In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 129: The New Era of God's Domain and the Dawning Spaceship that is about to Fall?! 【Sub

Huaxia National Conference Room.

It was already past 4 in the morning.

The executives listened to Rose and Thorn tell about their plans.

and the reasons for this plan.

For a while, they were dumbfounded, and even some high-level executives felt that they had been deceived.

These two are here to play with them.

However, Rose with Thorn soon showed the anti-gravity equipment she brought from the God's Domain to the high-level executives present.

At the same time, Fenghuaxueyue is also the first person in the God's Domain game.

Prove to the higher-ups what happened in the rose-thorned dream.

A lot has already happened in the realm of the gods.

At this time, these high-level officials no longer dared to immediately object and question.

A plan for two young people.

Since the very magical game of God's Domain appeared.

The entire planet is undergoing drastic and frantic changes.

Because of this game, the global economy, technology, military, and politics are all beginning to develop in a direction that was completely unimaginable before.

It can be said that God's Domain has driven and influenced all human beings in the world and entered a new era.

Now, as the first person in the game, the romance, as well as the recognized technical giant in the game, rose with thorns.

At the same time, tell them that the earth will be completely destroyed by the invading gods and demons in the near future.

It sounds incredible.

But think about the more incredible situation of God's Domain.

It seems that it is not so difficult to accept.

more important.

In the battle for the right to enter the God's Domain game and increase the number of God's Domain game players.

Now Huaxia has changed from an absolute victory at the beginning to being suppressed.

Since Zhou Fangyu began to reset the standard for inviting players.

No longer take care of anyone, including Huaxia players.

The third batch of 1.55 million new players who entered God's Domain.

Chinese only accounted for 220,000.

Now, among the 2.1 million players in God's Domain, the number of Huaxia is only about 500,000.

Although it still accounts for a quarter of the total number of players.

But players from other countries, because Huaxia players occupied too many benefits in the early stage.

Overtly and secretly, they have been jointly resisting and excluding Chinese players.

Therefore, China's situation in God's Domain is not very good now.

If it weren't for a group of top players such as Fenghuaxueyue, Rose Thorn, and Mad Men, they would all be Chinese players.

Let players from other countries dare not do too much.

It is estimated that the Chinese players are already in a situation where everyone is shouting and fighting in God's Domain.

Therefore, in fact, even if the rose with thorns did not propose a national plan to build floating cities and floating warships.

The senior officials of Huaxia Kingdom will also find ways to improve Huaxia's strength in the God's Domain.

Now there is the "doomsday on earth" given by the rose thorn as a reason.

Huaxia executives quickly made up their minds.

"Miss Rose, after our discussion. For your proposal, we agree in principle! But we hope to be able to implement the national plan to build floating cities and floating battleships first.

The big boss said:

"As for the full move into God's Domain, I think it will only be implemented after the Lord of God's Domain has given a clear attitude and announcement.

Rose with thorns and romantic love heard this answer.

The two looked at each other and felt acceptable.

After all, the matter of the whole people moving into the Divine Realm has too much influence and scope.

There is only one hundred percent certainty that the end of the earth is imminent.

Or if it is 100% sure that the ruler of God's Domain will agree to move all the people of China into God's Domain.

Only those at the top can make up their minds.

"No problem, 11, we will complete the construction plan of the floating battleship and floating city first."

"With this foundation, it will be possible for the whole people to move into "God's Domain" later.""

Rose nodded with thorns.

"So, according to your plan, how much power do we need to invest and how many floating cities and floating battleships will we build?"

The big boss asked the last question of the day.

The rose with thorns said solemnly:

"I have calculated that if we want to ensure the normal life and daily work of the 2 billion people in China now!

"At least 200 floating cities will be built, and each city can accommodate 10 million people."

"The total area of ​​buildings, streets and arable land in each city should reach 50,000 square kilometers. The weight of each city is as high as 250 million to 300 million tons."

"At least 200 floating warships are needed to ensure transportation, communication and communication between each floating city. At the same time, it can protect the residents of the floating city in wartime.""

"Each floating battleship is 3 kilometers long, 450 meters wide, and 450 meters high. Its own weight is expected to be between 400,000 tons and 500,000 tons, and its transportable weight is 1 million tons.

