In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 136: The most luxurious case-solving team in history was established! 【Subscribe, customize】

Zhou Fangyu looked to the side again.

The list of experts who solved the case just released by artificial intelligence.

Among them, the name of the first person.

Astonishingly, it is the earth that no one knows, no one ~ does not know——

Han mud pull!

That's right, the one who is knowledgeable, suave, and seemingly harmless...

But in fact, it kills and kills countless people, and has some kind of peculiar food love-good...

Dr. Han Niba, known as one of the strongest serial killers!

to be frank.

Even with Zhou Fangyu's current strength, he could kill Han Nipu with a single finger.

But after seeing this guy's name, he still felt a chill running down his spine.

When I saw Han Niba appeared in the list of the expert team to solve the case.

Zhou Fangyu first wondered if the artificial intelligence was crazy.

He checked quickly.

There is nothing wrong with finding artificial intelligence.

The real problem is that in the screening conditions he set, there is no provision that murderers and criminals cannot run for election.

Check out this guy's profile on Han Niba.

Top psychologist, top criminal psychologist, top human physiologist (Khan), top trace expert, top logic expert...

There are four or five doctorates alone.

There are more than a dozen master's degrees.

Moreover, after he was put in prison, he has not been idle.

He once used his knowledge and talent to help the police capture more than 30 serial killers.

Except he is a serial killer, and has a special love for food.

Hanniba's information!

Definitely a model resume of the strongest case-solving expert.

"Well, it seems that this guy does have a strong ability in solving cases, and artificial intelligence is not wrong. 35

"But isn't he in prison? Why is he able to surf the Internet and send declaration information to the official website of the Age of Gods?"

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense, moving fast in the Internet.

Soon all the information related to Han Niba was found out.

That's right, Han Nibal is still serving his sentence in a secret prison in America.

But in this prison, Han Ni has no freedom except for the removal, and the quality of life in other aspects is the top.

Even more than many ordinary little rich.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the declaration information can be sent online.

Zhou Fangyu was completely convinced when he saw this situation.

Countless crimes in a lifetime.

In prison, he was so handsome.

This Han Niba is truly a winner in life!

After reading all the information of Han Niba.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while.

It was decided to keep the position of Han Niba in the expert group.

after all.

The person who can kill the most should also be the person who can solve the murder case best.

And Han Niba is very knowledgeable.

Involved in murder knowledge, he is proficient in almost all.

With his presence, I think the efficiency of solving the case by myself can indeed improve a lot.

at this time!

Zhou Fangyu once again opened the list of the 8-person case-solving expert team just selected.

1. Han Niba: Top serial killer, first in comprehensive case-solving strength

2. Li Changyu: top forensics expert, criminal trace master

3. Duanmu Hongyu: Top Criminal Investigation Expert, Negotiation Expert

4. Guan Hongfeng: top criminal investigation expert and interrogation expert

5. Fang Mu: top criminal psychology expert, psychological profiler

6. Qin Ming: top forensic, criminal trace expert

7. Fu Ermos: Top detective, expert in logical reasoning

8. Yao Xuechen: top micro-expression expert, interrogation expert

Zhou Fangyu looked up at the names of case-solving experts and famous detectives.

I can't help but feel excited and excited!

There are these people to help themselves.

Zhou Fangyu can definitely become the strongest case-solving master in the world of gods!

Solving the disappearance and death case of Podos in one day is not a piece of cake.

At that time, not only can he be in front of big men like Sima Yun and Gabriel.

Pretend to be a force...ahem, it should be a full display of personal ability.

Lay a good environment for yourself to participate in the adventure activities on Shenyun Island this time.

more importantly.

You can also easily get the three treasures of the angel family who are rewarded by the Holy Son of the Holy See.

And Zhou Fangyu needs to pay.

It is just for these eight case-solving experts, who have already obtained more than 13,000 criminal investigation talents, one of which is the qualification to enter the realm of the gods.

At most, that is, to provide some more to the eight case-solving experts.

It seemed insignificant to him.

