In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 131: The secret of the earth's time and space! 【For subscription, please customize】\r

12:30 noon.

A huge conference room.

More than 20 heads of state have gathered.

They are discussing something urgently at the moment.

"Don't you see it clearly? The Dragon Kingdom already has the world's leading technology, and is ready for the whole people to move into the God's Domain."

"We can't just sit back and wait. We must act now, let the Dragon Kingdom and their anti-gravity equipment, and tell us why they suddenly made such a big move!! 99

The new head of the world's first great power, DeWalt, shouted in the venue.

The others loudly supported: "That's right, we must let Long Guo explain clearly.

The reason why these people are so ~ Qi...heart.

Precisely because of the few announcements Dragon Kingdom just made this morning.

They will use the power of the whole country to build 200 floating cities and 200 floating warships.

Imagine that a city capable of carrying a population of 10 million can float in the air and fly freely.

What a powerful and scary technology this is.

In half a year, 200 such giant cities will be built.

In addition, 200 500,000-ton floating warships will be built.

The amount of work and the speed of construction have made the scalps of countries around the world tingling.

DeWalt saw that everyone at the scene supported his view.

He gave a sneer:

"It's very clear now."

"They must have discovered some shocking secret."

"We must obtain the specifics and contents of this secret, and at the same time obtain the anti-gravity equipment technology that is almost a floating city. Otherwise, the rest of the world will be completely left behind by them."5

One of the countries raised questions at this time, saying:

"We already know what you said."

"But a few months ago, countries jointly threatened the Dragon Kingdom because of the number of players in "God's Domain".

"But the Dragon Kingdom still hasn't surrendered, what should we do this time? 99

DeWalt sneered:

"Last time, the reason why the Dragon Kingdom refused to accept the softness was because they also had their own bombs and were not afraid of our threats.

"At the same time, they have the highest number and strength of "God's Domain" players."

"So, they're not afraid of us at all."

"But this time is different, we are not threatening the Dragon Kingdom at all, but tying up the entire Earth and bringing them back to the negotiating table.

Another head of state questioned: "Tie the whole earth? How?""

Then, his pupils suddenly dilated and he asked:

"You don't want to use the means of destroying and destroying the whole world to threaten the Dragon Kingdom, right?"

DeWalt sneered:

"That's right, if we detonate our own country's weapons together, the whole earth will be over.

"I believe that with this threat, Long Guo will definitely return to the negotiating table.

A head of state slapped the case and said furiously:

"I do not agree with this plan. Once this plan is launched, the entire human race will be in danger. 35

Another head of state also said gloomily:

"I don't agree with this plan either, the Dragon Kingdom is still relatively easy to communicate with. 35

"I think it's possible to reach out to them and build a partnership for our purposes.

"Instead of choosing this extreme way, go crazy with all mankind."

At this time, the head of state who supported DeWalt the most also stated:

"We don't agree with the plan either, it's too dangerous.

"I suggest that now we can jointly issue a statement asking them to explain to us clearly why they are carrying out this huge plan.

"I believe that since the Dragon Kingdom dares to announce it to the world, it will not hide it."

Although all the countries present were afraid of the Dragon Kingdom, it was impossible for them to agree to such a crazy plan, so they expressed their opposition.

But at this moment, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on DeWart's face.

"All the soldiers come in and understand to surround this venue."

DeWalt gave a loud shout.

A group of soldiers suddenly rushed in, armed with weapons, and guarded all the heads of state present.

One of the strongest heads of state, despite being held at the head with a gun, roared:

"Dewart, are you crazy, are you going to be the enemy of the world?'

DeWalt sneered:

"No, I am only protecting the interests of my country.95

"Now, on behalf of your country, you must sign my plan.

At this time, a head of state suddenly stood up and wanted to rush over and grab DeWart.

But the soldier next to him immediately shot him in the thigh.

Knock it to the ground.

This man is also hard-boned, and even endured the severe pain, he yelled at DeWart:

"You lunatic, you want to destroy the world!

DeWalt sneered: "You're right, but you can't stop me."

Then, he turned around and told the staff around him:

"Go and get the cooperation agreement I drafted immediately. Let all these guys sign it. If you don't want to sign, just grab their hand and let them sign it."

"In addition, in the name of these people, issue a statement to their country, announcing that their country has entered a state of war, time, and state, so that these leaders have the right to control the bombing.

When the staff member heard such amazing news, his face was numb, and there was no expression of shock or resistance at all.

