In the Age of Gods, My God Domain Is Full of Earth Players

Chapter 157: The Lost Domain is completely out of control?! 【Subscribe, please customize】\r

When the nine babies were dying.

An amazing final blow suddenly erupted!

If this blow was all on Zhou Fangyu, it would definitely kill him.

The average primary true god encountered the blow of Jiuying.

Neither can be resisted.

But Zhou Fangyu is no ordinary deity.

He just waved.

Both the demon clan and the scorpion clan exploded with astonishing energy within their bodies.

Converged into a powerful energy field.

Blocked Jiuying's last blow.

The final blow was weakened by nine layers, when it reached the front of Zhou Fangyu.

One hit becomes trivial.

At this time, human players do not forget to be courteous.

He quickly blocked in front of the God's Domain Master, and bursts of terrifying Terminator divine power erupted.

The attack of Jiuying was completely dissolved in the air.

Jiuying was already weak at this time.

It fell heavily from the air to the ground.

Such a powerful one!

Enough to easily kill any of the gods in this expedition!

The beast from ancient times - Jiuying!

In this way, he was tortured into a dog by Zhou Fangyu's 20,000 gods!

And in the hands of Zhou Fangyu.

In fact, there are more than 18 million earth players who have not used it.

It can be seen from this.

Just how terrifying his current strength is.

Zhou Fangyu saw that Jiuying had completely lost his fighting power.

He ordered his 20,000 gods to stop the "603" attack.

Flying alone to the sky above Jiuying.

Looking at the nine infants who were dying at this time.

Every head, every pair of eyes, is still trying to open it.

It looked deeply behind Zhou Fangyu.

20,000 Divine Realm races unconsciously exude a thin innate spiritual energy.

There was a lot of love and nostalgia in his eyes.

Zhou Fangyu saw an incomparably gentle warmth in his eyes.

This surprised him.

I did not expect such a legendary beast.

When he was about to die, there was no fierce light in his eyes, but he was so gentle.

"Jiu Ying, do you still remember the once prehistoric world, the familiar innate spiritual energy. Right?

Zhou Fangyu asked tentatively.

When Jiuying heard the word Honghuang, her eyes suddenly lit up.

He raised a huge head with difficulty and looked at Zhou Fangyu in the sky.


A faint chirping sounded.

Obviously not the gods world or any language on earth.

But Zhou Fangyu miraculously understood.

"Why do you know about Honghuang?"9

"I followed Huanglong Zhenren, wandering for hundreds of millions of years in this strange world of gods, but I have never met a god who knows the prehistoric world!"

"Why do you, such a young god, know this word?!""

Zhou Fangyu suddenly laughed when he heard this.

This nine babies is really extraordinary.

Sure enough, he was not an ordinary God's Domain race, but was brought out by Huanglong Zhenren from the flood of those years.

He has been by the side of Huanglong Zhenren, in the world of gods, and has lived to this day.

If this nine infants can surrender to Zhou Fangyu.

Then Zhou Fangyu can know how the real Huanglong came to the world of gods from the prehistoric times.

It is even better to know that many secrets of the gods' world.

This is for Zhou Fangyu.

It is more precious and important than acquiring thousands of dragons and golden dragons.

"Don't care how I know Honghuang!"

"I just ask you, are you willing to surrender to me?!

"If you are willing to surrender to me, I will save you and give you a chance to regain your innate aura.

Zhou Fangyu stood tall, looking at Jiuying and asked.

Jiuying smiled miserably and said:

"Little kid, you're not even 20 years old, and you want me, Jiuying, to surrender to you?!"

Zhou Fangyu laughed:

"Although my age is young, it can allow you to return to the environment of the 'prehistoric' and absorb the unique innate spiritual energy of the prehistoric!

"More importantly, I can keep you alive and return to your peak strength."

"The gods of other god worlds can't do this!"

When Jiuying heard this, her heart moved.

Feel the power of life that is constantly disappearing in your body.

Recalling the years and memories in the flood and desolation countless years ago.

In the end, this incomparably powerful and terrifying beast laid its head on Zhou Fangyu.

"Well, young god, from now on I will serve you as Lord.

"I swear in the name of Honghuang Tiandao that I will never betray you for the rest of my life!

When Jiuying's oath sounded.

Zhou Fangyu's Prehistoric Realm trembled slightly.

Then, an incomparably mysterious and grand atmosphere.

Falling out of an inexplicable space.

This breath closely linked Jiuying and Zhou Fangyu's prehistoric realm.

Zhou Fangyu can clearly feel it.

The life and death of Jiu Ying was even in his thoughts now.

He really subdued Jiuying completely.

At this time, Jiuying's reaction was even more intense.

"Impossible, just now I actually felt the breath of the prehistoric heaven.""

"how can that be?"

"Isn't the flood completely shattered and disappeared?

"How could the Great Desolate Heaven still exist?"

Because Jiuying's body suffered heavy damage.

At this moment, its sudden violent mood swings made him faint.

Zhou Fangyu sees this situation.

He quickly took out the divine domain race domesticator that Gabriel gave him.

Although, Jiuying has completely surrendered to him.

He can also control the life and death of Jiuying.

But it was the Great Desolate Heaven that appeared suddenly and inexplicably.

Linked him to Jiuying.

Rather than the divine domain law of the gods world.

Therefore, Zhou Fangyu wanted Jiuying to become his divine race.

