In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 145: No one sleeps tonight and the mysterious operation of sand sculpture players! 【Subscrib

Zhou Fangyu took the three treasures of the angel family that Kaisha handed over.

The surfaces of these three objects are all covered by a layer of fine white light.

It looks very beautiful.

"These three treasures are powerful divine realm props that are rarely passed down by our angel family.

Keisha looked at Zhou Fangyu holding the three treasures and couldn't put it down.

He smiled and introduced these three things to him.

"This one is a powerful divine domain prop unique to our angel race."

"Angel Reincarnation Pond!

Kaisha picked up a prop in the shape of a pool in Zhou Fangyu's hand.

"Put this item into the temple of God's Domain."

"You can make your own god's realm, the strength of the god's realm race that exceeds the first level of Xianwu, and the level of belief in you, reaching the level of a mad believer.

"Enter this reincarnation pool and bathe in the water of faith.

"Then you will be reborn and become a powerful angel family. Moreover, the strength can be directly promoted from the fairyland to the human fairyland.""

Zhou Fangyu's eyes lit up when he heard Kaisha's introduction.

This Angel Reincarnation Pond is simply too perverted.

Not only can the ordinary race be transformed into a very powerful angel family.

It is even more able to make the race of the gods in the immortal and martial realm directly promoted to the human fairyland.

In Zhou Fangyu's Divine Realm today, there are 220 Earth players who have reached the Immortal Martial Realm.

Among them, there are only 600,000 to 700,000 players of the ordinary human race.

If there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of these human players, they will be reincarnated as angels.

All achievements in Wonderland strength.

That Zhou Fangyu, the gods below the high-level true immortals, is an invincible existence.

But a pity.

There are still too many restrictions in this Angel Reincarnation Pool.

First of all, become his fanatic, which 99% of human players can't do.

You've seen someone who plays a game and becomes a game boss, or a fanatic of game characters.

Even now, many people no longer regard "God's Domain" as a game.

But the human history of science on Earth spans hundreds of years.

Religious and theological beliefs have long been wiped out.

Except for a few crazy believers.

Most normal humans would never become fanatics of a god at all.

That is to say.

It is estimated that only a small number of players can pass through the Angel Reincarnation Pool and become the gods.

Of course, this is not a big problem for Zhou Fangyu.

After all, he is now the ruler of the God Realm, and there are actually many admirers on the earth.

And there are not many others on earth, just enough people.

Among the tens of billions of human beings, some people who worship Zhou Fangyu madly can always be found.

Moreover, players who passed the test of Angel Reincarnation Pool.

How else could they be absolutely loyal to Zhou Fangyu.

597 In this way, Zhou Fangyu, a player who can become an angel, can treat the innate God Realm race as if it were a race.

Let them join their own guards and become the guardians of the prehistoric gods.

more importantly.

As long as there are more than 1,000 such players, after turning around, they will be able to bring 1,000 masters of Wonderland to Zhou Fangyu immediately.

This is a huge help and benefit to Zhou Fangyu's strength improvement.

At this time, Kaisha smiled and introduced the second treasure of the angel family to Zhou Fangyu.

"This second treasure - angel wings!

"It's an auxiliary God's Domain item.

"You install it on the back of the god statue in the Temple of Goodbye God's Domain.

"All the races in God's Domain can learn one skill - Angel Wings!

"After the God Realm race has activated this skill, they can use the divine power in their bodies to form a pair of angel wings on their backs."

"Then free to fly in the sky. 39

"Also, the skill of Angel Wings consumes very little divine power. 39

"Even if the gods are promoted to the fairyland, they can fly by themselves.

"Using this skill can still greatly reduce the consumption of divine power by flying."

"You, Lord of the God's Domain, can also use this skill to fly. 35

"When the time comes, the two of us will fly together in the sky, how romantic it will be...

Keisha looked forward to it.

Just like an ordinary little girl.

It can be seen that a woman truly loves a man.

No matter how strong and domineering she is, she will become a little woman.

If she doesn't change, it only proves that she doesn't love you enough.

Zhou Fangyu doesn't have much feelings for the romance of "Flying Together".

After listening to the function of the baby "Angel Wings".

He just felt overjoyed.

This treasure enhances Zhou Fangyu's realm strength and realm.

Maybe not much help.

But the improvement in his combat effectiveness was immediate.

General gods race.

Only after being promoted to the fairyland can you fly freely.

The demon race that can fly in the Immortal Martial Realm is very rare.

But with the treasure of "Angel Wings".

More than 20 million players on Earth will immediately change from "Army" to "Air Force"


This is when fighting against the Dominion races of other young arrogant gods.