The main weapons are composed of divine crystal ballistas, gravity energy cannons, etc., and the auxiliary weapons are scientific and technological weapons on the earth. "

"Of course, the main combat power of the battleship is actually the warriors, cultivators, witches, and ghosts on the battleship. After all, in the realm of the gods, the strongest combat power is the players themselves."5

"To sum up, even if Huaxia devotes all the forces of the country to the construction, it will take at least six months to complete all the construction. 99

hear the number.

All the executives in the room took a deep breath.

In the end, the big boss nodded and said:

"Okay, let's grit our teeth for six months. Otherwise, the disaster will really come, and the 2 billion people will really be buried!"

Afterwards, he motioned to the staff to send Rose with thorns and Fenghuaxueye to the State Guest House to rest.

Wait for the two to leave.

Next to the conference room, there are experts in psychology, espionage, physiology, language, and nerves in another room.

Came to the conference room.

Every expression, every movement, and every sound of Fenghuaxueyue and Rose Thorn.

It was all played aside for the higher-ups.

Every time a segment is played, there are experts explaining it next to it.

In half an hour.

The expert team leader stood up and reported to the big boss:

"Based on our analysis, we believe that the words of these two men are 98 percent credible.

"The other 2% is to consider the possibility that the two may be hypnotized or psychologically suggested."

"But since both of them are top players in God's Domain, their strength and willpower are not comparable to ordinary people. Therefore, the probability of being hypnotized and psychologically suggested is extremely low."5


Senior national leaders also heard from a number of expert groups.

About recent analysis and research reports on God's Domain.

They all agreed with the plan of the rose with thorns, and believed that as long as it brought enough population to the master of the gods, it could ensure that the normal development of the gods would not be affected.

God's Domain Master should not object to Huaxia's plan to move in in an all-round way.

However, in the future, Huaxia may have to directly accept the management of God's Domain Master.

Of course, the rights of high-level national leaders will be greatly weakened.

This made many high-level executives start drumming in their hearts.

But soon, the calculation and prediction results of the supercomputer came out.

Supercomputing analyzes and studies the performance of most players in China in the recent period of time.

Thinking of what Feng Huaxueyue said, when I returned to Earth recently, I felt upset and felt that danger was coming.

is real.

Almost all high-strength players now have a shorter time to return to Earth.

At the same time, they tried every means to allow their family members and relatives to enter the realm of the gods, and they were all increasing.

That is to say.

He is not alone in feeling the romantic feelings.

It is common among players.

Combined with the dream of roses with thorns, it has become a reality many times.

can be drawn.

The earth will soon be destroyed.

There is a 78% chance of this happening!

Looking at this shocking result, all the high-level people are no longer swayed and shaken.

Early the next morning.

More than six o'clock.

in the National Conference Room.

The high-level executives who stayed up all night finally unanimously passed a major decision that would affect the direction of the entire China, the direction of the entire human race, and even the future development direction of God's Domain.

"At eight o'clock tonight, a press conference will be held to officially announce the plan of the rose with thorns to the whole country!

"In order to prepare the people of the whole country psychologically, I suggest that at 10 o'clock this morning, on the official website of the state, part of the plan will be released in advance.

"Do you agree! 35

The voice of the big boss reverberated in the venue.

It seems to wake up a whole new era.

All the senior executives in the conference room responded in unison:


The staff were like soldiers who heard the Charge.

After hearing the word "agree", he immediately rushed out of the conference room.

He rushed to the office dedicated to publishing news on the country's official website.

At this moment, in the world of gods, Zhou Fangyu has just left the hotel door.

Come to the tarmac of the Dawn spacecraft.

Prepare to take this spaceship to Shenyun Island.

And Huaxia's big boss picked up his favorite brush.

On the rice paper brought by the staff, with strong and powerful brushwork, he wrote a few lines of large characters!

Let the sky fall, save the Chinese people and fall!

Use the national strength to build a project that will shock the world!

Two billion Chinese people will join the battle, and 200 floating giant cities will start in an instant!

Eight million engineers gathered together, 200 floating battleships are waiting!

After writing, the big boss put the pen down, turned around and went to sleep.

He knew that for a long time to come.

You may not be able to really sleep.

Now, while the plan has not yet started, take the time to get one last good night's sleep.

And the few lines he wrote.

As well as China's plan to build floating cities and floating warships across the country.

At this time, it has been announced through the official website of Huaxia National.


When the Dawn spacecraft entered a long flight stage.