He replied numbly: "Okay, Your Excellency."

Then, he turned around and prepared to go out to get the alliance agreement prepared in advance.

But just as he was about to open the door and walk out of the conference room.

A huge force suddenly slammed into the entire gate from the outside.

Directly knocked the staff out.

"What do you bastards want to do? It seems that without my leadership, Li Jian Kingdom is still not good!

With this loud drink, one was left with a partial score, and his body was full of tendons, sons, and flesh.

Except for the wrinkles on his face, the strong man who looked like a young man walked into the conference room.

And behind him was a middle-aged man with white hair, but agile skills and a ghostly face.

"Yeah, I've only been away from Twitter for a few days. You young people, are you like destroying everything in the country?"

These two weird Lebanese people who look both old and young.

It is the old partners - the Twitter master and the old bridge.

The two have just entered the conference room.

He was mad at the people on the scene.

The heads of several other countries were overjoyed when they saw the two of them suddenly appear.

Knowing that his little life was saved today.

No need to sign your own name on that damn crazy plan.

The Twitter expert looked at the soldiers in the conference room at this time, and said extremely tyrannically:

"I now order you all to put down your weapons and go out immediately."

DeWalt next to him did not speak, but the general who came in at the lead retorted:

"Twitter, you're not the president anymore. Why do you order my soldiers!""

The Twitter master punched the wall beside him, knocking one of the walls down.

Then, he said arrogantly:

"Just because I'm a former president and can run over everyone in the room with one finger.

"General Wentz, is this a good reason?"

"Also, we have sent someone to rescue your family members who were kidnapped.

"So, you can disobey this idiot DeWalt's orders."

General Wentz breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, he looked at the collapsed wall and the trembling load-bearing column beside him, and murmured:

"Why wasn't I the one who entered the realm of the gods!

"All soldiers, leave the conference room immediately!"

With a wave of his hand, Wentz directly pulled the soldiers out of the conference room.

"DeWalt, you don't have my family as a threat anymore. I hope you do it yourself!

After General Wentz finished speaking, he went straight out.

But before he reached the door of the conference room.

A terrifying black energy suddenly filled the entire conference room.

"Hahaha, none of you want to leave alive today.

DeWart burst into a frantic laugh.

Then, countless black demonic energy emerged from the body, and the height and size of the whole person suddenly increased by three or four times, becoming a terrifying giant several meters high.

Then, he frantically grabbed the head of the Japanese country.

Throw it in your mouth, chew it twice, and eat it.

The Twitter master and Laoqiao looked solemn at this moment, looking at the monster in front of them.

"The mission released by the Lord of God's Domain was really not so easy to complete.

The Twitter master said to the old bridge.

Laoqiao said helplessly:

"Who knows? The tasks of this God's Domain have all been sent to reality. I still feel like I'm dreaming!

The twitter master laughed and said:

"I told you a long time ago that life is like a dream, a dream is like life, God's Domain is a game, and reality is not a game.

While the two were chatting.

The violent Dewalt has already rushed towards the two of them.

The terrifying roar shattered the glass of the entire venue directly.

It's a pity that both Twitter and Laoqiao are no ordinary 70-year-olds now.

One of them is a martial artist at the middle level of the Immortal Martial Realm, and the other is Bai Wuchang at the beginning level of the Immortal Martial Realm.

In the realm of the gods, it is true to the hard steel on the front of the Demon Flood Dragon.

In front of this violent version of DeWart, they couldn't scare them at all.

The two have a clear division of labor, and the Twitter master rushed up, and it was a savage charge against DeWart.

Hit him directly on the conference table behind him.

Then, Laoqiao came up to make up for the knife, and with a hook and soul, he pulled Dewalt's soul directly out of his body.

But it was unexpected.

After the soul left the body, this DeWalter not only did not stop moving.

Instead, it became more violent.

The black-magic energy on his body surged frantically again.

Soon, the whole person swelled to a height of more than ten meters.

The large conference room with a ceiling as high as 20 meters turned out to be a little short.

The Twitter master and Laoqiao all looked at each other when they saw this situation.

What kind of monster is this Ni Ma?

In short, certainly not human.

The two rushed up, one frantically using martial artist skills, the other frantically using Nether Race skills.

Bombing against monsters.

Soon, this seemingly incomparably terrifying monster was still getting weaker and weaker under their attack.

In the end, the demonic energy on his body was completely dissipated.

DeWalt's body also returned to a normal state.