But in the eyes of the earth players, it is an extremely rich reward.

It's a pretty good deal, isn't it?

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu's idea of ​​cutting leeks instantly opened up a lot.

In the past, he only regarded Earth players as ordinary leeks that improved the strength of God's Domain and provided a large amount of divine power and divine crystals every day.

But think about it now.

But the earth has developed its own unique civilization.

is a very mature society.

There is a lot of technology and talent in it.

In the world of gods, it does not exist at all, or is very despised by people.

But in some special cases, or special circumstances.

But can play a very important role.

Zhou Fangyu now holds the entire earth's human resources.

Harvest them just like normal leeks.

That would be too low-end and simplistic.

Give full play to the unique advantages of human civilization on earth.

In the world of gods, create greater benefits and benefits for yourself.

This is what high-end leek cutters should do!

Figured this out.

Zhou Fangyu's thoughts were instantly opened.

It seems that in the future, there will be more to discover, those unique talents on the earth.

Let their talents, with the help of my hand, be carried forward in the world of gods.

This is a shameless leek cutting expert...

Ahem, this is a capitalist...

Cough, cough, this time is a messenger of cross-border civilization dissemination, a great cause that should be unremittingly working hard for a lifetime!

Just when Zhou Fangyu was looking forward to how to cut leeks better in the future.

In addition to more than 13,000 criminal investigation talents.

The other 17.88 million new players have also been screened.

Zhou Fangyu briefly checked.

No problems were found.

The list was immediately announced on the official website.

At the same time, it was announced that new players can enter "God's Domain" at any time.

No more waiting until 12 am.

Moreover, this time new players enter the game.

There are two more races to choose from.

They are the Houtu clan and the Dijiang clan of the Wu clan.

So far, the race of Earth players in God's Domain.

It has expanded to the human race, the twelve tribes of the witch race, and the ten tribes of the nether race.

It can be said that it is a very large and rich God's Domain race.

After the official website announcement.

Zhou Fangyu asked for an artificial intelligence program.

According to the address filled in in the declaration of 17.9 million new players.

A tin box was sent to each of them.

That's right.

This time, new players will no longer receive so-called game equipment such as "game helmets" and "game bins".

Zhou Fangyu is also too lazy to reproduce these complicated things.

He directly sent a box to each player.

Tell them that as long as you open it, you can directly enter the "God's Domain" game.

In any case, it is the teleportation system that truly transmits their souls into the Divine Realm.

The so-called gaming device is nothing but a deceit.

Those who believe in this thing, just give him an electronic laser pointer, and they also believe that it is a quantum virtual game console.

If you don't believe it, you just make him a large quantum collider.

He is also just a toy.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu absolutely kept things simple this time.

That box is a miniature time-space gate of the teleportation system.

With this thing, players on Earth can enter the realm of the gods.

After the official website of the Age of Gods announced the list of the latest batch of players.

There was an uproar on Earth for a while.

Countless selected people were ecstatic and cheered.

And those who were not chosen were discouraged and devastated.

The global influence of "God's Domain" cannot be measured by a game for a long time.

This is the ladder of human evolution and promotion.

Countless human beings hope to rely on "God's Domain" to get rid of their current fate and shackles.

Evolve into a new, stronger, longer-lived new life.

"God's Domain" has also become the belief of countless people.

Not being able to enter the realm of the gods is a disaster for many people.

at this time.

The Dragon Kingdom government stood up.

Once again announced their large-scale infrastructure plans.

It can be installed in a floating city of 2 billion people, and can connect 200 floating warships in 200 floating cities.

Once the construction is successful, and all are sent to the realm of the gods.

Then it is enough to make the dragon, the country, the whole country and the people migrate into the realm of the gods.

In this way, the Dragon Kingdom showed the superiority of the Dragon Kingdom to the whole world.

Everyone is guessing.

Is it possible for the Dragon Kingdom to obtain the permission of the Lord of the Divine Realm?

Will the Lord of God's Domain really agree to let the whole country of Dragon Kingdom move into God's Domain?!

At this time, no one knew this.

