In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 152: The Lost God Realm expedition will be cancelled?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

"Congratulations, host, the angel reincarnation pool in your God's Domain has changed.

"This mad believer has been transformed into a prehistoric race - the female clan.

"The female scorpion is a powerful race in ancient legends, possessing incomparably terrifying supernatural powers, as well as great potential and talent.""

The system beep ends here.

Zhou Fangyu was stunned when he heard the word "Nu".

His divine sense circled around the female player who had just been transformed.

It turns out that she is completely different from an angel.

The blue-red fire wings behind him, the terrifying flames in his eyes, and the incomparably hot aura on his body.

All represent the terror and powerful force of drought.

"Could this be the daughter of the legendary Yellow Emperor - the female scorpion?!

Zhou Fangyu muttered to himself in disbelief.

Although some can't believe it, such a terrifying mutation would have occurred in the Angel's Reincarnation Pond in his own God's Domain.

But thinking of the prehistoric God Realm, which is full of innate spiritual energy, the strongest energy when the prehistoric world was born.

The female scorpion, a legendary race in the wild, appeared.

It's not weird anymore.

The female scorpion is the god of drought in the legend of the Great Desolation, and her identity is the goddess of heaven.

According to legend, she was originally the daughter of the Yellow Emperor.

Once Chiyou raised an army to attack the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor ordered Yinglong to attack Jizhou.

Chi You invited Feng Bo Yu Shi to deal with the Yinglong troops with strong winds and torrential rain.

So, the Yellow Emperor ordered the female scorpion to help in the battle.

The maiden created a drought that stretched thousands of miles and successfully prevented the heavy rain.

In the end, he helped the Yellow Emperor win the war.

The drought and zombies of later generations are all descendants of the female scorpion.

According to legend, female scorpions are born with the ability to control droughts.

She is able to drain water from all substances.

Let all living things dry up and die.

The powerful female clan can even create a great drought that spans thousands of miles.

If this is now a female player who has been transformed into a female clan.

It is really a female scorpion in ancient legends.

Then she should have similar abilities.

Zhou Fangyu immediately opened his god panel.

In the column that controls the power of the law.

Sure enough, he saw that among the laws he had mastered, there was a law of "power of drought", and the source was the female clan.

Power of Drought: Consuming a lot of divine power, it can completely drain the water inside all substances within a certain range.

The power of this law seems to be nothing.

Only the water in the substance can be extracted.

But if you think about it carefully, you will know the horror of this ability.

Water is the material basis of all life.

Without water, all living things would die.

Moreover, many seemingly hard and tough objects also have a lot of moisture inside.

If the moisture in these objects is removed instantly.

These objects also become brittle like grains of sand and disintegrate when touched.

More importantly 11.

After this mutation, all the female clans that will be reincarnated in the Reincarnation Pond in the future.

All will have this terrifying power.

Moreover, their strength will be directly upgraded to the middle level of the fairyland.

It is not the first-level fairyland of ordinary angels.

Ordinary gods races want to upgrade from the elementary level of the human fairyland to the middle level of the human fairyland.

The shortest time is more than 10 years.

Now, but a mutation.

It saves 10 years of upgrade time for these reincarnated earth players.

The deal is simply too good.

In short, Zhou Fangyu had an idea in his heart at this moment.

Innate Reiki Niu·Force!

Chaos is awesome!

at this time.

The first female player to accept the transformation.

By this time he had woken up.

She waved the fire wings on her back subconsciously, and flew out of the reincarnation pool with great grace.

"Didn't I be reincarnated as an angel? Why does the energy in my body do not feel like the power of light, but an incomparably terrifying and powerful power?

The female player muttered to herself.

Zhou Fangyu instantly heard the female player's question.

He thought for a while, and attached his spiritual thoughts to the statues in the temple.

Then, in the entire temple, an incomparably majestic, grand, and supreme voice sounded:

"Player Alice, after the transformation of my divine power, the Angel's Reincarnation Pool has been transformed into a female transformation pool. From then on, in my God's Domain, there are no angels, only the female family. 39

"You are the first woman in the prehistoric God's Domain, I have given you the position of commander-in-chief, and you can manage all the women and drought (male) in the God's Domain for me!

After Zhou Fangyu's voice sounded.

This female player who believes in and worships the dominion of God's Domain.