At this time, Laoqiao put DeWart's soul back into his body.

"Uh, Twitter? Old Bridge? Why are you here?"

DeWart reopened his eyes and looked at the old bridge and the Twitter master in front of him in confusion.

"Am I not on vacation in my own manor? Why am I in the conference room? Why are the heads of these countries there? Why is this conference room so dilapidated? 35

DeWalt's series of questions.

It made Laoqiao and Twitter experts a little confused.

"I remember this guy going on vacation to the manor three or four days ago. Why is his memory still stuck at that time?"

Laoqiao asked solemnly.

The Twitter expert next to him shrugged, "Although I understand everything, I have to say that I really don't understand the task released by the God's Domain Master this time.

Just then, DeWart got up from the ground.

His clothes were completely torn.

"Hey, who can get me a suit, how come this suit is all in pieces. 35

At this moment, the Twitter master suddenly shouted:

"DeWalt, when did you put that thing on your chest. 35

I saw that under the clothes fragments, Dewalt's chest could be faintly seen.

With a strange black necklace.

"Oh, you said this. It was given to me by a nephew of mine. 95

DeWalt explained:

"My nephew is an archaeologist, and he found this from an ancient temple. Ordinary people can bring it to refresh their minds and prolong their life."

"After I took it, I did feel that I had experienced a lot more."

"I always carry it. 39

The twitter master said solemnly:

"When did your nephew give you this?"

"Three months ago!" DeWart said.

The Twitter master and Laoqiao looked at each other.

Laoqiao is not sure:

"At that time, it seemed that "God's Domain" had just appeared. 39

"I felt a very evil aura from this necklace.

"It's just like the breath we felt when we went to a different time and space to conquer the demons there when we participated in the dungeon (Qi Han army) of the "War of the Gods."35

The Twitter master said solemnly.

But soon, he laughed again.

"Whatever it is! Anyway, now that we have completed the task, we should quickly bring this necklace back to God's Domain and receive the exciting and exciting task reward."9

"As for this necklace, it's better to leave it to the Lord of God's Domain for a headache."

"As for the mess here, Laoqiao, do you want to stay and clean it up?

Old Bridge took off the necklace from Dewalt's chest and carefully put it away.

"I won't stay. I guess this chain is a very important thing, and if you hand it over to a high-level NPC, you can definitely get more rewards.

Twitter geek exclaimed:

"Okay, Laoqiao. You're so rude. You want to take advantage of it."

The two ran one by one and chased after each other, and soon left the State House, then went home each, and entered the realm of the gods to hand in the mission.

Just stay in the conference room.

Dewalt, who was full of confusion, and a group of heads of countries who looked at him with anger.

・For flowers・

after an hour.

The heads of Western countries jointly issued a statement that shocked the world.

First, President DeWart resigned from the presidency due to physical and physical reasons, and was temporarily replaced by the Vice President.

Second, the world's largest heads of more than 20 countries.

Jointly apply for a visit to Longguo, and communicate with Longguo about matters related to the recent large-scale construction plan of Longguo.

Countries expressed that they want to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom while helping the Dragon Kingdom complete this great construction project.

I also hope that the Dragon Kingdom can assist them with related technologies and talents.

Help them start the same build.

The Dragon Country Government-Government responded quickly, welcoming the heads of these countries to visit the Dragon Country.

At the same time, Long Guo said that he deliberately helped some countries in technology, but manpower and material resources would never help.

The meaning is obvious, I can give you some technical products.

Let you also know the floating city.

But if you want us to help you build, no way!!

Immediately after, other countries around the world sent applications to Longguo to visit the country one after another.

Finally, there are over 180 countries and the earth that apply to visit the Dragon Country.

The Longguo government-government sees so many heads of state coming.

Simply do not separate reception.

It was directly decided that two days later, that is, the day when a large number of new players entered God's Domain.

Hold a Dragon Country Global Summit in Dragon Country.

At this conference, the Dragon Kingdom will receive the heads of various countries in a unified manner.

At the same time, they announced the real reason for the sudden large-scale infrastructure construction in the Dragon Kingdom.

After the netizens of Longguo saw the news.

All boiled.

Some people even dubbed this summit as "the coming of all nations"!

Everyone believed that after this summit.

The status and influence of the Dragon Kingdom in the world.

Not only can it be restored to the peak of the Han and Tang Dynasties.

It will even far surpass the Han and Tang Dynasties and truly become the world's "celestial kingdom"!

Right here on Earth, when the wind and clouds are turning upside down.