But the heads of nearly 200 countries in the world have all rushed to the Dragon Country today.

After Zhou Fangyu announced the list of new players.

The Dragon Kingdom held a special summit meeting of world leaders in the country, the country, the big meeting and the hall.

Unified received the heads of these countries.

The head of the Dragon Kingdom, in the conference room, secretly made a 2-hour speech to the global head.

Because this meeting is highly confidential.

Therefore, the content of the speech is unknown to outsiders.

But from that night, the heads of state held a state banquet in the Dragon Kingdom.

One after another to please and curry favor with the head of the Dragon Kingdom.

Kneeling and licking the heads of large-scale infrastructure projects such as Longguofeng, Flowers, Snows, Moons, and Roses with thorns.

It even gave up countless benefits and benefits, and wanted to exchange a series of behaviors for the anti-gravity equipment technology of the Dragon Country.

People in all countries in the world know something.

The earth has entered the era of national infrastructure, and is preparing to enter the era of God's Domain.

Which country was the first to move all people into the realm of the gods!

Which country can become the future co-lord of mankind!

In this regard, the Dragon Kingdom has undoubtedly occupied the right time, place and people!

Therefore, most countries now begin to kneel and lick the Dragon Kingdom.

In short, this global summit, dubbed "The DPRK of All Nations".

When a large number of new players enter the realm of the gods.

Closed successfully!

Since then, the earth has entered a new stage in which the kingdom of the gods controls everything, and the dragon country leads the world.

And at a time when the earth is undergoing tremendous changes.

Zhou Fangyu didn't care about these human behaviors at all.

It doesn't matter who is the leader among the leeks!

As long as this leading leek helps him manage other leeks.

If it's not good, he will naturally change people.

at this time.

The thing Zhou Fangyu cares most about is the 13,000 criminal investigation talents he selected.

Especially the eight case-solving experts.

Appropriate will enter the realm of God.

Fortunately, these people didn't make him wait too long.

More than three hours after the list was posted.

More than 13,000 criminal investigation-related talents have all entered the world of God's Domain.

At the same time, those 8 Zhou Fangyu's most optimistic case-solving experts.

They have also chosen their own race of birth and entered the world of God's Domain.

As the ruler of the divine realm, Zhou Fangyu's divine sense locked onto these eight people at the moment they appeared.

What surprised Zhou Fangyu was.

8 people inside.

Except that Han Niba chose the impermanence of the Nether tribe.

Only Fu Ermos chose the Jumang family of wood attributes.

And this guy chose this race entirely because the Jumang family can stimulate the rapid growth of plants.

And he likes to smoke and race a kind of hemp, hemp tobacco.

Just use this ability.

Seeing that these 8 people have all entered the realm of the gods, Zhou Fangyu moved his spiritual thoughts.

Immediately there were several high-end dolls prepared in advance.

I came to these 8 people respectively, and posted a strange task to them.

"Hello, God's Domain has recently opened a new large-scale continuous mission."

"After accepting the mission, players can get rich rewards by solving some strange cases in different time and space planes.

"For example, you can use the Evil Dao upgrade method to instantly upgrade all the required exercises and medicine pills to the Immortal Martial Realm."

"For example, precious divine crystals, equipment, and magic weapons!"

"Even, to help you resurrect someone you love the most."

"May I ask if you are willing to accept this mission!

have to say.

For Zhou Fangyu, who is omnipotent relative to human evolution.

These 8 experts in solving crimes.

There was no resistance at all in front of him.

Because, although they are super capable of solving cases.

But everyone has their own weaknesses and desires.

And Zhou Fangyu, the Lord of the Divine Realm, can easily fulfill their wishes.

Therefore, it is also inevitable that these case-solving experts will not obey.

Of course, among the 8 people, there is also a person who is not easy to deal with.

That is Hanniba.

Everything Zhou Fangyu can provide, this guy can achieve by his own means.

He is almost invincible.

But in the end, Zhou Fangyu found something he couldn't achieve.

That's excitement and passion!

