In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 126: Crazy infrastructure maniac! 【Subscribe, customize】\r

Come downstairs to the hotel.

At the gate, Keisha's tall, elegant and beautiful back.

Facing the sun, the eyes of the three men came into view.

The three stopped in unison and couldn't help but admire this "beautiful view"!

At this moment, Keisha turned her head and asked:

"Why are you so slow to come out now?"

Blonde and blue eyes, incomparably three-dimensional, delicate facial features, incomparably pure eyes.

Coupled with the awe-inspiring and inviolable goddess temperament.

Let Keisha at this moment look extremely dazzling in the rising sun.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly walked over to Kaisha with a smile.

"Sorry, Keisha. I kept you waiting!"

"Here, here are the clothes you left in my room."

Zhou Fangyu took out Kaisha from God's Domain, and after changing it, he forgot his clothes in the bathroom.

Handed it to Keisha.

When Keisha saw this dress, she remembered her embarrassed appearance in the morning.

He couldn't help but glared at Zhou Fangyu.

He didn't even care about the fact that the other party called him "Kaisha" directly.

After taking over the clothes, he threw them directly into his own divine realm.

Then take out the divine power transmitter.

Teleported to the airport where the Dawn spacecraft was parked.

This series of actions by Keisha was just to cover up the embarrassment of meeting Zhou Fangyu under the shower head in the morning.

But see the unwitting eyes of Ryder and Haders.

Kaisha not only didn't care about Zhou Fangyu's "intimacy", but glared at Zhou Fangyu like she was "loving".

Even more terrifying.

The clothes that Zhou Fangyu handed to Kaisha just now.

Could it be the relationship between them!

Is it good enough to keep clothes for each other?

This made Ryder and Hades completely convinced at this time.

Keisha really has an unclear relationship with this little boy from the Eastern Empire.

Could it be that the incomparably noble pinnacle true god, the most delicate and beautiful goddess among the angels of the Western Empire.

Really fell in love with a high school student from an oriental male empire?!

This Ni Ma even the most bloody love story, will not write such a plot.

No matter how Ryder and Hades collapsed.

Zhou Fangyu's purpose has been achieved.

He succeeded in making these two people misunderstand his relationship with Keisha.

This is the second step of Zhou Fangyu's plan.

As long as Haders believed, the woman he liked fell in love with Zhou Fangyu.

Sooner or later, this guy will fall into the hole that Zhou Fangyu dug for him.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu grinned wickedly.

Take out the divine power transmitter and plan not to ask questions to the two true gods.

Directly according to the teleportation point address Keisha gave him, he teleported himself to the apron where the Dawning spacecraft was parked.

Hades and Ryder saw that Zhou Fangyu had also disappeared.

After holding back a belly of questions, 587 couldn't find the person to ask at this time.

He could only continue to hold back, took out the teleporter, and teleported himself to the apron.

Wait until they show up on the tarmac.

Just saw this scene.

At the entrance of an incomparably luxurious and enormous spaceship.

Keisha is getting ready to board her ship.

Zhou Fangyu ran towards Kaisha at this time.

"Kaisha, wait for me, this time on the expedition to the Lost God Realm, you must protect my safety! This is what you swear to do! 39

Keisha turned her head and said angrily:

"Don't worry, I'm not someone who breaks my oath. 39

"In the past two months, except for the time when you entered the Lost God's Domain. During the rest of the time, I will protect you every step of the way."

"What a coward!"

After speaking, Keisha walked straight into her spaceship.

Zhou Fangyu then followed into the spaceship.

But he did not go directly into the very interior, but hid in the spaceship door.

Turning to look outside, the two true gods just teleported.

Sure enough, the two just heard what Keisha just said.

Ryder said to Hades in despair:

"Could it be that Keisha really likes this kid? She will swear to protect him for two months. 35

Hades was also going crazy at this time.

"What kind of charm does this kid have to make Keisha so arrogant to love him so much!?

The two looked at each other in dismay, and could not wait to run to Kaisha to question her.

We are no worse than this hairy boy.

You would rather like him than choose us?!

But unfortunately, Keisha, who has a very bad impression of them.

Obviously they won't be given the opportunity to ask such questions.

They also didn't dare to really go and question Keisha.

Zhou Fangyu saw the performance of the two.

Hehe smirked.

His plan apparently succeeded.

Zhou Fangyu stopped looking at the two true gods, turned his head and walked into the hall of the spaceship.

At this time, Keisha was sitting on her own throne.

Looking at the transparent dome of the spaceship, the blue sky.

Don't know what to think.

Zhou Fangyu looked at her and said sorry in her heart.

In order to find out those ten ancestral witch clay dolls, I can only borrow your "love"

Let those two idiots believe that your relationship with me is extraordinary.

I can take advantage of it.