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense entered the realm of the gods and came to the earth network, when he planned to release a new round of invitations for new players.

On the official website of Huaxia National, he saw the announcement that shocked him that day.

Huaxia will do its best to build 200 floating giant cities and 200 floating giant ships within 6 months.

to implement this plan.

Starting today, Huaxia will stop all infrastructure projects, stop all entertainment, cultural and entertainment projects, and stop all factory manufacturing.

Suspend the export of all infrastructure materials and industrial manufacturing products, and increase the import of these materials and products.

Within 5 days, Huaxia will organize an infrastructure construction team of 400 million people, an industrial manufacturing team of 200 million people, and 30 million engineering and industrial manufacturing technicians.

Fully invested in this huge, grand, crazy infrastructure project.

Even more astonishing.

All the things built by Huaxia will be sent to the realm of the gods.

Don't leave yourself alone!

When Zhou Fangyu saw the announcement, he immediately thought that all the senior executives of Huaxia were crazy.

I want to contact the teleportation system and refuse to let Huaxia send these large floating battleships and floating cities into God's Domain.

But soon Zhou Fangyu fell into deep thought.

Huaxia's approach made him feel very strange.

But after thinking about it, for him and Divine Realm, there are only advantages but no disadvantages.

And, more importantly.

The construction of such a huge floating city group in Huaxia can completely accommodate the entire population of 2 billion in Huaxia.

They are in God's Domain, and the number of players today is only about 500,000.

With so many floating cities and floating battleships built, who do you want to live and use?!

Could it be that Huaxia really intends to move the whole country into God's Domain?

Zhou Fangyu thought of this.

I was taken aback by my own guess.

Let's not talk about whether he, the ruler of God's Domain, agrees to move the whole country of China into God's Domain.

All of China's 2 billion people plan to move into a "game".

This thing is crazy too!

What did Huaxia think?

Also, there is a question Zhou Fangyu did not find an answer to.

How did Huaxia manage to float such a huge city and warship?

How terrifying and huge energy is needed to make this heavy thing float and fly?

With this one question after another.

Zhou Fangyu immediately returned to the realm of the gods.

He backtracked all the details of what happened in God's Domain recently.

The contents related to floating cities and floating battleships were picked out.

As a new child god.

His control over God's Domain has now reached a very terrifying level.

Go back to the time and space of God's Domain, and filter the details that happened in each God's Domain.

But he can complete it with a single thought.

Of course, the consumption of more than 3,000 divine crystals also shows that this matter is to be realized.

The divine power that needs to be consumed is not something that ordinary gods can afford.

Fortunately, Zhou Fangyu now has a lot of magic crystals, and it is a lot more willful to use.


Zhou Fangyu finally found a clue in the countless details of God's Domain.

For more than two months, Rose has been working on the details of the antigravity device.

About yesterday afternoon, the party of rose thorns and madmen, doctors.

Regarding his taking away a large number of special structures, Rosethorn finds out the details of making anti-gravity equipment.

Regarding the details of the successfully manufactured equipment with rose thorns, he found Feng Hua Xue Yue and persuaded him to go to Hua Xia executives together.

They were all in front of Zhou Fangyu's eyes, and they were played back one by one.

After reading it, Zhou Fangyu was shocked.

The ability of roses with thorns to "predict the future" first surprised him the most.

But after asking about the delivery system.

Zhou Fangyu only knew, but roses with thorns can predict the future.

It's just that her soul was lucky enough to intercept a piece of information about the future time and space during the transmission process.

After that, Zhou Fangyu felt scared for a while.

Because inspired by rose thorns.

He found that he had a serious loophole and problem in calculating the time when the Western Imperial Predatory Group positioned the space-time coordinates of the earth.

The system told him at the time that the looting group could only locate the space-time coordinates of the earth after a year in the gods' world.

He took it for granted that after 100 earth time, the other party could locate the earth's space-time coordinates.

But he forgot that God's Domain time and Earth's time are synchronized.

Every time he adjusts the time of God's Domain, it synchronizes with the main world.

It is equivalent to speeding up the flow of Earth's time by 100 times.

That is to say, unless he will not synchronize the time of God's Domain with the main world in the future.

Otherwise, Earth time will often be accelerated 100 times by him.

And it is impossible for Zhou Fangyu not to adjust the time of God's Domain.