In the environment of the earth, Han Niba has reached the peak of human intelligence, wisdom, emotional intelligence and ability.

He can easily achieve anything he wants to do.

Like his special food hobby.

But this also made Han Niba lose interest in life.

Because, there is nothing on earth that can arouse his strong craving.

This is why Han Niba has always wanted to come to the Divine Realm.

The key reason for this legendary and incredibly magical game.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu commanded the high-level puppet and promised Han Niba.

After successfully completing the case-solving mission.

It allows him to see a very exciting and new world.

Get a horror challenge like never before.

Han Niba quickly accepted the task of solving the case.

And Zhou Fangyu's promise to give Han Niba the stimulation was very simple.

What are Chi people!

The world of gods controls the heavens and the world.

The number of races there, the types of life, and the living environment vary greatly.

Don't say it's a human being, it's a life you can't imagine.

There are infinite.

Zhou Fangyu controlled the puppet and told Han Niba that only he could complete the task of solving the case.

In the future, I will take him to eat all over the heavens and the world.

to be honest.

Han Niba is a standard foodie.

It's just that his courage in this regard is beyond the limits of human imagination and endurance.

That's why he became a demon!

In short, after Han Niba accepted the task of solving the case.

Zhou Fangyu's case-solving team was officially established.

The eight members of the case-solving expert team were invited into a special small room by high-level puppets.

This small room was specially built for them by Zhou Fangyu using his divine power.

There is a whole set of holographic projection equipment inside.

The video that Zhou Fangyu can see in the main world can be seen by these 8 people at the same time.

360 degrees without dead ends to show to the 8-person case-solving expert team.

In this way, the 8-person case-solving expert team can follow Zhou Fangyu's first point of view.

Watch the scene of the case, as well as the files and archives of various cases.

Of course, these case-solving experts will only regard this as a game task.

Will not know, all the images and videos they see.

It is what the mysterious and powerful ruler of the gods sees in the gods world.

At the same time, these case-solving experts can also use this set of projection equipment to form a "prestige group" that can communicate freely


What they say will be automatically recorded in this group.

The other 7 people and Zhou Fangyu can watch it freely.

And these functions are all to enable them to help Zhou Fangyu complete the whole process of solving the case in real time.


The room where these 8 people are located is also connected to a large forensic identification center.

There are 13,000 criminal investigators on call.

It contains the most advanced criminal investigation technology equipment and instruments that Zhou Fangyu brought from the earth.

It can carry out all trace identification, physical evidence identification, forensic identification, handwriting identification, DNA identification, fingerprint identification, etc. known to the earth civilization.

These equipment and instruments and 13,000 criminal investigation talents.

Will become the auxiliary force of the 8-person expert group.

Help them do all the work that requires scientific instruments and equipment.

When all 8 case-solving experts entered their room and figured out all the functions of this room.

After having the support force behind them.

Even the old criminal investigators who have countless experience in solving cases have to sigh with emotion that the means of Dominion of God's Domain are too amazing.

Even the task of solving a crime in a game is so large and high-level.

Solving the case in such an environment is for them, the veteran case-solving experts.

Simply a treat.

And now, what they need, of course, is a case that is bizarre and interesting enough.

Let them have a go.

Zhou Fangyu saw that his team of case-solving experts was all in place.

Naturally, they will not be left idle all the time.

Look at the time.

At this time, six or seven hours have passed since he entered the realm of the gods.

It is equivalent to three or four minutes elapsed in reality.

With the world's strongest case-solving team as the backing.

Now, he can't wait to solve the case of Podos' disappearance and murder.

First, adjust the time of God's Domain to be synchronized with the main world.

Then, Zhou Fangyu left the realm of gods instantly and returned to the world of gods.

But at the moment he appeared in the world of gods.

A pair of very soft unidentified objects.

Just hit him in the face.

It made Zhou Fangyu go back a few steps before regaining his footing.

Wait until he sees what just hit him in the face.

Zhou Fangyu felt like his whole body was on fire.

The whole person's soul is out of the body, squeaking and humming, unable to say a word for a long time.


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