At this time, the divine sense had returned to Zhou Fangyu in the divine domain.

In his hand is a Twitter expert and Laoqiao, a black necklace that has just been handed in.


lost in thought.

The sudden appearance of Twitter geeks and Old Bridge at the State House.

And the leaders of various countries will jointly visit the Dragon Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom will hold a global summit.

These things, of course, were guided and planned by Zhou Fangyu, who was hiding behind the scenes.

From him, through the Internet, he invaded the monitoring equipment of the national building.

After discovering the madness that DeWalt called the leaders of the twenty countries and planned to destroy the whole world.

Zhou Fangyu immediately arranged for the high-level puppets in God's Domain.

I found two people on Twitter and Laoqiao.

Post them the relevant tasks.

Let them rescue the heads of nations, and at the same time abolish DeWalter!

At the beginning.

Laoqiao and Twitter masters are dumbfounded.

They are all fighting monsters and leveling up in God's Domain, how did they expect to receive such a task related to the real world.

Is this still a game?

Both of them had this question in their minds at the same time.

But soon, in the face of the amazing and generous rewards given by the high-level dolls.

They left the question out of the blue.

Is God's Domain a game, and does it really matter?

As long as "God's Domain" can always revive players, improve players' strength, and improve players' lifespan...

"God's Domain" is the best game in the world.

Therefore, the two of them soon left the realm of the gods and came to the country house.

Next, the scene where the two of them joined forces to beat the monster that DeWalt had transformed into just now happened.

At the same time, Zhou Fangyu also saw this scene.

This made Zhou Fangyu who originally thought that the plan to destroy the world was just a matter of Dewalt's personal ambition.

Instantly became alert.

How could an ordinary earth human have such terrifying energy.

Afterwards, after Old Bridge and the Twitter masters resolved DeWalter.

The heads of twenty countries in the State Building plan to jointly visit the Dragon Country.

Zhou Fangyu originally wanted to let Long Guo lead and lead the world, embark on the road of comprehensive infrastructure construction and the whole people to move into the God's Domain.

Of course this opportunity cannot be missed.

He immediately released relevant tasks to the Dragon Country players.

Let them look for the wind, flower, snow moon and rose with thorns who have never entered the realm of the gods.

Let them and the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom accept the plan of the leaders of the twenty countries to visit the Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time, when receiving the leaders of the Twenty Nations, they will be informed of the dangers that will happen to the earth in the future.

Force these leaders to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom to carry out the work of national infrastructure and relocation.

But what Zhou Fangyu didn't expect was.

After he returned to God's Domain from Earth.

Driven by the collective visit of the heads of twenty of the most powerful countries in the world to the Dragon Country.

The heads of all other countries in the world have all requested to visit the Dragon Country.

And Longguo also took advantage of the trend to hold the global summit.

A wave of modern versions of "All countries come to Korea".

at this time.

Zhou Fangyu is holding DeWalt's black necklace.

Feel the breath on your face.

This necklace is a "rich" reward for the high-level doll, just exchanged from Laoqiao and Twitter masters.

Those so-called rewards, in Zhou Fangyu's eyes, were nothing but small things worth hundreds of divine crystals.

But in the eyes of Twitter experts and Laoqiao, it is an incomparably rich reward.

This is the dimensionality reduction blow of high dimensions to low-dimensional civilizations.

If a high-dimensional civilization takes a glass ball, it can be exchanged for the gold of a low-latitude civilization.

"The teleportation system, why are there items with demonic aura on the earth.

"Also, I am very familiar with the aura of this demon."

"It's almost exactly the same as the aura on the demon named Abomination I met when I first went to the Demon Hunting Bureau."

"It's just that the breath on this necklace is much weaker and weaker.

Zhou Fangyu asked the teleportation system in his mind.

The prompt sound of the teleportation system immediately sounded in Zhou Fangyu's mind.

But after listening to the answer from the delivery system.

In Zhou Fangyu's heart, he immediately turned upside down.

The space-time plane where the earth is located is not as simple as it seems.

Why is the human soul so powerful?

Why has the earth time and space never been discovered by people in the world of gods and demons?

Why did this black necklace appear mysteriously after Zhou Fangyu's divine domain was linked to the earth's time and space?

Why did the Western Plunderer Group suddenly discover the Earth's time and space, and in just one year, they were able to accurately locate it here?

One mystery after another.

In the answer of the teleportation system, the outermost layer of fog was gradually cleared away.


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