Because he has to enter the realm of the gods often.

In other words, according to the frequency and number of times he has entered the realm of the gods.

The time for the Western Empire's plundering regiments to locate in the earth's space is only one or two years at most.

And in a year or two.

The number and strength of players on Earth are simply not enough to rise to the point where they can directly confront the True God and the Son of God.

So, 1 year later, Zhou Fangyu can even annihilate and defeat that Western Empire raiding group.

Nor can he protect the entire earth from attack.

So, the dream of roses with thorns is real.

According to the development speed of Zhou Fangyu and the earth players today.

In a year or two, the earth will really be destroyed.

Only players on Earth who have entered God's Domain can survive.

Figured this out.

Zhou Fangyu instantly understood what Huaxia executives were doing.

They want to leave a way out for the Chinese people.

They are really planning to move everyone in China into God's Domain.

Although, Zhou Fangyu has always regarded the earth as his back garden.

Always wanted to keep Western raiders out.

Otherwise the earth will be harmed.

But now it seems that it is very difficult to do this.

There is a high probability that the earth will still be attacked.

The earth itself may not disintegrate, but all life on the surface of the earth may become extinct.

In this case, Zhou Fangyu must start thinking about a problem.

Does he want to accept that all human beings on earth will move into the realm of the gods?

At least the Huaxia people have already started to act.

Is he going to accept their national migration?

When Zhou Fangyu started to think about this problem.

He found that he couldn't find any reason to refuse the whole people of China to move into God's Domain.

First of all, in terms of strength, Zhou Fangyu is now a middle-level child god.

He can control everything in his domain at will.

In other words, no matter how many humans there are, they are nothing but leeks that he can suppress with a single thought.


He used to worry that there were too many players on Earth, not enough living space and enough resources to improve their strength.

But now there are floating cities and floating battleships.

Humans can survive in the air and be self-sufficient.

Zhou Fangyu just needs to select the right person from these cities in the sky and continue to play the role of the "God's Domain" gamer.

Just help them improve their strength, that's all.

And the human beings in the God's Domain only need to stay in the God's Domain.

It can bring him more than 10 points of divine income every day.

These magical incomes are free.

Zhou Fangyu didn't have to care about any of their affairs at all.

Instead, these people brought their own built floating cities and floating battleships.

Manage yourself and feed yourself.

Such a good thing, where to find it.

If other gods encounter this kind of thing, it is estimated that they will be crazy.

at last.

Zhou Fangyu is worried that after the strength of the players on Earth skyrockets, various salacious operations will cause damage to the God's Domain.

Rose with thorns also gives a very good ending.

Zhou Fangyu only needs to firmly control the entry and exit control and management rights of the floating city and battleships in his own hands.

The strength of human beings on earth will not appear uncontrollable guarantees.

After all, all the exercises and resources needed to improve strength are in the cities on the ground.

As long as he establishes a divine domain law.

All cultivation resources and exercises are prohibited from entering the floating city and the interior of the battleship.

The strength of human beings on Earth has always been controllable.

On the contrary, because a large number of humans entered the realm of the gods.

Zhou Fangyu also got a swathe of free white labor and talent.

Let's imagine.

Among these human beings, there are not only those who are good at "games", or those who have a high talent for cultivation.

Many of them are amazingly gifted in arts, culture, entertainment, science, management, and more.

Although the world of gods is extremely powerful, its civilization is hundreds of millions of times more than that of the earth.

But it is because everyone here can become a god.

Therefore, most people are superstitious about power, and only focus on the development of culture and careers related to the divine domain and the divine domain race.

On the contrary, there is little research in other disciplines and cultures.

Although human beings on earth are weak, they also have their own unique strengths.

What's more, the human souls on earth are powerful, and they are divine races with high potential.

And there is still no need for Zhou Fangyu to consume divine power himself to catalyze the birth of the god domain race.

Unlike innate races, Zhou Fangyu needs to consume a lot of divine power and divine crystals every time one is born.

For example, the three clans of Qilin, Shenlong, and Phoenix.

It is still in the process of nurturing, and Zhou Fangyu needs to find a large number of divine powers that match their attributes and cultivate them.

to be born early.

Otherwise, they would know that after a long period of time, the three clans would absorb enough divine power to be born.

This is the biggest advantage and bug of the human beings on earth.

