtered on her body, forming beautiful curves.

Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to look at it, so he quickly pulled up the beauty's hair.

Take a closer look at her face.

Instantly startled.

There was almost a layer of cold sweat on his face.

This peerless beauty turned out to be Keisha who I just met last night.

Angelic deity of the Western Empire.

Known as the first true god of the Western Empire.

The strongest god under the gods.

At this point, he fainted in his own bathroom.

This scene is simply too incredible.

So much so that Zhou Fangyu felt at a loss for a while.

Who could have hurt this true god-level god to such a degree?

And how did this peerless beauty enter her room and faint in the bathroom?

One has a question, which makes Zhou Fangyu feel extremely confused.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't find a reasonable answer and explanation.

In the end, Zhou Fangyu could only grit his teeth.

I thought about helping this Keisha to lie down on the bed first.

You can't let people stay on the bathroom floor all the time.

He slowly stretched out his hand and put it on Keisha's shoulder.

I want to lift her off the ground.

But just as his hand touched Keisha's skin instantly.

A terrifying divine aura swarmed out from Keisha's back.

Huge white wings of light stretched out in the small bathroom.

Terrifying divine power fluctuations swept the entire bathroom.

Droplets of water splashing down from the sprinkler.

At this time, like a terrifying cannonball, it flew out in all directions.

Hit the bathroom wall.

A series of roars sounded.

The last divine defense barrier on Zhou Fangyu.

Shocked by this sudden energy, it was instantly activated.

Block this energy directly outside.

At this moment, Keisha's body floated directly into the air.

The whole person is like bathed in holy light.

It looks majestic and holy.

Soon, Keisha was in the baptism of this holy light energy.

woke up.

After she opened her eyes, she immediately saw Zhou Fangyu in front of her.

There was confusion in his eyes.

Then, it gradually became clearer.

Apparently, she had recalled what had happened last night.

And why she appeared in the bathroom of Zhou Fangyu's room.

At this time, Zhou Fangyu saw that she had woken up.

First breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that the other party just swore to the will of the gods last night.

Within two months, it is absolutely impossible to hurt him.

But seeing around him, the defensive barrier that had just been fired.

Zhou Fangyu was so distressed that he almost clenched his teeth.

And a defensive enchantment is worth 100,000 Divine Crystals.

The divine crystals on his body now add up to only 600,000 to 700,000.

This is a waste of a defensive enchantment.

It hurts more than cutting Zhou Fangyu's flesh.

"Miss Keisha! Excuse me, what are you trying to do when you run into the bathroom of my room so silently?"5

"Tell me if you want to take a bath, will I still not let you in to wash?"

"You're so sneaky, it's not like a god!

Zhou Fangyu groaned wildly.

Inside and outside the words, they are burying Keisha.

But he didn't expect it.

His words instantly reminded Keisha.

This peerless beauty looked at her wet clothes.

Looking at the Zhou Fangyu in front of her, staring straight at her.

This is an incomparably glamorous, noble, domineering, and powerful angelic deity on weekdays.

There was an instant blush on his face.

But soon, the crimson disappeared without a trace.

at the same time.

A terrifying fluctuation of divine power.

Instantly burst out from the wings behind Keisha.

Directly, Zhou Fangyu, together with the defensive barrier protecting him, flew out of the bathroom.


The door to the bathroom closes automatically.

After Zhou Fangyu was ejected, the defensive barrier around his body completely disappeared within two seconds.

He wasn't angry this time.

Anyway, he saw what should be seen and what should not be seen.

This time, although a defensive barrier of 100,000 divine crystals was wasted.

It's not too bad either.


What was Keisha thinking in the bathroom?

Zhou Fangyu doesn't know.

Estimated, if not last night she swore.

Now, he was beaten to death by her.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fangyu's mood improved instead.

He likes it.

Let Keisha, the beautiful and domineering goddess, hate her teeth so much!

I can't wait to kill him.

But he felt that he couldn't do anything.

To describe the earth with a lyric, that is-

Just this feel, it's cool!!


The sound of water in the bathroom finally stopped completely.

Keisha was wearing a thin, elegant dress.

Out of the bathroom.

Look at the look on her face that she wants to eat people.

Zhou Fangyu wisely did not ask where she got the change of clothes.

After Keisha came out.

He kept staring at Zhou Fangyu, without saying a word.

If Keisha is good at the supernatural power of killing people with eyes.

It is estimated that he has been cut into eight pieces by this time.

Zhou Fangyu felt that the atmosphere in the house was too awkward.

Quickly pick up the landline by the bed and let the restaurant make two breakfasts.

Take it to the suite.

When the breakfast waiter comes to deliver the meal.

I saw that there was a big beauty in Zhou Fangyu's room.

Very professionally said nothing.

After putting down breakfast, turn around and leave.

Zhou Fangyu secretly gave the waiter a thumbs up.

Afterwards, no matter how sharp Keisha's eyes were.

Eat breakfast by herself.

Keisha watched Zhou Fangyu for a long time and finally realized.

I can't do anything with this kid now.

In the end, I could only pick up the cutlery in a fit of anger.

Eat opposite Zhou Fangyu.

that's it.

A hearty breakfast was finished in an extremely awkward atmosphere.

At this point, it may be because of a full stomach.

Maybe because of some things.

Keisha finally took the initiative to break the awkward atmosphere in the room.

"You! Hurry up and pack up the things you want to bring."

Kaisha didn't even bother to say her name, so she directly said to Zhou Fangyu:

"In order to ensure safety, after half an hour, two true gods of the Western Empire will come here to pick us up and leave.