From that Hades, find clues about the Zuwu mud doll.

who made you so attractive.

The two true gods are fascinated.

Zhou Fangyu thought shamelessly.

Then, very "consciously" sat on the right side of Keisha.

in the seat closest to her.

Keisha glanced at him.

Thinking of my oath, I can't do anything about this sloppy guy in the past two months.

In the end, I was too lazy to take care of Zhou Fangyu.

Keep thinking about your own business.

When Haders and Ryder boarded the spaceship, what they saw was Keisha sitting on his own throne, and Zhou Fangyu was sitting next to Keisha.

It's so "intimate"!

The two were inseparable at this point.

Find a place to sit.

Seeing that the two had come up, Kaisha immediately used divine power to transmit sound.

"The spaceship takes off immediately! At the fastest speed, go to the God's Meteor Island!

The one in charge of driving the spaceship is Keisha's divine race.

After they heard Keisha's voice transmission, they immediately started the spaceship engine.

Fly into the sky!

Then, it flew towards the west coast of the Eastern Empire.

The reason why Keisha can use the God's Domain race as the pilot of her own spaceship.

Because of.

The gods above the true gods can summon the god domain race into the main world at any time.

Don't worry about the Divine Realm race entering the main world.

Because the law of the main world is suppressed, it consumes a lot of divine power.

After all, the true God can obtain a lot of divine power every moment.

Enough to offset the consumption of summoning the gods to enter the main world.

And to a perverted child god like Zhou Fangyu.

Actually this can be done.

After all, the number of his Divine Realm races is too large.

The divine power he gains every moment.

Even surpassed the peak true god.

It has reached the speed of divine power generation that can only be achieved by many powerful gods.

Therefore, if Zhou Fangyu wants to, he can also summon a large number of God's Domain races.

In the main plane, do things for yourself.

Of course, Zhou Fangyu won't do it now.

Because this will completely reveal his strength.

After the ship leaves.

It has been flying towards the west at fifteen times the speed of sound.

But at such an amazing speed, it still took a full three hours.

Just flew out of the Eastern Empire and came to the West Sea.

This shows how huge the world of gods is.

The combined size of the Eastern Empire and Western Empire is only one-tenth of the world of the gods.

And only the area of ​​an Eastern Empire.

That is more than 10 times the total area of ​​the earth.

At this time, in the hall of the Dawning spacecraft.

4 gods sit in their respective seats.

There is no communication whatsoever.

All of them put their spiritual thoughts into their own divine realm.

Don't know what to do.

This is also the manifestation of the daily state of most gods.

The power of the deity.

It is almost entirely determined by the strength of the Gods and Gods races.

Therefore, the gods only have time.

It will definitely find ways to transform and build the God's Domain, cultivate the God's Domain Race, and improve the strength of the God's Domain Race.

Zhou Fangyu at this time, of course.

Very much within three hours of the flight.

He was not in the mood to see the great rivers and mountains of the Eastern Empire.

He has always put his spiritual thoughts into the realm of the gods.

Think carefully and plan.

Last night, he bought the Xianwujing Divine Realm props from the Anti-Magic Bureau.

How to arrange it in the realm of the gods.

It's different from when God's Domain was just opened up.

Today's God's Domain covers an area of ​​9 million square kilometers.

Even throwing out areas that Earth players can't reach.

There is also an activity range of 6 million square kilometers.

in such a large area.

127 Xianwujing Divine Realm props in Zhou Fangyu's hands.

Like a drop in the ocean.

If it is the same as before.

Scattered in a vast space of 6 million square kilometers.

Certainly not.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a long time.

In the end, 86 special buildings and exercises in the 127 Xianwujing Divine Realm props will be used.

It was divided into two equal parts, and each was placed in Fengdu City and Shenzhou City.

In the future (bbdj), players on Earth who need high-end Xianwujing exercises, equipment, magic weapons, and medicinal pills can only enter Fengdu City and Shenzhou City to buy them.

But the rest of the low-end equipment, magic weapons, and medicinal pills can be purchased in the city that the player is about to build.

Among the remaining 41 Xianwujing Divine Realm props.

There is a training venue that he bought for the demon clan, which can convert divine power into the power of stars.

Zhou Fangyu named it the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda and placed it on the Buzhou Mountain of the Demon Race.

The remaining 40 God's Domain items are all monster lairs in the Immortal Martial Realm.

To buy these monster lairs.

Zhou Fangyu spent nearly 3 million Divine Crystals.

It can be said that last night he purchased the divine crystals consumed by the Immortal Martial Realm God Realm props.

Most of it is to buy these monster nests.

Zhou Fangyu divided the 40 monster dens into two equal parts.

They were placed in the netherworld and the prehistoric world.

The reason why Zhou Fangyu bought so many monster dens.

It is to speed up the speed of earth players breaking through the ascension to immortals.