It will be a huge advantage.

Because most of the arrogant gods are only the first-level gods who have just entered the realm of gods.

Their God Realm racial strength, the highest is Gaowu Great Perfection or Gaowu Peak.

It's a long way from the fairyland of people who can fly.

Once Zhou Fangyu's God Realm race, all can fly.

It will have an overwhelming advantage in the face of those gods that cannot fly.

More perfect.

After installing this angel wing.

Zhou Fangyu can also use the Angel Wings skill and fly freely.

This made him never want to reveal that he was a middle-class god.

Finally, I can fly freely in front of other gods.

It can be said that this "Angel Wing" is Zhou Fangyu's "Timely Rain"


Keisha looked at Zhou Fangyu with excitement and joy on his face.

I thought this guy was the same as me.

Looking forward to the scene where the two of them "fly together" together.

a time.

The way she looked at Zhou Fangyu became more gentle and sweet.

"Fang Yu, look at this last treasure.

"It is also the most precious and powerful among these three treasures.

Keisha picked up the last piece.

A treasure with the exact same shape as a piece of white feather.

He smiled and introduced to Zhou Fangyu:

"Blessings of the God of Light!"

"Your Majesty the God of Light, only one item will be blessed every ten thousand years.""

"Blessed items will become powerful Dominion items.

"In the nearly 500,000-year history of our angel family, Yu has only received eleven blessings from the God of Light.""

"This piece of 'Blessing of the God of Light' has a very powerful function."

"When you put it next to a godhead, it can increase the speed of racial reproduction across the gods.""

"At the same time, it can double the output of all God's Domain resources.""

"It can also increase the cultivation speed of the God's Domain race by 10%.

Speaking of this, Keisha said shyly:

"You also know that the races in the gods and gods are often because of their strength."

"So no matter how hard you try, the rate of reproduction is very slow.

"With this blessing from the God of Light, your God Realm race can greatly increase the fertility rate.

"Originally a race of the gods that could only breed 100 newborns a year. 35

"With the help of this treasure, 1,000 babies can be born a year.

"The reproductive rate has increased tenfold.

Zhou Fangyu heard this and immediately grabbed the treasure.

Today, the biggest problem in Zhou Fangyu's divine domain.

There are too many players on Earth.

The number of races in the Innate God Realm is too small.

Even in the future, Zhou Fangyu's teleportation system can be linked to other planes.

Flickering races from other planes, entering his realm and becoming his new leek.

But the innate race of God's Domain, as a race that will never betray.

still very crucial.

But the birth rate of the demon clan is frighteningly low.

Only one or two thousand new demon clans can be added every year.

At such a speed, can the group grow in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?!

And the dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns that may be born later.

They are all races with very strong individual strength, but extremely low reproductive ability.

By the time.

The problem is that the population is too small.

After the birth of these three races, it is estimated that the same cannot be solved.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu has always wanted to find a way to improve the innate races such as the demon race and increase the breeding rate of the race.

Unfortunately, it has never been found.

But who would have thought.

This time I came to Shenyun Island and solved a case casually.

He found a treasure that could increase the breeding rate of the God's Domain race.

This made Zhou Fangyu overjoyed.

He directly sent this "Blessing of the God of Light" into his own domain.

Then, he couldn't wait to use Divine Sense.

It was placed next to the Honghuang Godhead in the Shenzhou City Temple.

At the same time, Zhou Fangyu did not forget to reincarnate Brightwing and Angel into the pool.

(bbdj) together in the corresponding position in the temple.

After the three treasures are placed.

High-end dolls of Shenzhou City and Fengdu City.

Under the order of Zhou Fangyu's divine sense, he informed the players of all God's Domain about the Bright Wings skill.

Also, a day after the announcement.

Among the players, a group of players who madly worship and believe in the Lord of God's Domain will be selected.

Reincarnated as a hidden race - the angel family!!

These two announcements have been issued.

Immediately caused a sensation of more than 20 million players on the earth.

And what they don't know is.

at the same time.

The number of demon clans in God's Domain, little demons and big demons in love suddenly skyrocketed.

On the holy mountain of the demon clan.

For a time, love has become a river!

I believe that a large number of little demons will be born soon.

Zhou Fangyu placed all three treasures in his own divine domain.

Afterwards, I watched the Yaozu's shy live show again.

Only then did he satisfactorily pull out the divine sense from the divine domain.

But what he didn't expect was.

When he opened his eyes, he was startled by the sight in front of him.

In front of him, at this time, there was an incomparably delicate and beautiful face.

At this moment, Zhou Fangyu felt that it became difficult for him to breathe.