It is also necessary to use a domesticator to completely link Jiuying's soul with his divine domain.

This time the domestication went very smoothly.

Because Jiuying has no resistance at all.

And he has already surrendered to Zhou Fangyu.

Therefore, after Zhou Fangyu turned on the domesticator.

Jiuying's soul was soon linked with his core of the Great Desolate God's Domain.


Zhou Fangyu took the unconscious Jiuying into his own domain.

Then, he placed him in a deep valley in God's Domain.

At the same time, a large amount of innate spiritual energy was mobilized to fill this deep valley.

Soon, Jiu Ying's body began to automatically absorb the extremely familiar innate spiritual energy.

At the same time, those terrifying wounds began to recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhou Fangyu sees this situation.

Know that Jiuying will not die.

But I don't know how long it will take to fully recover and wake up.

Although Zhou Fangyu was in a hurry, he wanted to ask how the real Huanglong died from the flood to the world of gods from Jiuying's mouth.

I want to ask Jiuying more.

The mysterious power that just suddenly appeared, the power that is suspected to be the prehistoric and heavenly Dao that binds them closely together.

How did it come about?!

But at this time, Jiuying fell into a coma completely.

Zhou Fangyu can only put aside these problems temporarily.

Continue to complete your own Lost Gods expedition.

It is estimated that in a short while, Jiuying will be able to wake up.

At that time, all the questions Zhou Fangyu wanted to know should be answered.

leave your own realm.

Zhou Fangyu reclaimed 20,000 races from the God Realm back into the God Realm.

After all, exploring the Lost Gods Realm.

You can't always bring more than 20,000 God Realm races with you.

That's too flamboyant and eye-catching.

It is easy to be besieged by other heavenly gods.

Or being attacked by some dragon monsters still alive in the Lost God's Domain..


Zhou Fangyu still left behind Alice, Taiyi, Dijun, Feng·hua·xue·yue, rose with thorns, Twitter master, Laoqiao, Xiaodiaofeng and more than a dozen of the most powerful races of the gods.

Guard by your side.

In this way, it can maintain a certain deterrent force and avoid being suddenly attacked.

Not too conspicuous, so as not to be easily spotted by other gods and dragon monsters.

"Next, my main goal is to conquer those golden dragons and divine dragons."

"If possible, it's best to find the remnant of Huanglong Zhenren as well.

"I believe that with the help of Jiuying, the remnant soul of Huanglong Zhenren will definitely be subdued by me, allowing me to gain control of the entire Lost God Realm.

"By that time, this expedition to the Lost God's Domain will really make my strength skyrocket!

Zhou Fangyu made a plan for his next adventure.

Getting ready to leave.

A large group of young arrogant gods of the Eastern Empire suddenly flew from afar.

The leader was the arrogance of the imperial capital—Wu Junhou.

This group of arrogance is coming.

It is estimated that he was attracted by the energy fluctuations that Zhou Fangyu and Jiuying had just fought.

Zhou Fangyu flew into the air, trying to avoid these geniuses.

But unexpectedly, Wu Junhou recognized him from a distance.

"Hahahaha, isn't this Nanyue Tianjiao who has been in the limelight recently - Zhou Fangyu?!

"Why do you turn around and run away when you see our compatriots in the Eastern Empire!"

Wu Junhou's voice came from far away.

Hearing this, Zhou Fangyu did not leave.

He knew that he would meet these guys sooner or later.

Now dodge it, and when you encounter it later, it will still be troublesome.

Might as well see what tricks these guys are going to play now.

Find the opportunity to completely solve them.

So as not to fight against the arrogant gods of the Western Empire in the future.

Or when conquering Jinlong and Shenlong.

Backstabbed by these guys.

"Wu Junhou, if you have something to say, just let it go. I'm too lazy to talk to you.

Zhou Fangyu looked at Wu Junhou who soon came to him.

He shouted unceremoniously.

He had already seen Wu Junhou's attitude towards him.

Therefore, he did not want to leave hidden dangers for himself, and deliberately wanted to anger Wu Junhou.

Let the opponent go first.

You can also give yourself a "justifiable defense" excuse.

But what Zhou Fangyu didn't expect was.

Wu Junhou just smiled coldly, but 3.9 didn't have any intention of retaliating and taking action.

Just when Zhou Fangyu was weird.

Wu Junhou suddenly opened his own divine domain and released a strange divine domain race.

This God Realm race looks very weak and feels powerless.

At this moment, Wu Junhou said:

"Zhou Fangyu, I know why you are so arrogant."

"It's just that the host of the event is backed by Keisha, knowing that she can save you at any time."

"But you probably didn't expect it."

"I'm so lucky, I just entered the Lost God's Domain.

"I encountered a kind of divine race unique to Huanglong Zhenren in the legend. 39

"Furthermore, this God Realm race was successfully conquered by me!

"With it, I see how Keisha can save you!"

Speaking of which, the God Realm race that Wu Junhou released.

Suddenly, an earth-shaking change took place.

Zhou Fangyu saw the changed form of this God's Domain race.


Wu Junhou actually got this ancient legendary beast.

The luck of this guy is really bursting.

With the help of this beast.

This Lost Gods expedition.

It looks like it's really going to get out of control.

into a very dangerous and terrifying,

There may be a colosseum of bloody slaughter all the time.

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