Earth players are now after the Evil Dao upgrade method.

After being born, within an hour, he can become a master of the first level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

But this method can only allow newly born players to quickly reach the first level of Xianwu.

Players want to break through from Xianwu Realm to Human Immortal.

Still need to rely on and frantically fight monsters, and then frantically burst into the liver to meditate and practice.

to be realized!

Therefore, in the future, players will cultivate the main way to improve their strength.

Or fighting monsters, cultivation of these two directions.

Therefore, the role of these 40 monster dens in the Immortal Martial Realm is beyond doubt.

As a monster lair in Xianwujing.

Each lair can refresh 10 million monsters of Xianwujing every day.

40 monster lairs.

400 million monsters in the Immortal Martial Realm can be refreshed in one day.

With such a huge number of monsters to refresh.

Even two days later, a large number of new players from the earth poured into God's Domain.

As a result, the number of players soared to 20 million.

The problem of "too few monsters, not enough players to fight" still won't appear in God's Domain.

Therefore, the role of these monster dens is very large.

After placing the newly purchased 127 Xianwujing props.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while, and directly sent his spiritual sense to the earth.

Back to the long-lost Earth Internet.

Zhou Fangyu is like returning to his back garden.

Wandered around the internet.

He found it on every major website, platform, and app around the world.

Almost all of them are discussing the "Evil Dao upgrade method" that has just appeared in "God's Domain".

This thing is not very attractive to old players.

Among them, most of them have reached the first level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

But for new players, as well as players who are about to enter God's Domain.

But it is a major positive news.

Although this upgrade method is cumbersome and complicated.

But it can allow players to cross countless realms overnight.

Directly reach the level of strength equal to that of old players.

Of course, players who upgrade like this.

The actual combat power is very weak.

Moreover, he also wanted to be promoted to Immortal.

The effort and price that need to be paid are far greater than the old players who have cultivated to the Immortal Martial Realm step by step.

But it can save a lot of training time for new players.


This is still exciting news for new players.

Except for this.

The things most discussed by netizens on Earth are:

"God's Domain" adds Houtu and Dijiang - two brand-new witch tribes for new players to choose when they are born.

And the city building system and city management system that will be opened soon.

Of course, the most anticipated and concerned by all earthly humans.

It's still the God Age Company, when will the application channel for "17.9 million new players" be opened?

Since "God's Domain" opened the live broadcast function.

The various activities that players participate in in God's Domain, as well as the various "game fun" they experience


Let the vast majority of human beings on earth have an intuitive feeling and experience.

The people of the earth who have been fascinated by the realm of the gods.

At this time, he was even more madly obsessed with this "game".

All, all want to be players of this game.

It is a pity that the number of players increases each time the age of the gods.

are extremely limited.

This time, there are 17.9 million new players.

It has become the most wanted thing for every human being on the earth who is not a player in the domain of God.

The number of pageviews on the official website of the Age of Gods is as high as several billions every day.

Not even a new announcement on the official website.

People still want to come and have a look, hoping that they can open the declaration channel.

Send your registration application to the backstage of the official website as soon as possible.

It seems that this will increase the chance of being selected.

Even many companies and websites have publicly announced that they have found a way to increase the number of new players selected for "God's Domain".

Then all kinds of cheating and cutting leeks.

In short, whether you admit it or not.

As long as you are still an earth person, you have to accept the fact that the earth has been completely changed by "God's Domain"!

Zhou Fangyu sees the current state of the earth through the Internet.

He is very satisfied.

This is the result he wants to see.

According to the current situation of the earth.

One day in the future, if he announces that he will completely annex the earth into the realm of the gods.

I am afraid that the vast majority of people will support and support it.

Few people will oppose and resist!

Zhou Fangyu thought triumphantly.

On that day, everyone in the world will be my leek.

Bring your own dry food, subsidize money, and work for me.

And what I have to pay is just a pitiful little divine power and divine crystal.

Moreover, the earthlings do not know yet.

The divine power and divine crystals I gave them were actually earned by them.

Hahaha, some people make money for themselves while lying down.

Finally, I am grateful to myself for the game of cutting leeks.

Simply too much fun.

Zhou Fangyu wished he could play like this forever.

at this time.

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense came to China's Internet by accident.

He wanted to see what people in China think of "God's Domain" today.

And what plans does Huaxia's government have for "God's Domain" first.

But it's okay if you don't look at it. At this look, Zhou Fangyu was completely calmed down by the latest announcement released by the Huaxia government.

"What the hell is this floating city? What the hell is a floating battleship?

"Didn't I just update a city building system?"

"The Huaxia government and Huaxia players' brains are too big, right?

"Are they really going to implement this crazy infrastructure plan that's been published online?

"Are they planning to make God's Domain a super terrifying large-scale war fortress? 35


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