He said in a trembling voice:

"Well, Keisha, it's getting late. Otherwise, you'd better go back to your yard to rest...

Zhou Fangyu didn't know what was going on, as if his brain had been hammered.

He said something that made him regret and felt that he was inferior to a beast.

But although Keisha is shy, she is still the domineering and powerful goddess.

She didn't hesitate.

Directly turn off the lights in the room with divine power.

Then, taking advantage of the moonlight, I hugged Zhou Fangyu...

in the courtyard.

Under the moonlight.

Soon the beautiful "tune" of "no one sleeps tonight" sounded!

The next morning.

Zhou Fangyu was awakened from his sleep by a ray of sunshine.

He felt as if he had a dream last night.

In the past and present, there has never been such a comfortable night.

"Fang Yu, are you awake?!"

"Get up and wash up. I made you breakfast!"

Kaisha's soft voice startled Zhou Fangyu.

It took him half a day to respond.

It turned out that last night was not a dream.

Zhou Fangyu was a little embarrassed, but also a little complacent.

After getting out of bed.

When I got to the bathroom, I found out.

Warm water for washing your face, toothpaste for brushing your teeth, toothbrush, toothbrush.

It was already prepared by Keisha.

Such meticulous care.

Let Zhou Fangyu, who has never been alone, feel the warmth of home.

But at this time, Wang Haiyan flashed in Zhou Fangyu's mind.

How could he not know that innocent young girl's affection for him.

But now that she has Keisha, how should she face Wang Haiyan's feelings?

Tangled for less than three seconds.

Zhou Fangyu suddenly laughed.

He actually forgot that he was not on Earth at this time.

but the world of gods.

There is no law of monogamy in this world.

as long as you are strong enough.

The gods had hundreds or thousands of wives.

Nor is it an oddity.

Of course, superb goddesses like Keisha and Wang Haiyan.

I want to have them both.

In addition to needing great strength.

It also needs a strong godhead charm, and outstanding talent.

Zhou Fangyu, who is backed by the entire earth civilization, is also true in this regard.

Think about this.

Zhou Fangyu only felt refreshed.

After washing up.

He went to the table outside and sat down.

Keisha didn't let the servants do it, and made a breakfast for Zhou Fangyu herself.

Zhou Fangyu tasted the Western-style breakfast made by Keisha.

Don't say it, it's really good.

Although it is not a delicacy, Zhou Fangyu is very comfortable to eat.

that's it.

The two are like newlyweds

He and Mimi finished breakfast.

Keisha has to leave the palace to complete some work because she has to preside over this expedition.

Before she left, she kissed Zhou Fangyu reluctantly.

"Fang Yu, I'm going out to work. The island has been chaotic recently, so don't leave the palace casually.

"You can take advantage of this time. Find a way to increase the strength of the Divine Realm race this week. 99

"Staying in the room like this will not be boring!"

Kaisha, like a careful little daughter-in-law, gave Zhou Fangyu a few words.

This is the farewell to leave.

Zhou Fangyu looked at her back in the sky.

For a while, it felt like a dream.

After a long time.

He smiled and shook his head.

Humming a song, he went back to the room.

Just like Kesha said.

Zhou Fangyu doesn't have time to wander around Shenyun Island these days.

He must prepare for the adventure that is about to begin.

And since the number of players on Earth in God's Domain has skyrocketed to 20 million.

Zhou Fangyu has not been in the realm of the gods, observing the situation of these new players.

They did not guide these players well to improve their strength to the Immortal Martial Realm as soon as possible.

Lay a solid foundation for future promotion to Wonderland.

more importantly.

On the other side of the earth, a competition is in full swing in the past few days - the global infrastructure construction competition.

Whether the honorary title of Huaxia Infrastructure Crazy Demon can be maintained.

When will other countries' plans to build floating cities and floating warships begin?

These issues are all that Zhou Fangyu is very concerned about and attaches great importance to now.

thought here.

Zhou Fangyu's thoughts changed, and he entered his own realm in an instant.

Afterwards, he covered his divine sense over the entire divine domain.

Also check out the 20 million players on Earth in Dominion.

Want to take a look.

What are they doing right now?

What level has the overall strength improved to?

But just as Zhou Fangyu's divine sense swept across the East China Sea, a monster lair.

A group of crazy sand sculpture players, the ongoing crazy sand sculpture behavior.

I was dumbfounded by Zhou Fangyu!

He looked at these sand sculpture players in dismay and muttered to himself:

"Damn it! These sand sculpture players have really taken sand sculpture to a new level."

"I'm going to kneel down for them!!!"

"How on earth did they think that "God's Domain" can still be played like this?!

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