They don't need Zhou 590 Fang Yu to pay any price to cultivate.

Instead, it can in turn bring a lot of divine power to Zhou Fangyu every day.

Moreover, they are also versatile, powerful souls, hard-working, and all kinds of show-stopping operations.

Such a good leek... cough cough... It should be such a good God's Domain race.

It's hard to find a lantern!

Think before and after.

Finally, the pros and cons of moving the entire Chinese people into the God's Domain have been thoroughly analyzed.

2 billion bring their own materials, bring their own dry food, and support their own God Realm race.

I begged him, the ruler of the divine realm, to let them enter the divine realm.

Moreover, their strength is now no threat to Zhou Fangyu.

In the future, the stronger they are, the stronger Zhou Fangyu will be.

Always be able to suppress them.

And forever cut their leeks in vain.

Such a good thing, will Zhou Fangyu refuse?

Of course not.

Zhou Fangyu not only did not refuse, but also tried every means to help them realize this plan.

What's more, let people from other countries on earth quietly.

Also know the importance of this.

Let them also learn Huaxia's practice.

Of course, for those countries that don't learn, Zhou Fangyu is too lazy to live with them.

When the earth is really destroyed, let them fend for themselves.

After all, after billions of people entered the realm of God.

With the popularization of floating cities and floating battleships.

The living space of human beings in God's Domain will be greatly expanded.

At that time, Zhou Fangyu only needs to find a way to guide human beings to give birth to a large number of children in the realm of the gods.

Unlike other gods and gods, the race is too powerful, and the reproductive rate is very slow.

Zhou Fangyu plans to make a large number of human beings, who do not practice cultivation at all, stay at the level of ordinary healthy people for a long time.

In this case, their fertility rate will be much higher than other gods' races.


Zhou Fangyu's divine domain will form a huge virtuous circle in the future.

There are powerful "players" on the ground!

They improve their strength, hone their combat power, and fight for Zhou Fangyu in all realms.

Ordinary humans living in the air live a normal life that is similar to that on Earth.

Actively strive to gain access to the ground.

Always be ready to be Zhou Fangyu's chives.

At the same time, maintain a high fertility rate and continuously provide fresh leeks to Zhou Fangyu for selective harvesting.

Then, the other innate races in the God's Domain serve as the sharpening stones and guardians of the human players in the God's Domain.

On the one hand, it puts pressure on human players and makes them crazy to improve their strength.

On the other hand, monitor the player's bad behavior and report it to him, the Lord of God's Domain, at any time.

Thinking about this picture, it is so beautiful that Zhou Fangyu almost jumped up from the seat of the Dawning spacecraft.

Of course, to achieve this picture.

Probably not in a year or two.

The looting group of the Western Empire is still the object that Zhou Fangyu must face and destroy.

After all, there is not just one Earth in Earth's space-time.

What if there is life on other planets.

Even if there is no other life, there are still a lot of resources and minerals that can be mined and used.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu will never give up the earth time and space.

Moreover, he now has to formulate a new plan for the Western raiders.

The first step of this plan is to let more human beings on earth consciously start to build floating cities and floating warships as soon as possible.

Then move in as many human beings as possible and enter the realm of the gods.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu grinned wickedly.

Talking about fooling leeks and cutting leeks.

He is an expert now.

But after thinking about it, he already had a plan to make the whole earth build wildly and move into the realm of the gods.

But just when Zhou Fangyu was thinking about perfecting this plan with great excitement.

Violent vibrations from the body.

Suddenly he woke up.

Zhou Fangyu felt that the divine sense was drawn from the divine domain.

When he opened his eyes, he found the hall.

Keisha and the other two true gods are gone.

And the hull of the Dawning battleship is showing an incomparably terrifying magnitude.

Perform vigorous shaking and rocking.

It was as if it was under an extremely strong attack and could be shot down at any time.

You must know that at this time, the Dawn is above the altitude of 10,000 meters.

If this really falls to the sea with the spacecraft.

Even with Zhou Fangyu's current physical fitness.

It was also a result of serious injury or even death.

Thinking of this situation, Zhou Fangyu quickly jumped up from his seat.

I rushed to the fully transparent porthole to check the situation outside the spacecraft.

Seeing this, Zhou Fangyu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The scene outside the window was too terrifying.

Let him for a while, even a little unbelievable, and even wonder if he is still in a dream!

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