She burst into tears in an instant, her face full of excitement and reverence.

She landed on the ground, immediately fell to the ground, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the statue:

"The supreme ruler of God's Domain, thank you for your gift to me, I would like to dedicate all of myself, and even my soul, to you!

"I will rule over all the women and men in the realm of the gods, and serve the Lord Master for the rest of my life!

"Only the life of the master is from!!""

Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense moved slightly at this time.

I only felt that a transparent spiritual body suddenly flew out of the female player's body in front of me and merged into my idol.

Afterwards, all the inner thoughts, all emotional thoughts of the female player.

All were clearly seen by Zhou Fangyu.

Even if Zhou Fangyu wants to, he can control the thoughts and actions of the female player at will.

This sudden situation caused Zhou Fangyu's spirit to move slightly.

"Is this the saint of Western Empire legend?

Zhou Fangyu thought to himself.

Saints are more loyal and mad believers than mad believers.

Although in the realm of the gods, the life and death, honor, disgrace, and fate of the race in the realm of the gods can all be decided between the thoughts of the gods.

It seems to be completely controlled by the gods.

But in fact, most of the God Realm races still have their own souls, their own emotions, their own thoughts and feelings.

The gods have no direct control over these things.

Only the saints are the race of the gods whose gods can control everything.

Saints have almost no secrets to the gods.

Fully accept the control and manipulation of the gods.

It can be said.

It is even more loyal and crazy than the common Innate God Realm races and mad believers.

Zhou Fangyu did not expect that he was a god of the Eastern Empire.

One day he will even have his own saint.

It seems that although the earth players have complicated minds, there are many people.

But there are also people who are extremely simple and truly believe in themselves.

Think of this.

Zhou Fangyu's mind moved.

"Alice, I read your sincere heart to me. I now give you the honorary title of a saint of the gods, and at the same time reward you with the power of the priesthood to control the female and dry tribes. 39

An incomparably grand voice resounded in the temple again.

Then, a terrifying power appeared in the temple.

Zhou Fangyu mobilized 200,000 divine crystals, passed through the core of the divine domain, and transformed them into innate spiritual energy.

Directly injected into Alice's body.

Then, in the center of Alice's forehead, a black mark representing the Godhead of the Great Wilderness appeared.

Then, after passing through the mutated female reincarnation pool, a powerful force suddenly erupted.

This power linked Alice and the Reincarnation Pond.

From then on, every reincarnated scorpion and female scorpion will accept Alice's leadership.

Otherwise, Alice can block the power of drought in her body.

make it miserable.

Alice immediately bowed her head again.

"Thank you Lord Lord for the reward, I will give everything to return the kindness of Lord Lord!

Zhou Fangyu felt Alice's inner thoughts.

I felt Alice's incomparable admiration, dependence, belief and gratitude for herself.

At the same time, there is a touch of love...


Zhou Fangyu glanced at the incomparably beautiful and hot Alice.

Quickly withdraw the spiritual sense, and stop feeling the other party's thoughts.

I'm afraid that if I feel it any longer, I won't be able to brake.

"Alice, wait in the temple for a while, and after all 7,100 mad believers are reincarnated as savages and female savages, then lead them to wait in the square in front of the temple."

"I have a task for you. 35

Alice responded immediately:

"Follow the will of the Lord!

Zhou Fangyu nodded with satisfaction, his spiritual sense left the temple and returned to his own soul.

Look at the time.

At this time, nearly 7 days have passed in the main world.

The time until the Lost Gods Domain expedition starts.

Less than 2 hours left.

Zhou Fangyu was able to stay in the God's Domain for less than a day.

He thought for a moment.

This Lost Gods Domain expedition, although different from the last high school league.

Not a full live broadcast.

But because of the large number of young gods in the Eastern and Western empires involved.

And the gods of the outside world can also pass some special magical powers.

Watch what's happening in Lost Domain in real time.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu still does not plan to be in this event.

Show your full strength.

after all.

A sub-god-level deity.

If it is discovered, there will be millions, or even tens of millions of divine races.

It is likely to cause a sensation in the entire gods world.

Countless powerful true gods, even gods.

Everyone will be curious and coveted why Zhou Fangyu's domain is so magical.

He even forced him to tell why he had a large number of the secrets of the Divine Realm race.

Therefore, unless it is your life and death, you will never reveal your secret battle of gods.