"In an hour, we will take my personal Dawning spacecraft. Go to Shenyun Island to participate in this year's Lost God's Domain expedition!"

Zhou Fangyu was slightly relieved when he heard Kaisha's words.

"Confrontation" with a peak true god is not an easy thing.

Fortunately, this Keisha finally eased up.

I guess what just happened is over.

Unfortunately, Zhou Fangyu doesn't know.

For women, some things never pass.

Whether this woman is a god or not.

"Well, that, Lord Keisha. Can I ask! What the hell happened last night?

"Why are you in... uh, in this hotel suite?

Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but ask.

But he wisely avoided the word "bathroom".

"Last night, I had a fight with Prince Daredevil! 35

"Because he was injured by the impact of his soul, there was confusion in his consciousness.

"When using Time Jump, take the divine aura I left on your clothes as the divine aura I left in the safe house...

Keisha didn't want to talk to Zhou Fangyu anymore.

But after hearing his question.

But the ghost explained a few words.

It seems that she doesn't want the other party to treat her as that kind of woman.

Zhou Fangyu listened to Keisha's words.

The look in this woman's eyes is wrong!

Ni Ma, what character is the Daredevil Prince?!

That is a werewolf that can be divided into five or five with the high-level god of folding swords.

Keisha is nothing but a pinnacle god.

Compared with the Night Demon Prince, his strength is a world of difference.

Can escape a life in the opponent's hands.

It's all very lucky.

But listen to her words.

It was she who took the initiative to go to the Prince of the Night Demon and singled it out.

A peak true god, went to fight with other high-level demons.

Isn't this just a prank?!

But have to say.

Such a woman is so attractive!

This Kaisha is also a standard royal sister!

Just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about these things!

Kaisha raised her head proudly and sneered at Zhou Fangyu:

"A low-level god like you will never know!

"After reaching the peak level true god, I want to go further and break through to the god level."5

"It's not enough just to improve the strength of the gods and the race of the gods. You must control the power of the godhead, the power of the gods, and the race of the gods, so that you can become supernatural and holy. Only then can you truly become a god..."

"Fighting demons is the best way to improve the true god of our angel family."

"Since I know that the prince of the Night Demon clan is in Dongyang City, and I won't fight him once, how can I be reconciled."5

Zhou Fangyu stopped thinking about it when he heard this.

Instead, he nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the promotion of the gods.

But it is not enough to keep improving the strength of God's Domain.

In the battle of life and death, improve your realm.

It is also the fastest path for god promotion!

But Zhou Fangyu still has a question.

"This time, the Night Demon clan is lurking in Dongyang City, and it is said that they used a method that can completely evade the detection of divine power."

"That's why the Demon Hunting Bureau in Dongyang City has been unable to find any trace of the Night Demon.

"How did you find Prince Night Demon?

He looked at Keisha and asked.

Keisha sneered:

"The hidden methods used by the Night Demon this time are indeed very powerful, and I can't easily detect their specific location. 35

"But the Night Demon Prince once fought against our Holy Son of the Light Cult many years ago."

"587 The divine power of light that our Son had penetrated into his body has not been completely eliminated so far. 35

"Therefore, I only need to find the place where the divine power of the Holy Son fluctuates in Dongyang City. Naturally, I can find the whereabouts of Prince Night Demon."

Zhou Fangyu nodded.

Don't dwell on this issue anymore.

As for Keisha, she can clearly find the whereabouts of Prince Night Demon.

Why don't you tell Bai Qi, so that you can assemble your manpower and completely destroy this Prince of Night Demon?

Zhou Fangyu didn't even ask this kind of question.

The Western Empire and the Eastern Empire are allies though.

But not good enough to wear a pair of pants.

Otherwise, Bai Qi and Zhe Lie Dao wouldn't have to try to force Kaisha to swear.

Only then did she rest assured to let her protect Zhou Fangyu from going to Shenyun Island.

Just as Zhou Fangyu was thinking secretly about the Prince of Night Demon.

Keisha sitting across from him.

There was still some heat on his face just now.

At this time, his face suddenly became frosty.

The expression on his face is cold and arrogant and refusing to be thousands of miles away.

Seeing Zhou Fangyu froze for a while.

Just when he wondered why this woman suddenly changed her face.

There was a knock on the door of the hotel suite.

Zhou Fangyu walked to the door and looked through the magic monitor.

Outside the door stood two tall and handsome young gods.

Look at their aura.

It is estimated that the lowest is also the primary true god.

At this time, Keisha spoke up.

"Open the door! It's someone who's come to pick us up.

"This way, we fly from the Eastern Empire to Shenmie Island. We need to pass through the waters of the abyss of death. A true god's divine power cannot support the spacecraft to fly away from that area."

"So, the Holy See of Light sent the two of them to escort us to Shenyun Island together."

Zhou Fangyu listened to Kaisha's tone.

It seems that he is very displeased and opposed to these two true gods.

It is estimated that she just sensed the arrival of these two gods in advance.

The face became so ugly.

Zhou Fangyu was too lazy to care about the internal conflicts of their Western empire.

Opened the door directly.

The true gods who were outside the two doors were welcomed in.

But just behind a young true god, passing by him.

Zhou Fangyu's face changed slightly.

There was a very dangerous light in his eyes.

He is in this young true God.

I actually felt a very familiar fluctuation of divine power.

And the original owner of this divine power fluctuation.

It's directly about one thing, and Zhou Fangyu wants it very much.

But the important treasure has never been found.


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