Otherwise, Zhou Fangyu would never show his full strength.

Want to understand this.

Zhou Fangyu already has a specific plan for which God's Domain races he should lead to participate in this Lost God's Domain expedition.

The first selected race of the God Realm is naturally the newly transformed female scorpion and dry scorpion.

Although these female scorpions and drought scorpions are all earth players.

But they are all mad believers of Zhou Fangyu, and they all worship and believe in him.

Obey him!

And, after they have been transformed.

The strength has all exploded to the middle level of the fairyland.

There are more than 7100 people in the fairyland middle-level god domain race.

This is many low-level true gods, and it is impossible for them to have such terrifying power.

Not to mention the young gods who have just entered the realm of gods and the arrogant gods in the realm of children.

It can be said.

If you are not besieged by other Tianjiao, you will fight one-on-one.

Zhou Fangyu only needed to lead these 7100 female and drought scorpions.

You can swept the Eastern and Western empires, all the young gods and gods who participated in this event.

Unfortunately, at this event.

Zhou Fangyu wants to fight one-on-one with other gods.

Not at all.

Whether it is the arrogance of the Eastern Empire, or the arrogance of the Western Empire.

There are good reasons to envy and hate Zhou Fangyu.


The benefits that can be obtained in this Lost God Domain event are too great.

Three hundred nine-clawed golden dragons and more than four thousand five-clawed dragons.

For any god, it is a very terrifying force.

Once these golden dragons and divine dragons can be domesticated into their own divine race.

In an instant, you can improve your own God's Domain strength by a few small realms.

More importantly.

The future development potential of Jinlong and Shenlong is scary.

Folding more than 30,000 five-clawed dragons with a fierce knife can make him a high-level god.

Fight with the incomparably powerful God of Endlessness and God of Eternity.

If you have a more powerful nine-clawed golden dragon.

After becoming a god in the future, how terrifying the fighting power will be.

This is what any genius can imagine.

Therefore, every genius who participated in this event.

All want to get all the golden dragons and dragons.

There is no arrogance.

Willing to share these powerful dragons with other young gods.

Zhou Fangyu naturally thought so too.

He also will not let go of any dragon and golden dragon in this event.

In his opinion.

All the dragons in the Lost God Domain this time are his private property.

This is also doomed!

In this expedition, Zhou Fangyu must face it.

Dozens, even hundreds of siege from the arrogance of the eastern and western empires.

And these geniuses, but in the world of gods, the gods under the age of 20.

The top and most powerful group of young gods.

Their strength is not the arrogance of a small remote city like Wuweilie.


If Zhou Fangyu underestimated the ability of these geniuses.

Likely to capsize in the gutter.

Think about this.

Zhou Fangyu didn't dare to care.

Tell Alice.

Let her organize 7,100 female scorpions and scorpions to wait in the square in front of the temple.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangyu's spiritual sense instantly came to the holy mountain of the demon clan.

He carefully checked the current strength of the demon clan.

20 months have passed.

Taiyi, Di Jun, Chang Xi, Xi and the four leaders of the demon clan.

At this time, they have already broken through to the first stage of Human Wonderland.

It is estimated that he will soon be able to cultivate to the intermediate level of the fairyland.

The strength of other demon clans is not weak either.

All the big demons are the Great Perfection of the Immortal Martial Realm.

The little demons also have the level of the peak of the Immortal Martial Realm.

What makes Zhou Fangyu even more satisfied is that.

Because in his domain, there is now the blessing of the God of Light.

The birth rate of the Innate God Realm race skyrocketed.

After 20 months.

At this time, the monster clan used to have only a rare number of four or five thousand.

It has skyrocketed to a huge number of more than 12,000 demon clans.

More than doubled.

This makes Zhou Fangyu, who has always been worried that the number of innate races in God's Domain is too small.

Very excited and excited.

The blessing of the God of Light is indeed the treasure of the angel family.

In a few years, it is estimated that the number of demon clan will reach 100,000.

This is for Zhou Fangyu's strength improvement and the development of God's Domain.

will play a vital role.

"Di Jun and Taiyi, immediately lead all the demon clan to gather in the square in front of the Shenzhou City Temple. I have a task for you!

After checking the strength of the demon clan.

Zhou Fangyu immediately commanded the Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor with an incomparably majestic and grand voice of heaven and earth.

After Di Jun and Tai Yi heard this familiar voice.

The two demons immediately knelt down and said:

"Follow the will of the Father!"

Afterwards, the two demons immediately summoned more than 12,000 demon clans to gather.


Zhou Fangyu also saw his first faithful believer, the little diamond wind.

In less than half an hour, the entire demon clan assembled.

Under the leadership of Di Jun and Taiyi, they rushed to the square in front of the Shenzhou City Temple.

And there are more than 7,100 female orchids.

At this time, under the leadership of Alice, they all gathered in the square.

Waiting for the order of Zhou Fangyu, the ruler of the divine domain.

There are 12,000 demon clans, plus 7,100 female clans (dry clans).

These 19,000 gods races.

It is Zhou Fangyu's main force in this expedition.

Looking at this terrifying army of the God's Domain race.

Zhou Fangyu was full of pride and smugness in his heart.

I can't wait to enter the Lost God Realm immediately and have a big fight with other geniuses.

But just when he could only leave God's Domain.

When going on an adventure.

In the square, there were 600 ordinary players from the female and demon clan watching.

caught his attention.

Zhou Fangyu thought for a while.

Ordinary Earth players are also important.

most of the time.

Compared to obedient fanatics and demons.

Ordinary players are more flexible and open-minded.

The behaviors they make are often more effective than normal methods.

Maybe, after encountering any difficulties in the activity.

The female clan and the demon clan cannot solve it.

But these players can play a key role.

Moreover, Zhou Fangyu's army of God's Domain now only has more than 19,000.

It is better to select the top 1000 top players in the current God's Domain.

Just enough to gather 20,000 God's Domain troops to participate in this adventure together.

Of course, making announcements and organizing the work of ordinary players.

Zhou Fangyu didn't have to intervene for a long time.

He only needs to use his spiritual sense to give the high-level puppet an order.

A high-end doll who is already familiar with the road.

Soon there will be a new instance of the dungeon - the Lost Gods expedition.

Announced to all players in All God's Domain.

Then, less than half an hour.

The top 1000 ordinary players in the power rankings.

All gathered in the square.

Old acquaintances Feng·hua·xue·yue, rose thorns, twitter masters, old bridge and others are all here.

Many rookie players came to the fore and also obtained the qualifications to participate in this event.

Zhou Fangyu nodded with satisfaction.

These Earth players have experienced events that almost broke out in the Third World War.

Today's attitude towards God's Domain has all undergone great changes.

But at the same time not much has changed.

Many people still regard God's Domain as a game.

It's just a game of hard work and struggle for a lifetime.

What Zhou Fangyu wants is this kind of leek...

Ahem, no, it should be, this is what Zhou Fangyu needs.

In short.

See the 20,000 Dominion races participating in this expedition.

All assembled in place on the square.

Zhou Fangyu finally left God's Domain with confidence.

Back to the world of gods.

This time I slept in God's Domain for 20 months.

Suddenly returning to the main world, Zhou Fangyu was still in a trance for a while.

Don't wait for him to recover.

His door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

The maid who had led him twice before rushed in.

After seeing Zhou Fangyu, the maid hurriedly said:

"Lord Zhou Fangyu, you have finally come out of the realm of the gods!

"There is a big problem with the Lost Gods Domain expedition."

"Master Keisha has rushed to the scene to deal with it!"

"She asked me to wait for you here, and said that as soon as you came out of God's Domain, she would take you to the event site immediately.

Zhou Fangyu was shocked when he heard this.

"There's something wrong with the Lost Gods expedition? What's the problem?"

The maid shook her head and said:

"I can't tell, just listen to Lord Kaisha, if it doesn't work well. This expedition is likely to be cancelled by Lord Gabriel and Lord Sima Yun!!

Zhou Fangyu was completely anxious when he heard this.

He made so many preparations, and even the army of the God's Domain race that was going to participate in the event was ready.

Not just being prepared for this event.

Can you 100% successfully tame those dragons and golden dragons that make him drool!

If the event is cancelled.

His preparations were in vain.

The birth time of the dragon race in his domain will also become far away.

Zhou Fangyu couldn't accept this at all.

"Go, take me to the event site quickly!"

"I want to see, what is the serious problem?! 35

"To the point of cancelling the expedition?!

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